What is the cause of Aspergers or minor autism?

I am not talking about shit-smearing on the walls retards diagnosed "autism" so their parents can get extra taxpayer gibs (a real thing in America) I am talking about normal-looking people who become adults, aren't NEETs (and often have 'prestigious' careers), and manage to do most things "normally" with the primary exception being socially different.

Is it a personality trait or a curable/preventable disorder? Vaccines are sometimes blamed, as is high testosterone in the womb, or genetics, or having older parents or something.

When coupled with >120 IQ, I don't even think aspergers is all that bad of a thing. Sure, normies laugh at us, but they use the programs and websites we code and all the other shit employed aspies do. And you can bet your ass it was BIGOTED NORMIES who pathologized this personality type out of fear: the fear of having people who can't be easily bamboozled into believing lies just because everyone else does, the "appeal to authority/popularity" fallacies.

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Aspies are unbearable, especially if you're an aspie yourself and happen to disagree with one on something

t: aspie

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>especially if you're an aspie yourself and happen to disagree with one on something
i've never had that happen before. one of my favorite activities is debating though, i wish i could find an aspie to debate. normies can't keep up and honestly don't seem to care about truth as much

different aspie here, i avoid aspies that like to "debate" because in my experience "debate" means "an argument in which i try to convince you that i am correct".

i'm not interested in who is right, i'm interested in data.

why conflate ego with the data, you know?

Most aspie on aspie debates end up being about stuff that has no right answer. Like "nvidia vs AMD" or "Burger King vs McD's"

>stuff that has no right answer
i feel like i understand things less by the day.

what do you feel is the difference between a debate and an argument?

>Often bullied and teased
But I was the bully though

I meant argument, sorry. I was just trying to say that its fucking tedious to spend 30 minutes trying to convince someone that Burger King is superior

my dad has undiagnosed aspergers
every single person he interacts with has told me its obvious
I never knew his behavior wasn't normal and I picked up a lot of his mannerisms
which fucking sucks because I'm not a burger myself

no worries, just making sure we're using the same terminology here.
>fucking tedious
agreed. i want to know why someone prefers burger king sure but i'm not interested in a targeted campaign to get me to eat a whopper.

>Most aspie on aspie debates end up being about stuff that has no right answer. Like "nvidia vs AMD" or "Burger King vs McD's"
i don't argue about those things, which is an opinion and simply put just 2 losers trying to argue about their opinion being better

this user gets it.

Is there any surefire way to know if I'm an aspie?

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honestly the double stack at wendies is superior

all you do is drive up to the window and say:

>four-for-four double-stack plain
they will ask you 2 things:
>what drink do you want
>dipping sauce for nuggets

you should have those answers pre-determined, but i would wait a few seconds to state it because the normies have to punch in the buttons

what, like some kind of diagnostic assessment or something? that's crazy talk user.

Well I fit a good lot of the things in the OP pic but I'm sure there's something more specific to it than those, since lots of those things overlap with plenty of other things.

so you're saying you could use some diagnostic assessment then?

I'm not sure if you can reliably test for aspergers on someone who knows they're being tested for it

>The empathizing?systemizing (E?S) theory suggests that people may be classified on the basis of their scores along two dimensions: empathizing (E) and systemizing (S). It measures a person's strength of interest in empathy (the ability to identify and understand the thoughts and feelings of others and to respond to these with appropriate emotions) and a person's strength of interest in systems (in terms of the drive to analyse or construct them).
>According to the originator of the hypothesis, Simon Baron-Cohen, the E-S theory has been tested using the Empathy Quotient (EQ) and Systemizing Quotient (SQ), developed by him and colleagues, and generates five different 'brain types' depending on the presence or absence of discrepancies between their scores on E or S. E-S profiles show that the profile E>S is more common in females than in males, and the profile S>E is more common in males than in females.[1] Baron-Cohen and associates say the E-S theory is a better predictor than gender of who chooses STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).[2] The E-S theory has been extended into the 'Extreme Male Brain' (EMB) theory of autism and Asperger syndrome, which are associated in the E-S theory with below-average empathy and average or above-average systemizing.[3]

>empathy (the ability to identify and understand the thoughts and feelings of others and to respond to these with appropriate emotions)
this is how i know i am assburgers

these normies use buzzwords like "appropriate emotions"
so if you don't respond to normies with what they subjectively deem the "appropriate emotions" you are an autist.

what kind of stupid shit is this? autism is literally a scam to get government gibs, get your child diagnosed and they throw money at you. there's no prescription drug, there's no cure, all it serves to do is provide a "something is wrong with you" label to impressionable children who don't know any better


I highly recommend psychedelic usage to people with mild aspergers, helps with self awareness of your own thinking. Meditation (mindfulness) is also good.

It's funny because I figured out how to put on a facade from a young age without really realizing it(although I still behaved pretty autistically, but it kind of worked). It wasn't until a couple years ago that I realized normal people just pick up on social cues intuitively and don't have to be actively reading the situation and trying to discern what is trying to be communicated with body language and facial expressions. Speaking of which, I recommend trying to read about those a bit, may help with your interactions.

