Brown fembot here

Brown fembot here.
Is it true that white people are so racist that they would move to a different area if there are too much people of color around, or is it just a meme?

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White flight is real and its because of blacks. Now just vague "brown people"

It's due to blacks moving into an area and destroying it with neglect crime and violence so the whites leave them to their devices

fuck off bait thread maker.
it rhymes with page and goes in the coffin section

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I've been reading about this recently.
Unambiguous white flight was more of a thing around the civil rights era, but what happens more often today is that people will stay where they live for as long as they would normally, but that when they do choose to move, as people are want to do from time to time, they overwhelmingly move to whiter areas.
In a way this is even more dramatic than traditional white flight because the people following this new pattern aren't just outright racists but often the very people who espouse the virtues of diversity, which is of course a far greater proportion of the population.

Areas with lots of coloureds also tend to have high levels of crime.
Why would I not move away?

Depends if they're civilized or not. If the news shows a rise in crime, then yes. I have lived in a couple places where minorities didn't mean a shit ton of crime and we weren't in a rush to move.

it's not about the black people, it's the violent crime and drugs that tends to come with them that causes white people to move away.

How does it feel to know that you are so detestable that people will uproot their whole life and the lives of their families, selling their home and abandoning their neighbourhoods just to get the fuck away from you people?

> aren't just outright racists
> but often the very people who espouse the virtues of diversity
But that's quite racist.
If you don't want people of colour to commit crimes, maybe you should ask police to stop harassing minorities.

>black people move into a neighborhood
>lots of whites move out
>property values plummet
>it actually does go downhill as a result
It's a self-fulfilling prophecy brought about by white people feeling "unsafe" the second they see three black people together.

Your only likely to find crime in places like Baltimore and Detroit other than those areas you won't find violent crime just drug crimes for marijuana. Your not going to find crime in areas like Kettering in Maryland or Uniondale in new York

larp but I'm planning on moving away because all the niggers, my estate went from the safest in the town to the most dangerous in a year because an influx of niggers. I'd have them all strung from lampposts, it is 100% true that wherever niggers go, so does trouble and crime.

but yeah, plan to move to kent which is the go to place in the UK as the whites from London move there and are hostile to niggers and paki's.

no one wants to live near niggers, they destroy every neighborhood they live in

White man here. Very true.
Darkies bring crime, and vote liberal. Just look at california (spics) and detroit (niggers)

Why don't you move to Nottingham they'll really show you how great white people are

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>But that's quite racist.
Espousing the virtues of diversity is racist or moving to whiter areas is racist?
I agree with the first in the "diversity is code for anti-white" sense, but I don't imagine you meant that.
I understand the second but you have to remember that these upper middle class socialites would never think less of someone for their race, but it's just so much safer in [name of white suburb] and their kids deserve the best education and their property investment portfolio will embiggen if they more to [name of white suburb] and so on. They would never admit they're leaving because of all the blacks and crime, that'd be racist after all, and they're not racist.

>feeling "unsafe"
its because the ARE unsafe

So your hypothetical city ends up being mostly black, and end up going downhill. GG trying to blame whites.

Detroit is the worst example you can give that place was okay before factories shut down leaving thousands unemployed the affluent white people moved out leaving unemployed black people with no help

what if I hire a group of niggers to live in your neighbor wait for every white person to sell their house. buy their house at low price because of shit neighborhood and then once i've bought enough houses move my niggers to another neighbor and start selling house for a better price now that's what I'd call a black market

Where are you living. I once visited a russian family in London, looks like half of the district they live in is black. The mother complained that she cannot send her kids to local public school because it is shit, but said that she doesn't know why exactly is it so shit, lol.

>Is it true that white people are so racist that they would move to a different area if there are too much people of color around

Yes, and even (perhaps especially) whites who claim to be anti-racist liberals are guilty of doing this.

For example, there are often big fights between white liberals and public school districts in New York City when city officials try to desegregate upper class, mostly white and Asian schools.

Chicago then. Or anywhere in florida.

>people of color
the more accurate term is suhuman

Fuck no.
Take some responsibility for your own actions. Quit absolving your crimes by saying blaming ''muh harrassment''.
Behave yourselves and police wouldn't have to enforce order so harshly in your communities.

These are the times your reminded that this website is mainly white

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In my country there is an entire island full of white people have thought long and hard about moving houses are cheap crime rate is low

Yeah, I'm sure the black people buying into that $400k and up suburb are all gangbangers.

It does, yes. Because the whites get spooked and tank the property values.

and why do whites feel 'unsafe' around niggers? simple; they are very violent and cause a lot of crime. my area is mostly white but such an influx has meant not many people have moved out yet but the property value is going down, there is so much more crime and it is genuinely unsafe here. niggers get a reputation because in 99.99% of cases, influx of niggers means the area will go down hill.

tldr; niggers get the rep because the stereotypes are true.

>hurr durr it's the white peepol
if nigs were smart they'd make an effort to better it, get an education etc. there is always opportunity but the fact is no one trusts them because the catastrophic damage they cause everywhere they go. people hate niggers because they are useless trouble makers.

Not even other black people stay in black cities for long, You get trash people regardless of race, everyone else wants to get the fuck out.

It works both ways. The thing is, people usually don't like to be surrounded by too many people of other race. This, even if the percentage 'unwanted' people not big leads to segregation. You can read more about it here:

>Because the whites get spooked and tank the property values.
Then more nonwhites can move in. Isn't that a good thing? Once all the whites are gone shouldn't this city turn into a wakanda like utopia?

This is the greatest and best thing I've ever heard and I unironically wish I was a yank so I could pull this off.

