Women and Tribalism

Why do women betray their tribes/people/nationalities?

Is it evolutionary mechanism or perfidy?

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Why don't white men kill nigger lovers like the good old days?

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Why don't white men kill nigger lovers like the good old days?


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>See white woman breastfeeding her baby with a darker complexion than her
>Immediately think of genocide and post pictures of white colonists chopping off black children's hands

The absolute state of white """men""".

They don't user. Women tend to stick around and maintain societies, while men are the ones that like to travel to new groups and settle down.

Why do you think it's so important for men to be accepted by the woman's family? Why do you think men get such a massive sense of fulfillment from assimilating into a new culture? None of this would work if Women were betraying their tribes or social groups, all they're doing is accepting new men into the group.

Just look at /jp/. It's virtually everyone's fantasy on that board to travel to Japan, meet a nice Japanese girl, become accepted into their family, have lots of Japanese kids and eventually get promoted to a samurai and then emperor. How many women do you really believe think this way as well?

>t. nigger
Beastiality should be illegal

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Women are loyal to nothing but their own hypergamous nature.

Because more whites are becoming basedboys in terms of amount kf basedboys

It's evolutionary and societal. They have a biological imperative for the strongest genes, which if we face the facts, white people are going extinct. Socially speaking, they are being herded towards that direction due to pop culture. Don't fight it user. In a couple decades you'll be gone and all this time you spent sweating about what women are doing will be in vain.

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lel no


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>the strongest genes,

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IQ is irrelevant when it comes to a mate choosing a partner.

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>Niggers are human

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Why must Jow Forums fucking be everywhere everyday some shit about the Jews or blacks or Asians it's fucking annoying

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>Reasoning with retards
Why must you stoop to that level user

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Women are opportunistic whores, and it doesnt matter which tribe or skin colour theyre betraying others for

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Same reason men do it

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Not your safe space redditor

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They may be a bunch of paranoid retards. But they are right about multiculturalism, niggers and jews. Just cause a clock is broken doesn't mean it can't be right couple of times a day.

actually is highly relevant, when you look at partner preferences intelligence in one of the most important traits.

I want an Asian gf, lads
This post is original now

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> But they are right about multiculturalism, niggers and jews.
>Just cause a clock is broken doesn't mean it can't be right couple of times a day.
If Jow Forums was a clock it wouldn't even have hands to tell the time let alone be right

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Eat the rice
Pay the price

This is original

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>t. Yehuda Kikestein

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White men who engage in beastiality need to castrated same thing for white women

Not an argument at all

How is Jow Forums wrong about all of the shit going down in Europe you blind normalfaggot?

Why is it ok when white men breed with Asian women?

He is a kike. The only solution for such vile cretins is pic related.

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Because Asian women are actually human.

You dumbfuck from Jow Forums don't realize that people always did that. Nothing wrong with that neither. I am a turk and my gf is japanese so what? DID I BETRAY MY COUNTRY?!!111 I don't give a fuck about my country, and i don'T give a fuck about Japan. I am in a relationship with her becuase I love her. I don't have a fucking contract with my country which says you only can marry people who look like your race. BLODDY HELL U GUYS ARE REALLY THE WORST AHHHHHH I CANT BELIEVE IT HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE

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>I am a turk
Stopped reading right there. Unironically kys roach.

It takes two to dance. Every time a woman betrays her nationality, the man with her does the same thing.

this is the average white male in 2018 and there weren't many other options
>spics would get deported
>too little pajeets and asians in US
>Most muslims hate white women for being the biggest whores on earth

shit forgot pic orginalio

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>Every time a woman betrays her nationality, the man with her does the same thing.
Doesn't matter. Niggers are worthless sub-animals, so a negroid betraying his nation means that his offspring are at least half-human.

nations/tribes/people don't exist, white does not exist, we are one race, the human race.

>nations/tribes/people don't exist, white does not exist, we are one race, the human race.