>I highly recommend psychedelic usage to people with mild aspergers, helps with self awareness of your own thinking. Meditation (mindfulness) is also good.
to second this, and also add that i found even better results with NMDA antagonist dissociatives

>DXM / robitussin
>MXE (hard to find but my favorite)
>3-meo-pcp (unforgiving and potent don't take this if you haven't at least done K or DXM a bunch)

it gives you the mind trip of a psychedelic with less anxiety, no body load (body feels great) and no comedown it just has an afterglow where u feel good for a few days and then go back to normal.

only negative effect i noticed was the day or 2 after i was really tired and slept half the day, hardly a problem if anything it's a feature

>just took an online test
>lower than average on both
I know that it isn't meant to be accurate or binding but I'm still gonna let this get me down.

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I think in some cases it is a disorder, while in others it's just a kid who doesn't fit into the normie stereotype of ""normal"" so they get stuck into that label for the rest of their lives. It took me a while to hide my symptoms (not making eye contact, bad conversation skills, strict routine, etc.) but even now it's hard to say if those traits were because of assburgers or just something else, since I haven't gotten an official diagnosis.

How is mild asperger's and shit smearing retard tier autism even considered the same disorder?

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>how are red and blue both considered colors?
it's a spectrum, dip.

>high T in the womb
I have a theory that
- autism genes + some prenatal conditions (stress?) + high prenatal T -> masculine autism
- autism genes + some prenatal conditions (stress?) + low prenatal T -> feminine autism

This could explain why some HFAs, especially women, have high 2D:4Ds while LFAs, especially men, tend to have lower 2D:4Ds. It could also ecplain why the "autism = extreme male brain" statement does not always seem to hold true.

And some people have expanded the theory, stating that BPD and schizophrenia are extreme female brains (they correlate with high 2d4d), and others have said there are two types of balanced brains: B (high S and E) and N (low S and E). The N type people have a high 2d4d and many traits associated with high-functioning autism.

From what I've read about N type, it really might be feminine autism (extreme S would still be masculine autism). Balanced brain could also explain why (mostly) female autists tend to identify as non-binary as opposed to "fully" trans.

>considered the same disorder
shit smearing retardation is not "autism" but doctors don't want to say "your child is defective, please euthanize"

so they use "autism" and like i said in the OP, poor people in america can LITERALLY get paid extra money by the state if your kid has autism. half of mothers are single anyway and suckling the government's teat, so they just have to send an additional form in and they get retard bux to splurge on at the mall

feminine autism = low functioning autism?

i don't understand

also what does

Yeah but because of the genetic factor, as I don't know if I should get a sperm donation because I don't want a shit smearing tard child.

Digit ratio, index finger:ring finger. Apparently correlates with in utero testosterone levels.

Can it develop by itself or later in life? I swear I wasn't this autistic before, now I started forgetting what some words really mean, non-abstractly.
Although I was odd one out in school, so I guess i just forgot everything

Autism is a neurological disorder, meaning it cannot be developed later in life and is incurable, but it also means that sometimes it can, or cannot, or sometimes doesnt need to be treated because there are literally thousands of different symptoms-

It also has no known cause, some say genetics, some say conditions in the womb etc.

my ring finger is like 1cm longer than my index finger

autism confirmed?


except 20% of people who were diagnosed with Asperger's as children no longer fit diagnostic criteria

>Neurological disorder
>Not diagnosed with brain-scans

This means they might've either been misdiagnosed as children, or their particular symptoms were something which they could either gain control over or were temporary to begin with.

>20% of people who were diagnosed
maybe they just weren't given enough social interaction?

maybe it's just a personality type and not a mental derangement

maybe stupid normie doctors misdiagnose people because they are fucking stupid normies that scream "AUTISMS" when a kid displays some eccentric behavior and isn't concerned with mimicking normies and their illogical behaviors

Exactly, misdiagnoses are quite common, especially in the mental and neurological field.

>free will exists

>despite of how much willpower you use to become pretty much normal you will always be a tist

>It measures a person's strength of interest in empathy (the ability to identify and understand the thoughts and feelings of others and to respond to these with appropriate emotions)
So what if I understand people's thoughts and feelings and I just don't give a shit about it, other than how it might affect me personally? I don't see why one would want to encourage changing one's behavior based on the behavior on another person. Why is the emotionally charged person controlling the scenario and if you don't react as "appropriate" then you're an autist? Please.

No. Feminine autism is more high-functioning than masculine autism.

Possible "masculine" autism.

There is no cause. You have it from birth or not at all, and you get it from a combination of chance and genetics. Also, fuck aspies. They conform to the aspie stereotypes so hard, even if the stereotypes arent grounded in reality, like their disorder is their entire personality. And they are so fucking awkard on purpose, just to enforce their aspieness.

t. also aspie, obviously

in what way?

my ring finger is 1cm longer. i also have a very masculine face (but i'm a manlet so not chad)

can you expound the difference between feminine and masculine autism, based on the behaviors/personality more? or post any links detailing this theory more

>so fucking awkard on purpose
i like your digits friend but you seem to have interacted with attention whores that also consider themselves aspie. please do not let them speak for all aspies.
many aspies try very hard to not be awkward usually resulting in more awkward
t. aspie

I know. Its just frustrating, especially as the face of aspergers are those people and the shit-smearing retards OP describes. I am probably awkward as all hell myself, I just cant tell.

the idiots of any group are always the most visible. the most visible are always the idiots. this seems to hold true for every group.

Goddamnit. I just took an online test and I scored 39, I'm pretty sure I'm an asby.

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