Could you handle a real full figured woman? Be honest.
Could you handle a real full figured woman? Be honest
I would love to fuck those big chocolate tits.
I hope so. I am doing what I can about my dick
Yes. I'd show her all the love she deserves, and all the love I can give.
What's there to handle? She's the same bitch as other women, she's just heavy.
tfw she has two hot and mean videos where she bullies chestlets out
Literally perfect, if she didn't shave her legs, pits, and so on.
....fucking need some links for that shit
I want her on top of me.
>Hot and Mean: Cecilia Lion & Maserati - Wrong Place, Right Time
>Hot and Mean: Katt Garcia & Maserati - Thick on Thin
Thanks user
Fuck i wish she would get pregnant
My girl is almost the exact same build as Maserati and I knocked her up as soon as I possibly could (1 year into our relationship)
Congrats on making it with your deliciously thicc chocolate wife.
I would try to get her pregnant through anal.
It might not work, but I'm sure I'll keep trying
what should i look up on a pornsite for girls like that fucking white guys?
She's white, same build as Mas though
Maserati XXX, she fucks lots of white guys
if by full figured woman you mean obese nigger, then no i can't handle it, and don't even want to attempt
>She's white
Oof, nevermind. I wish you the best of luck...
>Black Chicks White Dicks
Not all are thicc but some are
Pinky XXX
Not all are white but some are
>tfw no fertility idol avatar gf
>She's white
Lol so you're just dating a fat chick then
pic of her body or youre lying
A simple no would suffice
Knock them out with a shovel, throw the bitch in my trunk, and bury them in the woods.
Wow you sound really unhinged, a real reject of society!
black women are disgusting. if you put that body on an Asian, hell yes
Imagine waking up to this pulling that shirt up and letting her have it
Reminder: it's some dudes literal job to fuck women like her.
where do i find a big black mommy domme gf?
Wow user, you're so cool. Do you also wear black clothes to school every day?
Because black women are too fat and ugly
Post pictures faggot.
Post a picture of her belly
A girl like that would probably get non stop sexual abuse from me.
Look at this ugly baboon looking bitch god black women are so ugly
Whats the point of black women? Every race of women are superior to these ugly creatures black women are obsolete.
They're more likely to have huge tits. I like huge tits.
If it's Maserati, of fucking course
I love huge breasts
looks like we found a gay boy
Looks like Koko the gorilla is on the loose ugly black apes
disgusting black women are so trash they think ugly obese hoes are pretty
Black is a -2 modifier so they max out at 8/10.
Well isn't the Ebony skin the attractive feature?
That should put her at 12/10.
Black is black user. Mixed though that's neutral as is white.
>in order for black women to feel attractive, they have to post themselves in comparison to white women who are literally missing chromosomes
Jesus Christ, I don't know which disabled retard out of the two in that picture and the one posting to feel sorry for the most.
They do that when shilling white women as well they're shills what's your point
the same goes for the opposite.
They put an aboriginal and an attractive white woman to make the claim we aren't the same species.
it's a black women thread but okay
holyshit. Is she preggos?
Absolutely beautiful
>he's comparing aborgines to downies
Pretty racist desu
There's generally a difference. When it's comparison to whites, it's generally as a response to non white posters to mock them. When non white posters do it, it genuinely seems like some weird attempt to say that non white women are better looking. Deranged.
>They put an aboriginal and an attractive white woman to make the claim we aren't the same species.
Australian Abos are not humans though. They're fucking baby eating, pedophile cannibals. Abos are really not the hill you want to do on.
black women are so hideous and fat and ugly and disgusting makes me want to barf god black women are ugly
>They're fucking baby eating, pedophile cannibals.
That was white people in the Dark Ages too.
Hell that was white people during Colonial periods....
To think of it, that's white people today.
nothing uglier to me then black women and smelly
Take stroll to your local trailer part and you will feel the same way about white people too.
No thanks black women look like shit and have the worst personalities
Not interested black women look like a steaming pile of garbage
Please, keep going. There's nothing more emblematic of ethnic impotent rage than going on long, hilariously autistic screeds on "how crackas are evil yo", all while throwing out images of black women who would probably be pretty disgusted with your one man internet race crusade.
Have you ever thought about at all? They hate white men there too, you're sure to go on great.
Can i fuck a black twink instead???
black women are so ugly and fat they can burn in a fire and i will laugh useless waste of space
>He doesn't know about the Pedophile rings
Whites literally go to poor brown countries to have sex with kids.
What does that tell you?
It tells me that they need to start taking some lessons from kikes and niggers and fucking kids domestically? I mean, Jews have that shit wrapped tight - they're sucking 8 day old baby dick.
By the way, I completely agree with your goal in swamping the board with images of black women. They're pretty ugly by white standards, so it's unlikely it will work on white people - but I hope that it will actually convince black men to stop being so repulsed by them, settle down with a black woman, and have wholesome black families which they don't then run away from. All power to you friend in your dumping of black "beauties"
Black women look like ass disgusting
I'd most certainly try
black women are the ugliest women on earth they are not even women just dudes
I can't even dream of satisfying a full figured woman with my 5 inch pencil dick
black women are so ugly i can never be attracted to one
Daily reminder that 82% of American black women are overweight or obese, and that 57 percent of American black women are just straight up obese.
dont forget 100% of them are UGLY AS FUCK
so most of them are THIC?
black women are so ugly and gross nasty fat bitches
LOL this thread is gold I love seeing black women getting roasted
Honestly, I don't dislike black women. They're not my type physically, and a lot of them are very rude and obnoxious in America, but that's no need to dislike them as a group. I'm sure if you go to know them they'd be nice to talk to.
What IS pathetic are the people posting images of them, who are doing so in some weird plot to either brainwash whities so that they want to fuck blacks, or to "prove" that blacks are superior. Both motives are lulzworthy, so laughing at the specimens on display is the best way to piss off these nutty posters.
Look at that ugly ape so nasty
Holy shit man living the dream
Yeah that was our first, she's preggo with our 3rd now
I posted her here a bunch of times over the last year or so, this is her at the moment getting ready to to produce milk
I'm goddamn jealous pham ngl
Where to get gigantic tiddie gf pls