>t. Moshe Goldberg

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How's the altright-tube bubble treating you?

look at this weeaboo faggot. they are ALL subhumans. gooks, italians, spics, slavs, the fucking french. NONE OF THEM ARE WHITE.

too bad it isn't and it's growing as we speak.

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fuck off you dumbshit, HURR HURR I AM A TURK I AM A ROACH FUCK U. Judging because I am a turk doesn't make you look smart, you dumbass. And right now I am judging you based on your actions not based on your race you fucktard.

t. butthurt Snownigger

Asians are the masterrace

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Don't reply to me you filthy insect. I feel dirty

my grandpa was a german, am I less filthy now? faggot.

Based and r3dpilled.

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Ewwww the roach is still replying to me. Kill it, kill it with fire!

the only people who care about this are virgins mad people from another race are taking the women THEY could have potentially got with

blame yourself for being genetic garbage

t. Negroid subhuman

Nigger are vermin apes and need to be genocided

>some incel gets butthurt because some nigger knocked up hot chick
>hurr durr people shouldn't be allowed to make their own decisions because muh feelings

Fuck off faggot.

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t. Nigger
Beastiality needs to be illegal

Im slav and im white.
Stay mad cuckstein.

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>Im slav
>and im white.

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Who gives a fuck you dense motherfucker. Love and companionship is what matters. Nobody gives a fuck about your retarded race mixing rules you made yourself.

t. American

>not white

Stay mad Ahmed.

Where's that map from source needed

t. nigger

Fuck your retarded ''love'' and ''companionship''. Beastiality needs to be illegal

>Fuck your retarded ''love'' and ''companionship''. Beastiality needs to be illegal

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too bad they won't be. they'll continue fucking whom ever they want while you spend your life miserable and alone typing gook nigger spic all day on the internet.

your youth is gone and your days of enjoying a nice loving relationship are slipping away. there's nothing you can do except lol. incel

Honor and loyalty are things only males can understand. Females can emulate them, and nothing more. Evolutionarily speaking, females don't have loyalty because in the formative years of tribal warfare what would happen is one tribe would overtake the other. All the of the men and children of the losing tribe would be killed, as they are not of the genetic lineage of the winning tribe. The women could be taken into the winning tribe and used for babymaking and other tasks. Naturally women are going to do what is in their best interest for their survival. Beyond that they are also being bred by men who must have superior genes if they were able to outdo the original tribe.

Here's an interesting thought: evolutionary speaking, male competition exists to impress females. Sexual selection also is generally done by females. When you see that peacock with it's pointless and loud tail fathers that only attract attention to it, you are seeing the results of millions of years of females choosing males based on essentially pointless and detrimental traits. Females have literally caused evolution to be less efficient than it could have been.

To be fair I will add that male competition and sexual selective traits do tend to prove genetic fitness. If a peacock can survive with it's big ass tail, it must be competent/strong. Still it sucks that so many species have evolved huge detriments just so they can MAYBE get pussy and have babby in their lifetime. This reality is a fucked place, corrupted logos methinks.

>Im slav
>and im white.
O im laffin

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I'm a slav. Keep pushing your agenda faggot

>implying Christians are any better

>Love and companionship is what matters. Nobody gives a fuck about your retarded race mixing rules you made yourself.

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My mum's white, my dad's black. You mad, bro?

>implying blacks are higher status than whites

A woman only betrays her tribe when that tribe is conquered by another force. Right now, the tribe of European peoples has become completely conquered by the Jewish Elite, so there is no more loyalty among White women.

Guys that post on here bashing on White women are fucking idiots. They expect loyalty in a society completely taken and run by a hostile entity. There is going to be no loyalty because your tribe does NOT control society. That's basically the bottom line.

Your idea of women betraying their tribe is the same retarded idea that niggers have when someone betrays the hood. Who would have thought your worse enemy all along was yourself

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>Im slav
>and im white.
Oh shit I can't stop laffin

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>smug reaction pic
>valid criticism and argument

Yeah pick one.

