Hey just recently watched the vice documentary is this how your normally act? just spending all day on the computer seriously you guys should get out and experience life. Listen man i was just like you i spent alot of time inside but lately ive been doing better and getting girls. If you need any help just reply to this thread and ill help you to my best ability you dont have to hate women or kill yourself bro there's so much more to life.
Hey just recently watched the vice documentary is this how your normally act...
How can I originally be myself?
i don't want to do anything
what's the point
Women are sluts. Life is shit. We're all going to die anyway. Abortion is the only solution to human suffering.
this isnt reddit sage
I'm just a mega introvert, I don't talk to people I don't think I've ever had a proper conversation with a woman ever, I've isolated my self from the friends that I had from school there is no hope of fixing me.
This a board for Robots not Incels fucktard.
I'm an incel, although not resentful of women or anything.
I just like being alone and this is the best way to get what I want from life.
Actually I guess that makes me a volcel.
Anyway, most incels are actually good people at heart... just misunderstood.
Somewhat similar situation here although it depends on what you mean by this;
>Ive isolated my self from the friends that I had from school there is no hope of fixing me.
If you just stopped talking to them, like I did, then that is a simple fix. Just find a way to contact them. Most people arent so hostile and are happy to have catch ups.
>hey dudebro just chillbro just le improve urself man it's easy just talk to gurls n shiet amirite.
I'm mentally ill and considered 65% disabled, leave me alone and let me suffer I just don't want to kill anyone so leave me alone..
They tried contacting me a few times but I didn't answer now I regret it and I'm to much of a pussy to try contact them my self.
i'm in a 3rd world muslim military dictatorship where the average wage is much less than $1.00/hr, inciting, or intention to incite insulting islam "public disturbance", debauchery, and "moral indecency" is illegal and in certain cases is punishable by death, there are 300,000+ women in the 14-25 age bracket missing from the population, and the rest are all locked indoors and closely stalked, survived and monitored by their parents, immediate and distant family members and relatives. 97% of women born around 2000 are genitally mutilated, 95% around 2005, and 91% around 2014, the 3% who aren't, are usually a part of the liberal elite or upper middle class, which live in secluded gated compounds or outside the country
the suicide rate is so high the military dictatorship forcibly shut down further release of all the country's suicide statistics, unsurprisingly, mental illness is viewed as demonic possession treatable via exorcism which usually involves severe beatings, leaving the majority of the population with severe deep seated undiagnosed mental illnesses and learning disabilities of varying severities, never talked about, the average IQ is also borderline moronic
anything related to women, let alone sex is a taboo topic, and western and oriental philosophy as a whole is shunned upon, leaving the only interpretation of life from the quran
the traditional, and most commonly expected progression of a young teen / man's life, is to work 14 hours a day everyday for 15 years, saving up all money made in cash, marry his obese genitally mutilated 1st-3rd cousin, or if he's lucky, his father's best friend's obese genitally mutilated daughter via arranged marriage, spend a quarter of it on a massive wedding ceremony, a quarter to the relatives of the person whom you marry, and half on a ghetto 2 bedroom 850sqft concrete shack house decorated with unmatching bright fluorescent neon colors and fluorescent lights and have at the very minimum 2 children
so help me, "bro"
isnt that the same thing? i think so
Yeah I was in the same spot a while ago and just thought fuck it. Had nothing to lose by just asking if one of them wanted to meet up or something. I ask every now and then. Sometimes it works out, sometimes they have got their own shit going on so it doesnt. Either way i figured out it cant hurt to ask, although I have been in the situation where I have been that afraid to contact them.
I dont really know how to convince you though.
You can be a mega introvert and get girls. Just be good looking.
Which country though
Islam is a cancer on humanity
not gonna say exactly, but a 3rd world muslim military dictatorship shithole where it's illegal to get laid
You seem too literate for a man in your position.
Seems to me it's better to be illegally homeless in a first world country, why won't you escape?
indeed originaengorginally
a documnetary about incels, damn why cant people just leave us alone,first they shunned us from society, left us aside, and now they point at us and look at us like animals in a zoo, people is the worst, normalfags think they are so good natured,i fucking hate everyone
Presuming this is a normie and this isn't extra subtle bait.
You believe your narrative of how you were once a loner who is now getting girls makes us go "gee, I've got to listen to this guy", wrong. It makes us take you less seriously. You believe you've been where we are when you have not, and you trivalize how much effort it takes to fix our problems. You clearly don't understand the culture around here or this board beyond a surface level. Jow Forums does not hate women, they merely dislike them. They hate the nature of the world, the nature of society, and themselves.
