I feel like I'll never have a gf (or anything else), but not because I'm ugly. Unironically...

I feel like I'll never have a gf (or anything else), but not because I'm ugly. Unironically, I could stand to dress better and shower more. On the other hand, my haircut's fine. However, I hardly even think about my looks. I feel like I'll never have a gf because I'm a completely worthless non-entity as a person, and I'm too embarrassed about it to ever feel worthy of pursuing a woman. I could have a girl I really like say she really likes me and I'm certain I would reject her, and yet somehow I really wish I could have a gf someday, it's weird. I think it's because it's inevitable that she would reject me when she sees who I really am.

Proof that I am worthless:
>college dropout
>live with parents
>work near-minimum wage job with zero ambitions of promotion or getting a different job
>no hobbies
>no real interests
>the interests I do have I half-ass and no one cares about them anyway
>terrible at making conversations, zero funny stories to tell etc.
>a bit slow
>yet, honestly, I'm still a pretentious, argumentative person

Why would anyone like me? It seems like even the people on Jow Forums are all superior to me somehow. I'm not really sure why I'm posting this. I guess I feel like my >tfw no gf feels are distinct from the typical incel shit you see on this board nowadays and I wanted to get that out there. I don't hate women, I hate myself. Surely I'm not the only person here that feels this way?

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I can share alot of that
>indebt over 40k because of college+medical
>no career
>can't even get min wage job
>only interest i have ever had is videogames which i really only play with friends these days
>obese (310lbs at 6'4)
>nothing to talk about
>it takes a repetition of 10 times for my to understand something even a definition and then i have to act like im explaining it to someone.
>insanely lazy to the point i wont even roll out of bed to go play videogames
the only difference is i want a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend. I joined a /r9gay/ discord hoping to meet other guys like me but it turned out to be mostly normal guys so i left it.

Not to say theres anything wrong with them its just they are far to above me

>I could have a girl I really like say she really likes me and I'm certain I would reject her
me too user

why am i like this

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Yeah I think that too sometimes. But I remember that even my worthless ass father was able to buy a wife from vietnam or thailand or something even as a bald lower class old man after getting divorced. Not saying all girls are gold diggers, but most bitches aint shit so dont worry about it.

I guess I'm kind of aware that I'm not that worthless in the grand scheme of things. I'm afraid that once I'm actually not worthless I won't be able to realize it because I'll just keep raising the bar for worthiness as a human being. So I think I should just trick myself into believing I'm not worthless now? Or maybe, in fact, I'm not really worthless? I'm very conflicted about this.

>can't even get min wage job
I showed up at my local Walmart with zero job experience and zero preparation for the interview and I got the job. I even said I didn't know what the job I was applying for was like lol. I guess I was just lucky? I'm not trying to discount your experience, I just wonder how unrealistic the standards must be for the employers in your area or something.

Anyway, I hope you find your cute bf someday user!

None of that actually matters. Frequently, high-school dropouts who live with their parents and have never held a job in their lives pump and dump girls. They also rarely wash. Those are the more typical class of chads. The chads with good jobs and shit are actually very rare and typically descend from rich families.
Conversely, no amount of success has given people like me any kind of chance.
Point is you shouldn't think you don't have a chance so long as you've ever successfully made one friend because it makes you better than any robot on the social front and you should leave, fucking normalfag.

Usually these positions are accepted/rejected purely based on the 'vibe' the person gives since no real experience or ability is needed. However, there's also the issue of being overqualified. If you have a degree you're more likely to be rejected at min wage jobs because of the idea that you wouldn't be satisfied in this position and therefore either work poorly or quit quickly, i.e. you're not a reliable employee, regardless of truth.

I think you're overstating the frequency of these NEET chads forgetting the chads in between them and the rich kids who have mediocre careers and their own apartments. And it depends what you mean by friend. I only felt like I had a "real" friend in 5th grade, and a revolving cast of very casual school friends since then. But you don't have to worry about me leaving because I rarely even look at this board because it makes me miserable.

We are about the same, except I'm still in college and have no job. I failed most of my college classes too due to laziness.
I say you're doing better then me user.

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funny, because I feel you're doing better than me because you haven't dropped out yet. I guess I didn't technically fail any classes so that's something.

How bout this user, we equally suck.

at least you are honest OP, thats a good quality you have. id like to talk to you if that is ok

thanks. what do you want to talk about?

i just thought we could try being friends, at least

user you gotta dress up and shower for yourself not some idiot stacy.

That sounds scary honestly. What if I disappoint you? then I have to feel guilty for wasting your time. Or what if you disappoint me? Then I have to feel guilty about ditching you. That said, I wouldn't mind talking to you. I guess I should make a discord since that's what you guys do around here, no? I can't do voice chat btw

i feel like id be a disappointment to you but id still be willing to try. do you have some sort of throwaway email we can exchange info at?

hm, when did they get rid of the email field?
[email protected]

here's a (You) if you were waiting for a notification

Don't do it for some random woman who comes into your life when you're finally on your feet but wouldn't give you the time of day when you were sad and down on your luck and needed someone like her the most
Do it for the ideal you that seems to only exists inside your head, because one day he could be you
>t. almost 100% the same

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I really want to be your friend you sound interesting to me and most of my closest friends have exhibited these traits and they always turned out to be genuine people

Pic unrelated

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Two people want to be my friend? I'm baffled, considering what I typed. I posted a throwaway email three posts up from yours.

Well, I've never really thought about doing things for girls, and I agree with the sentiment.