Nothing makes poltards and SJWs as mad as horseshoe theory.

How can anyone be this stupid?
Ever heard the term CAUCASIAN?

>being a slav

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>My mum's white, my dad's black. You mad, bro?
Gross. A mutt

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I didn't even make that comment you retard also he's quite right now that I've read it

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>Why is it ok when white men breed with Asian women?

It is more acceptable for men to breed outside the race because a man is supposed to spread his seed, and if he cannot find a suitable woman in the race then one outside must do. It's better to spread your seed than not to spread it at all. Remember that the standards for men are automatically higher.

A woman is a different story because her eggs are limited and it should be easier for her to find a mate within the group.

>Italians and French are non-White


Truly the pinnacle of intelligence

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>Im slav
>and im white.

I can't breathe

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I just arrived in this thread but come on now that's one big double standard

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Its awesome.
All white country, beautiful girls, no sandniggers.
Fucking paradise.

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>he thinks slavs are white
Should we tell him?

I give sub-zero about what you commented imbecile. You are nothing more than a pathetic cuck who wants to open the doors of civilization to barbarous savages for feel good bullshit like ''love'' and ''companionship''.

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>It's better to spread your seed than not to spread it at all.
No. Stop creating more Elliot Rodgers.

Why are people still jumping on these?

By that logic a white man with any other race makes half humans as well.

Women and men are the exact opposite and have the opposite kind of mating strategies. That's why when you have a son you are going to tell him to go out and fuck as many women as he wants, with some restraint of course. Your daughter gets the opposite treatment, you tell her to vet every man she comes across.

Again it all has to do with biology. A woman that has kids is pretty much done.

Elliot Rodger is a fucking meme. Again its better to spread your seed then not to spread it at all.

Yes, but better a full human than a half-human.

Let's talk about the elephant in the room
women oscillate between TribaLism and TribaDism
give them the D and they turn Lesbian
give them Love and they get BlackeD
men are either cHad (H = two people fucking)
or have auTism (T = hanging cock)
i fall in the latter category , obviously

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Someone's trying to push Jow Forums further left by repeating that "slavs are white" over and over again. No, sorry, that's not the case nor has it ever been. Pretty soon we'll see people repeating that "Italians are white" or that "Greeks are white". It's a drive to push Jow Forums further and further left.

And I give two shits about your retarded theories that would be laughed at in the real world. And why do everyone of you faggots who spout this shit use the word fuck so much Jesus Christ it's everywhere

They are by clasification. The same with Pajeets. I don't understand why there is such a huge fucking circlejerk. These race bait threads are so mind bogglingly stupid it's not even funny.

>Someone's trying to push Jow Forums further left by repeating that "slavs are white" over and over again. No, sorry, that's not the case nor has it ever been. Pretty soon we'll see people repeating that "Italians are white" or that "Greeks are white". It's a drive to push Jow Forums further and further left.
But Greeks, Italians and Slavs are white it says it on the government papers

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You should get a bunch of people together who all believe the same things as you. And buy a bunch of land. Then start farming and build a small tight knit community. Like a family. And have your own rules and laws free from all the things you hate about society. Lol

OP, go back to fucking /pol

I'd rather a half human with a woman I can make loyal from another race than a full human I can make with an unloyal mouthy white slut.

The absolute fucking state of white women is what's pushing white men to other races women.

Either way it's not really my problem because even though I am a middle class and overall average citizen of the white middle class, I have no interest in ever having children.

You have no argument.

Your delusional cucked ass could scream ''nuh uh'' until your lungs blow off, still won't make me any less right. Niggers are incapable of being human and need to be immediately genocided.

Okay, hard challenge for you all.


Then why don't you date a downie?

Typically considered "European". Which many slavic countries are in Europe sooooo

This guy is just retarded. Either a butthurt Brit or a dumbfuck in an Australian Rural town who inherited his retarded opinions about the "wogs" from his retarded parents. Better to ignore him from this point on.