Pro-circumcision debrainwashing thread

Pro-circumcision debrainwashing thread.

A thread to educate the ignorant supporters of pro-genital mutilation.

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There isn't much to say, if you cut off nerve endings you lose sensation. If you remove tissue from a part of the body, it's now smaller. So circumcision is an operation that makes your penis less sensitive and smaller.

Most Americans do not realize, but both mutilated and normal penises look the same when erect.

Here's how a foreskinned penis works.

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>Most Americans do not realize, but both mutilated and normal penises look the same when erect.
Not even remotely, retard

Wrong. Quite a few penises have longer foreskins, like mine, so the foreskin does not retract on erections.

t. coping foreskinless cuck

Did you know?
Americans started circumcising their kids because 20th century doctors thought masturbation was a sin which caused STDs?

Yeah? What's different are you claiming?

Then pull it back? lol

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>Then pull it back? lol
I don't pull it back, I prefer touching my head through my foreskin plus on rare occasions it's nice to cum inside your foreskin. But that's not the point, some men have long foreskins that grew with their penis so your claim of intact and circumcised penises looking the same is wrong.

Do you know what the foreskin is there for?

It's to protect your head from rubbing up against your pants/underwear.
The foreskin covers your penis when soft, sort of like a sleeping bag, until it is ready to retract during sex.

Well of course every penis is different. But if you're talking about the majority of penises, the two look the same.

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>what is keratinisation

Did you know, foreskin removal is the only surgery done in the world, to prevent a disease before it is even contracted?

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Shit, I meant to quote Originoli loli fuck in holi

>A thread to educate
never got cut but...

You are correct about keratinisation, but I was talking about the misconception that a foreskinned penis always has the skin over the head like this:

There's no bad time to learn about your parts user.

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>prevent a disease before it's contracted
Yes, does that sound weird to you? Is this bait or are you an actual brainlet?

foreskinned penises that still have skin on the head when erect are better though

Good thread OP however most Americans are asleep or going to go to sleep soon, all that will be left are nocturnal anons and eurofags who will completely agree with you already.

Posts like this make me blush. You like long foreskin or something?

This is only an American thing

And a South Korean thing, a Middle Eastern thing, an African thing....

a lot, they look the nicest and when you can fit your tongue or maybe a finger underneath it and rub the head without retracting the skin that's pretty hot

Yeah shit countries

>tfw no bf who forces me to get cut

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some cocks do have foreskin that covers the head when erect, like mine

That cock is really minuscule.

I love porn where women do that to long foreskins. I completely agree, sadly, I doubt I'll find a woman who wants to do that to a man.

because it was cut so tight it can't get fully erect and actually pushes it back

I have said it before and I will say it again. But cut micrococks are really fucking hot.

Is this bait? These threads usually are but you actually showed how gross uncuts are and how nice cut ones are...

Except they don't 99% of the time. Foreskin's nasty and you can tell they're uncut.

Did you know that foreskin cutting was possibly the worst pain you've ever experienced in your life?

The reason it hurts so bad to get circumcised, is that there are thousands of nerves in the foreskin getting ripped apart. Some say it hurts similar to having your finger names ripped apart.

Just watch it.

Nice cultural conditioning you have there.
Did you know foreskins help prevent diseases?

On the contrary, most Americans are getting up for work. Plus it doesn't hurt to educate intact men on the foreskin.


That's because no educated man would want you to remove yourself skin. He'll lose a ton of pleasure from your foreskin himself.

Please don't fall for the meme that women find foreskin gross.

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God, those poor kids. This is child abuse.

>Please don't fall for the meme that women find foreskin gross.
I'm trying not to, I'd like to get a foreskin tougue swirl before I die.

if you're desperate enough you COULD get it from a dude

I'm not that desperate though. Plus, I'm not gay.

>That's because no educated man would want you to remove yourself skin. He'll lose a ton of pleasure from your foreskin himself.
i'm a bottom anyway.
i'd love a uncut top bf who gets jealous and decides i should be like him

a cut top bf*

Foreskin in porn is still pretty hot

This thread is fucking pointless.
It's not like you can grow it back or something.
What's the point of this shit?

Ah I see, nice knowing that you drew a pick for explanation btw

Did you know?
There are many active anti-foreskin-baby-cutting celebrities out there?

Here's a clip of Andy from Conan, telling Jeff Goldbloom he mutilated his children. :P

The more you learn about foreskin, the more hot it is.

Try more women. The women I hang out with would sure love to.

My intactivist female friends know that foreskins are actually cleaner than foreskinless penises.


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they are working on growing it back
foregen or some shit

to explain that being uncut is A-OKAY and to stop normalising circumcision!

Yea, I should be more positive. Maybe I will meet an intactivist woman in the making?

Or find a woman born in Europe lol.
Literally, most women don't care.

But intactivist women will LOVE you for your foreskin. Just ask around.

benefits of circumcision:

easier to keep clean (no dick cheese)

makes masturbation and sex less pleasuable so you can focus more on succeeding in life

looks better (let's be honest here)

I hate these threads but not because I'm pro-circumsicion but because they always make me so fucking angry and distraught that some arab fuck more than a thousand years ago did crack or some shit and told people to cut bits of their dicks off and my ancestors were retarded enough to fall for it and so I had my genitals mutilated without my consent, and now I am among the people who feel the least sexual pleasure on the planet, not to mention having a lifelong scarred reminder of how I belong to such an incredibly fucked line of humans.

I spent the first sixteen odd years of my life being coerced into prayers, ritual starving, and countless other wastes of time and energy for the sake of my dad's attempts to convince me that there is a magic arab carpenter in the sky who condones male genital mutilation. Under any other circumstances people would call this child abuse. Under these circumstances, it still is child abuse, but no one gives a fuck.

I hate you dad

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Yea, I just need to get out more and talk to more women!! Posting another porn vid, with foreskin worship.

bait of the highest degree
not even giving a (You) for this low effort shit

giving myself a (You) here

i can assure you it is no bait though user

doesn't actually bring the nerves back though. It just makes the scars a little more obvious and brings back numb skin.

Another win for the cild-mutilators

1. Foreskin penises are cleaner because smegma helps protect the tip from bacteria.

2. Just bait

3. There are literally three other posters in this chat already saying how foreskin males a penis look better.

Let's be honest here... you were raised into a culture of genital mutilation... of course you prefer its look.

I'm very sorry friend. People will change but yes. I personally disown everyone who doesn't care.

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>dick cheese is clean

you can't make this shit up!

I hate these videos, I just spite fap to it.

This is better.

sure user. whatever makes you feel better
i think all uncut guys should have the glans tortured till they beg to get cut

>But cut micrococks are really fucking hot.

Why? It's not like you're sucking millions of dick. Why is it your business to have normal dicks modified?

>i think all uncut guys should have the glans tortured till they beg to get cut

Inspiring. I hope you one day try to run for president on that ticket.

because fuck you!
go get cut or i'll strap a rotor to your glans

>on rare occasions it's nice to cum inside your foreskin
I actually do this pretty much every time because I hate the cleanup

Try it, faggot. I'll wipe you the fuck out with the power of anime.

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*teleports behind u*
*unsheathes scalpel*
ur cut kid

I've always wondered why mi dick looks like it's circumcised while it isn't

Generally, if I do it's right before a shower. I'm just going to buy a tenga toy so that way I'm not shooting my tadpoles everywhere. I'd hate to cum on my laptop or on the rug or something.

just take some toiletpaper, like 7 squares and wrap it around your dick when its time to cum, just make sure the tp is over your foreskin and not touching the head and you can jerk off as normal, instant clean up.
stop being disgusting