You want to help? Lurkmoar. Go from thread to thread and help people with individual problems they bring up. Give sound advice and they may listen to you. Don't prattle on about your fucking backstory nobody cares about that only reveals how unlike the people here you are.
Being a really attractive introvert is very rare since people treat you differently because you're an attractive man.
I agree with a lot of what incels have to say eventhough I'm not one and I wish to God they could find a spokesperson that wasnt such an awkward fucking cringe lord autist.
Though I guess that's why they're incels in the first place
look at those skinny legs lol
he is a girl
It sounds like one of the stans or Africa, maybe Yemen but I'm sure they get paid more
>Happy/okay with never getting laid
>NEET but doesn't care about getting job
>doesn't care about roasties
>anyone can be a bot
>Like Elliot due to how batshit he was
>blames the world for not getting a GF/BF, a fair amount want laws just to get laid(i.e government mandated GFs)
>about to snap
>bitches about women but still wants a GF
>believe women/blacks/gays can't be incels
>Like Elliot because they think he was in the right
I might give it a try but I'll probably pussy out.
i thought you guys would always complain about not having a girlfriend bro, i seen this board on the incel documentary that was posted in inceltears so i came here, i know whats up bro i was just like you guys untill i started to work on myself
>a member of the incel community
>incel community
>this is now a thing
2018 was a mistake.
we should be legally allowed to rape and execute roasties who ignore incels
yeah we should also fucking hang them and be able to rape their dead corpse it would make so many of us happier, but no instead they get buried, we should make use of there dead bodies and we could get rid of so many virgin men also they could use this as a way to boost the economy we can have sex robots, whores, and dead whores
rolly polly olly im gonning to fucking KILL MYSELF OILEY
I'm kind of an outlier among incels, didn't watch the video but just by reading your post I can tell you are wrong and the video is wrong. It's nothing like that.
I've been with a few girls, I find sweet quiet ones, get to know them a bit, then pressure for sex. They always put out and it drives me crazy. One said she was a virgin but she's either lying or her virginity meant nothing if she just puts out after a guy says I love a couple times instead of saving for marriage. We do go out and try very hard, but like females are just insufferable. My standards are about as low as it can go short of considering literal retards, non-white, or obvious birth defectives. I make it clear upfront that I want them, am sexually attracted, but am a very long term kind of guy and ultimately only consider dating if I feel marriage could be down the road after a year or two. This should be extremely fucking obvious hint, "hey maybe I shouldn't be a slut since this guy obviously does not like that type of girl". They shit test me so I don't even feel bad about it but holy shit, I might drop the ball sometimes and fail there's, but only once has a girl passed mine, and she was actually one to dump. Respect the shit out of her, but not like I can beg for her back or reveal that it was all a ruse and she passed. It's not an easy life but you're kind of born into it, it is completely impossible to change. It's just like height, IQ, race, gender, and what planet you were born on. Unchangeable and nothing whatsoever can ever be done to have even the slightest impact and only a fool would think otherwise.
All I want in life
Is to fuck my ginger wife
>You seem too literate for a man in your position.
that's because my parents are 1st world western foreigners and i'm not actually from the origin country i was born in
>You seem too literate for a man in your position.
>why won't you escape?
i am, just waiting for my bank account to activate so a friend abroad can loan me enough to renew my foreign passport and get me a one way ticket
but it'll be months before i'm actually gone
i recently had an argument with him and haven't talked to him for a few days though, hope he hasn't just spent all his money and i end up fucked
*>Seems to me it's better to be illegally homeless in a first world country
>"anyone can be a bot"
Gr8 b8 m8
>>Happy/okay with never getting laid
fuck you pal,anyone who is "happy" with anything is not a true robot, the only thing we all have in common here is how damn depressed we are
>be introvert spetg
>forced to get a job
>had to deal with people
>not a sperg anymore
I still prefer to be alone, but at least I don't leave a trail of spaghetti whenever I have to go out
My god, people are stupid
Usually the "advice" is complete shit.
I'd like to believe that you have something helpful, what kind of thoughts do you have?
Are you the "chad" he refers to?
How are incels members of anything? Do they pay a monthly fucking fee? Do they organise events or gatherings? No it's a fucking term describing someone's living situation not their nefarious plots or ideological favourings, fuck this propaganda term and its' constant shilling.
Dude I thought incels.me you had to pay that's what I heard on Reddit it's pretty bad I heard what you bros said it's not healthy man just try to be happier with yourself man sex isn't everything
I went on r incel tears and found this. This isnt healthy you guys need to go out not all women are like this man, you guys need help.
dude is that the guy who shot up the school on valentines day man incels are really fucking bad didnt think it was this bad.....
only virgin girls are worthy
I'm an introvert and have BDD, most likely the incels do too since they resemble hardcore pro-ana groups.
