My sister is a burden

My sister is a burden

My sister is almost 30 and still lives at home, she's also borderline and is prone to making fits aka being a psychobitch

I'm seriously done, i almost lost her 2 times and she always keeps comin back, she lived with a boyfriend and of course the guy couldn't handle her shit so the broke up
Second time not so long ago she rented an apartment, i warned my parents that she'll be back, they all said "not this time" and sadly i was right again, she's back.

Other family memebers don't want her around either, so she can't stay with my aunt or grandparents, she's stuck here making my life more difficult than it already is, i want her gone.

Does Jow Forums have any advice for getting rid off annoying pestering siblings

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You should love those who you think deserve it the least, because they need it the most.

Send her here. I'll take her.

sell her to some user on r9k

How did she end up like that?

trust me, she's a horrible person, she likes to start fires just to watch them burn, metaphorically speaking.

She yells and throws things, she swears and calls you names, she's like a fuckin nightmare

Don't underestimate male thirst, start hooking her up with some betas and have her ruin someone else's life

I was gonna tell you to get a restraining order but fuck that
give her hugs
talk to her
play videogames with her
go watch a movie with her

>she's also borderline

So in other words she's an attention seeking garbage person who doesn't actually have a mental disorder she just has no regard for anyone but herself.

People " that have" BPD will never get better because they refuse to take responsibility for their lives. They are entitled kids that usually grow up in a middleclass/upperclass home and hate responsibility while also being narcissistic.

She isn't mentally ill, she's just a bad person.

There is nothing you can do to get rid of her beside kicking her out, telling her she's not allowed back and calling the police if she tries to (which she will.)

Sorry your sister is despicable person.

Then be honest with her and tell her you're sick of her instigating shit for no reason, but tell her you love her any way.

Thank you for undestanding the scope of what borderline actually is.

I understand that fundamentally she's just a toxic person, however my parents just can't seem to understand.

They always talk about how she's their child too and how they can't just "kick her out", they shaoe their lives all around her.

Why is she a problem for you? If you still live at home, get out ASAP.

She's a problem because she's prone to outbursts and manipulation

I'm younger than her and financially i'm not able to live independently, yet.

Ya that sucks dude, you're between a rock and a hard place.

Although they are her parents they'll get sick of her eventually or they'll be dragged under. It'll take many years though. I've seen parent's get divorced because one finally accepted what the kid was and the other refused.

I'm sure they put a lot of emphasis on her "disorder" because otherwise they'll have no one to blame but themselves (which they really shouldn't, it's just that good parents try not to blame the child.)

I've been friends with two people with BPD and they are exactly the same kind of person and they come from very similar backgrounds. How psychologist can say that it's fundamentally a mental disorder and not an environmental one is beyond me.

I'd bet $100 your parents are really good people and that they probably tried to give you as many tools and resources in life as they could. It's great parenting but unfortunately it allows some kids to turn into leeches, it's not your parents fault, it's the leech's.

The only advice I can give you is make a plan to move out. If you're too young now then just save up. If you are old enough but you currently can't afford it then I'd just make a plan and keep trying until you can.

Best of luck friend.

Post pictures of her you fag

what right do you have to live under your parents' rooft at your age that your sister doesn't have ?

If you haven't befriended or lived with a person who "has" BPD then you are out of your depth.

This of the most selfish immature attention seeking person you can possibly think of and I'd bet my house that if they went to a psychologist they would be "diagnosed" with BPD.

They are rotten people.

How about you move out you stupid zoomer

>my two anecdotal stories mean all psychologists are wrong

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it's not your decision since it's not your home, it's your parents'. Trying to scheme against her like you are doing right now makes you a little bitch

Because i "and they would say this themselves" am not that demanding, they would be happy to provide because i'm not a burden.

I'm also younger and financially she's better equiped than i am, so rightfully and logically i can stay up until her age and be on my way

Not OP idiot

I'm not OP, I'm

They aren't scheming they are asking for advice.

>Not realizing that psychology is still in it's infancy and is the most unreliable of all the sciences.
>Not realizing that if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck then it's probably a duck

Ya man, good counter argument, I really goofed.

>Because i "and they would say this themselves" am not that demanding, they would be happy to provide because i'm not a burden.
sounds like your parents are the problem if they have two kids like that