>if nigs were smart they'd make an effort to better it, get an education etc.
Go on Mr cracker I want to see you do that with little funding how about you try it in West Virginia we'll see how far you go
>there is always opportunity but the fact is no one trusts them because the catastrophic damage they cause everywhere they go
A white guy moves his factories to other countries to make more money fucking over thousands of Americans (this was also done to whites in the rust belt who lost Thier jobs but managed to leave)
>people hate niggers because they are useless trouble makers.
And your just retarded

No place is going to be a utopia without a tax base, and race has got nothing to do with that. You just can't get your head around the concept that there are blacks in the middle and upper class, and whites in the lower class.

What would be the best way to achieve integration? Should it be illegal to move from diverse area, so that whites see that people of color aren't that scary?

Are you normal also or some kind of ethnic aberration?

>admitting that whites paying taxes are needed to support niggers

thanks hombre

> A white guy moves his factories to other countries to make more money fucking over thousands of Americans (this was also done to whites in the rust belt who lost Thier jobs but managed to leave)
So true. White people don't realise that the problem is capitalism, not minorities.

Why "integrate" only in white countries?

Capitalism is still superior to communism

Want to "intergrate" into all the countries that white people fucked up

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Race and class are inextricably intertwined due to IQ differences.

I'm black you pale monstrosity

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Live in a no crime 98% white area. All the do gooders want low cost government subsidized housing for diversity and get it (majority of the support was white women no fooling). Building goes up and new hang out for thugs selling dope and ass is beautiful public park when kids could play safely. One night fire destroyed all the playground equipment, shelters and public toilets so city & county throws millions to build back bigger and better, get this, adjacent to the elementary school building on a combined campus k through12. All the thugs and dealers and prostitutes settle into the new spot doing their ape dance and the school is forcing the kids to use the playground during recess.

the evil capitalist that outsources so he can compete is just a player in the game. if you think the game is unfair then blame the people who make the rulese.

t. racist white boy who is afraid of true equality

>I-I-I I sense another anecdote incoming

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it's true. I don't want some government making me equal to shitskins by force.

Make people stop caring about who lives around them. But I don't think that's achievable. That's just how the life is. Nothing bad about it. I don't think these people are truly racist.

>the problem is capitalism
Is this a leftypol raid?
It's his (more likely their seeing as a factory will likely have a board of executives and not a single owner) company and they have an obligation to their shareholders. More importantly they have to compete with other firms and if they have to pay hundreds of thousands each year on security and insurance because of all the niggers then that's retained earnings that isn't being reinvested into new equipment or staff training or any number of other investments that will limit their capacity for competition with firms that don't have a nigger problem. Companies that don't move overseas cannot compete with companies that offshore to China and India.

>I don't want some government making me equal to shitskins by force
>Pigskin virgin in a forum for losers
Your not equal they're already above you

Name a few. Colonization brought up the standard of living for most countries white people interacted with historically, although I agree that they should have been left alone or entirely eradicated. A study recently determined that the standard of living was improved for hundreds of millions of people worldwide due to just 6 million European colonists.

That is actually kind of how it works anyways there is even a word for it called gentrification. Houses get run down, people move to better ones or die off, lower income people come in, houses get so shit the value drops lower, flippers come in and start buying them cheap and fixing them. Hell there have been 3 houses flipped this year on my block.

It's not always about being racist. It's about living close to the people who look like you and share the same values and culture as you do. I'm not white and I've lived in many different neighborhoods and the white majority ones are the best. Everything is nice there, irrespective of income/house size. The people are really nice, the neighborhood is so safe you could leave your door open at night with no worries, the surrounding areas are serene, and everything is calm. There was literally no crime in the neighborhood, now I live in a majority nonwhite neighborhood (60%+ brown/black) and the houses are exactly the same size and price. Roughly one in six houses in the entire neighborhood is a victim of a crime seen on an online police crime map. I don't trust these people when I'm away from the house, let alone with my door open at night.

black person moves to white area and whites leave them alone and called racist for it

white person moves to black area and they're beat down and sodomized and everyone says they had it coming, the dumb ass moving where he wasn't wanted

then they will be made equal. I can get behind that

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People in general are too poor to move. The white people will stay put, and they'll harass the shit out of the brown people that move in until they leave. My local White Nationalist chapter has been growing so much that half the people I work with belong to one and openly talk about "gassing the Jews" and "wiping out all the brown people", etc. I'm not part of it because I'm part Italian, but they have marches through the busy part of town every couple days and those marches have been getting HUGE. If you're a light tan female you might be safe for a few months but eventually you're probably going to get lynched.

I'm going to say Somalia just to see how your going to argue this one out also places like the middle east didn't fare well under white peoples hands

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Yes, I don't blame particular companies, I blame capitalism as a whole, and, to some degree, white people for voting for the most pro-capitalism parties against their own interest.

Just black people and gang looking Hispanics.

Everyone else is fine.

when it plays out over and over and over and over it is hard truth

If you don't mind me asking, what would you suggest as a replacement?
I cannot think of any alternative economic system that is more in my (shameless white bourgeois) interests than capitalism.

why on earth would they want to do that.. evil whitey

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>Story that's unverifiable
>Tells me I'm naive and lying to myself for not believing it

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Socialism. Socialist Cuba has longer life expectancy than the us.

i just can't fathom why whites got out of this neighborhood

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That actually looks cool I remember a guy who danced on the train one time but no one clapped he got smiles and a pat on the back though also those two guys are Hispanic

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in the ethnostate it's safe to take out your wallet in the checkout line

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Everyone is so fat..

I think that has more to do with the US (I'm not a burger btw) being a shithole than Cuba being a utopia.
Riddle me this, what is it with authoritarian central government that gives you such a hard on?


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