Anybody else here actually love life?

I'm energetic for life. I could scream from the top of my lungs "I LOVE BEING ALIVE" if it weren't so cringy. I cherish the opportunity to experience this world

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i can't fucking stand it and i just want it to end

Breathing feels fucking great.

What did you do? You accomplish something you want to share with us?

I would be between, on one hand i enjoy being alive for what it's worth. There isn't really a reason why I would kill myself.
But if there was a gun to my head i'd be like "do it faggot".

Kinda just going with the flow at the moment

nothing in particular. I went out and had a fun match of tennis with an acquainted. After feeling the joy that is pushing yourself to your limits and realizing this is what our Creator intended when he made us, I'm here playing my currently favorite video game while I wait for a nice meal. I honestly do not deserve this. I should find some ways to manifest gratitude for this

Sounds like a manic episode. Check yourself [into a psych ward] before you rekt yourself.

I will take be alert for that, thank you. If I go crazy and lose the opportunity to experience life as it is (or as my sane mind interprets it) that would devastate me

No. I've done the math before and I'm a net sufferer. I suffer in life more than I enjoy it. Objectively it would be wisest for me to an hero but I have self-preservation instincts stopping me.

People who genuinely enjoy life weird me out. They're like an alien species. I literally do not understand how their brains are wired. Jow Forums is comfy because the people here also suffer endlessly.

Genuinely one of the most bizarre and unbelievable facts for me to learn was that the vast majority of people NEVER get depressed even once in my lifetime. That just blew my fucking mind.

Everybody in my family are depressives. Two people in my immediately family ended up in mental hospitals because of depression. So it always seemed like a normal thing growing up. I assumed since other people seemed sad sometimes they must just be wired like me.

Nope, they're really just happy most of the time and only sad occasionally. Shit is hard for me to comprehend. I can't wrap my mind around it. How do people get things done in life other then the fear of the suffering getting even worse? Probably more than half of the time I do anything difficult it's because I'm afraid if I don't I'm going to put myself into terrible terrible pain. Happy people are like a fucking alien species.

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I'm not cutout to be happy in a regular sense and I don't strive towards it. I love melancholy and bittersweetness. I love despair too. Maybe that's why I keep subconciously self sabotaging constantly.
Either way, I do love being alive, even if it rarely brings me happiness

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Only when I'm on drugs orignald

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I'm predisposed toward negativity. I understand that I have a lot to be grateful for, and that other people are happier with less than I have, but that only makes me feel guilty for not appreciating the good things in my life. No matter how good things get I will always find a reason to be sad, simply because it's in my nature. People say "fake it 'till you make it" but it takes a huge effort to force positivity and I can't keep the act up all the time.
I don't know if other people are naturally happy as a default state, or if they're much stronger than me for being able to keep up the act.

Every moment and every breath is the opportunity to repent before going into eternity

Checkin' in user! Life's a total fuckin' blast! Yeah it has it's ups, downs, and unnecessarily complex and repeating iterations, but it's the greatest tragedy and bliss this form has ever/will ever experience. Screw the people thinking it's weird to appreciate consciousness and the capability to freely use it to *enjoy* having it.

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based user, i feel it too. i wish i had cash to travel around. i wish i had a car too.

what's that picture from? i like it lpooks gay and colorful

You're not a good gay if you don't know recognise any of that

must be because im straight, where is it from. stop being a jerk, is this the most power you've ever felt? withholding your cool gay shit from some random person on the internet. pathetic, give it up and it will redeem you


I love life so fucking much and I'm grateful for being alive. And this comes from someone who have been through A LOT (and still is)!! Being alive is the greatest joy of all and it is such an adventure. I'm so HAPPY that I can experience all this!! I'm so HAPPY to experience this exact moment and doing exactly this!

Youre not a robot. Get the fuck out.

I get what you mean but it's not often I feel such way.
Whenever I end up helping someone at work or a stranger I get this feeling of accomplishment, but then I realize that's just due to circumstances and that most people are bothered by me.

I wish I wasn't so gloomy and autistic so I could enjoy more of life.
Outside of that, gaming and watching chinese cartoons is pretty relaxing I guess.

I dont love life but I kinda like it. I like competition and challenge. Only downside is that a lot of it is boring and uninteresting.
On the opposite side of the coin, I hate the void known as death.

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i hate life and am going to kill myself, even the things you cope with just come back to haunt you.

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The only way to be grateful for your life is to live it to the fullest!

It's snake from the metal gear series in smash
the shot was leaked after people complained that his butt was too flat in the ultimate version so they "enhanced" it for the final product
and I was going to tell you anyways, no need to be rude, I don't fel powerful over pettiness

I don't exactly LOVE life, but I don't hate it like people on this board typically claim to. My life is mostly boring but I get at least a few moments of pleasure every day. Like, typically, in the run of a day, I'll eat some good food, listen to some good music, read some interesting books, etc. I think a lot of people assume that because they aren't filling out the complete Maslow's hierarchy of needs they are obviously depressed, but if you look at most people, they generally get pleasure (if not satisfaction) many times on any given day. It's just that they don't think about pleasure when it comes, whereas displeasure, they actively brood about, so they imagine it's more important than it really is.

I LOVED life until I was 16, because that's when it turned to shit. But then I got drunk as hell last weekend and now I love life again. But godamn i envy my younger self before depression and anxiety issues kicked in.

No, I actually recorded when I experienced displeasure and pleasure and displeasure strongly, strongly outweighed pleasure. Neutrality also strongly outweighed pleasure.

I sometimes feel the same way OP. The only thing that keeps me up at night or drives me insane is that a lot of people aren't as fortunate as you and I.

You're sitting snuggly inside playing vidya eating a hot meal meanwhile on the other side of the world a 5 yr old is being buried alive.

I'm desperate to create a VR world where everyone can escape from this pain. An infinite Tsukoyomi if you will...

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