Why do betas pretend they aren't interested in women? Don't they realize that is counterproductive?

Why do betas pretend they aren't interested in women? Don't they realize that is counterproductive?

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productivity is a meme

why is it counterproductive

Would showing interest make a difference?
Oh yeah you would also get humiliated, besides being heart broken.

Well, they see that they are very interested in women who aren't interested in them so maybe they try to replicate that?

If you're attracted to a woman, why would you pretend you aren't?

>Driven by hunger, a fox tried to reach some grapes hanging high on the vine but was unable to, although he leaped with all his strength. As he went away, the fox remarked 'Oh, you aren't even ripe yet! I don't need any sour grapes.' People who speak disparagingly of things that they cannot attain would do well to apply this story to themselves.


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they act like last cook in jar near them but is because they stutter and shake. they're afraid of it

Because they are taught through many rejections that their desires are irrelevant and unwanted. Why is this so hard to understand?

Because that interest only gets you jilted and laughed at for her entertainment.

And something like Op pic will only ever be done by skeevy tattooed and pierced fulltime sluts who 'want a challenge' and to get a laugh out of it while chad and tyron are not texting in RL.
2d>3d proven again.

Why is she harassing that man?

Because it's not meant for me. So I just disregard it.
Why would I spend time trying to apply for military jet pilot if I'm 6'4 and can't fit in the plane? It would be cool as fuck but I'm not designed for that.

She needs the MC's D

They don't want the women they show interest in to talk behind their back about what awful/pathetic men they are for dating to show any interest in them. They don't want to bother women with unwanted advances.

Constant failure teaches you not to try on an intellectual level. It changes your serotonin levels so you are emotionally unable to try. Just getting back to the point you can become confident enough to try again requires you to first succeed at doing a lot of other things first to raise your serotonin levels back up.

Social rejection by the way registers in the brain as physical pain. People have compared the subjective level of pain from rejection to natural childbirth, cancer treatments, and getting stabbed. The emotional duress is also literally bad for your health.

It makes no sense to put yourself through that if it's not going to help you get a girlfriend anyways.

they could be attempting to seem aloof and mysterious and not realizing it doesn't work. or they could have dropped from beta to omega out of loneliness and actually stopped being interested in girls. and they are definitely afraid of rejection, rightly so.

Aesop's fables I remember that stuff it truly was great

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Even when a girl WAS attracted to me I imagined she was just joking because I didn't want to be led on

tfw you read that as she wants a mcdonalds

because it doesn't matter
if interest is made known, rejection follows and nothing comes of it
if interest is not made known, there is no rejection and nothing comes of it

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well for me, I just know how the story goes. Why keep trying only to get just shut down and made to feel bad everytime? women aren't for me they are for the winners of the genetics lottery.

I have a gf and as attracted as I am to the big brown Maori girl at work, I would rather keep my gf and just pretend not to be interested.

I avoid women as much as possible. Even if I think a girl is giving me hints i just stay away. Can't tell if it's real or if it's a dare. Don't know if her friends sent her to find out stuff about me and report back for gossip (happened to me before).

I would disappoint them anyways even if they were interested im just an average guy and she'd leave as soon as she found something better. Don't need to go through all that.

surviving is difficult enough. Why make it harder? The entire world economy is going to collapse soon, having another mouth to feed is stupid.

>If you're attracted to a woman, why would you pretend you aren't?
Women love guys who ignore them.

Here you go OP. Now go fuck off back to plebbit.

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>Women love Chads who ignore them.

In our ape/caveman ancestors, showing interest in a female would get me beat up by the Chag Thunderrock mate guarding her. To bypass this as a sneaker male, I'd have to act non-threatening and disinterested as to not alert the mate guard, then quickly mate when he's not looking. That instinctual fear and resulting behavior is still present.

i'm going to kill myself, i don't believe in society anymore or my life

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