>you guys
Jow Forums hates incels, when Jow Forumsincels went down everyone here pushed them away with violent threats. you don't know shit newfag
Neon lights inside seems comfy, like outrun aesthetics
Lmao git cucked son! Why would you sperg out on your lifeline out? Typical
You really don't have much to do with your time do you? This bait is really shit man. Take this pity (You) and fuck off
What bait man what are you talking about
I live in a crime filled shithole so going out is honestly just a good way to get mugged, particularly at night.
I dont want girls.
I want a (singular) (1) (one) girl that isnt a slut OR retarded evangelical. Its a near impossible desire.
It's pretty much the same here, except genital mutilation and islam.
Things are tough.
>just beeeeeeeeee yourself
Have you considered that it wasn't the act of going outside that fixed things, but rather, that you were probably fine in the first place and that going outside was trivial to what led to your success? Do you not understand that in a world with a sexual hierarchy there axiomatically must be winners and losers? And who are you to think that you are any better that us? You're luckier, not better. Also, this board is for robots not incels.
Same thing and honestly I wouldn't say I was lucky I just met people and met other people from them it's all about meeting people
Normalfags don't want to believe they have any kind of inherent advantage they didn't "work" to earn.
I don't understand how they actually believe in the Just Be Yourself joke
I'm guessing Oman
my life like that and I'm a virgin but I don't hate women though
How are these fucking retards so brain damaged that they don't understand any post with saint Elliot is automatically ironic shitposting
thats not what normie fags think, if you are a virgin they get told you are a danger and hate woman.
I find it appalling that people are more inclined to have sympathy for pedophiles than to incels?
If you weren't a newfag yourself you'd know that robots always complained about you normalfags and told you to go
just don't tell people. not like anyone asks if you're a virgin once leave school
>that's because my parents are 1st world western foreigners and i'm not actually from the origin country i was born in
why are you there then?
ladder is wrong
right now incest is all the rage
well that isnt right, men should be able to be open and honest, it is bullshit you get judged on whether your dick has entered a roast hole.
insane world
Pedophilia is natural man.
fuck off back to pol
>has sex with numerous people
>im an outlier amongst incels
No, you're not even on the fucking graph cunt
>mass immigration leads to necrophilia
Ah yes of course
How do we solve the problem of the Jews they have ruined my life enough times
You cannot help a man whose penis looks this way
Dude just jelq bro you'll get like 5 inches and it's not hard too so it's hard to tell
Oman is rich af
hello, fellow incels. don't you just hate women? i do. all they care about it looks. how am i supposed to get a gf when i look like THIS?
You cant, you need to only go for 2D woman instead.
what did he mean by this?
confused originally
because i was born there, and i was born there because one of my parents are hiding from prosecution, and the other who was tasked with flying out and birthing me in my home country wanted to kidnap me for ransom
he looks like Shadman
>incels are just misunderstood
Wew lad
Do you have any more Yuno pics fren?
Incels=failed normalfag
Gas yourself imposter
hahaha fellow incel here I am overweight,autistic and live with my mommy but hate women.
relatable post, originally
bright fluorescent neon colors and fluorescent lights (which are white), not neon colored lights, looks more like a run-down concrete warehouse / prison cell decorated like a spoiled 6 year old bratty girl's bedroom but all the bright colours are enhanced and the blaring fluorescent white lights are exposed and hanging from the ceiling with no cover and have a color temperature that could light up a quarter block, being even more intensified by the reflective nature of the bright unmatching neon colors
if there was no islam and genital mutilation i wouldn't even care
unless it was india or in africa
shut the fuck up you don't even know what you're talking about
Hello based (incel)
you biggoted, racist white supremacist troll are disgusting. We all know you're from Texas and you're supporting Trump. You are lying, Islam IS the true religion of peace and you are a disgusting troll spreading islamophobia !!! I stand with HER ! LOVE WILL WIN
why did i even bite
just convert and have your pick at the cutest girl or something
No I don't look like Shadman I do what to become an edge Lord like him and make all women into men and draw edgy gore my life is a joke at this point
>admits to using reddit
>is avifag
>I make it clear upfront that I want them
go do a google search on subtlety and see how you could maybe apply it to this situation
Nothing you saw in that doc is accurate. Media is controlled at every level by normalfags, who have proven time and again that theyre incapable of understanding our experience
What's the problem with using Reddit man? There's some good stuff just because I'm depressed doesn't mean I'm a faggot
i think Jow Forums is bringing in more newfags than Jow Forums now
>vice and other MSM pushing this meme
>hurr but the media isn't controlled by some organisation