>if you're not a 10/10 chad, women won't date you
you cant prove me wrong here
And they say height doesnt matter
>has standards so high that not one guy in a group of 20 meets them
>one of them makes fun of her for it
>she gets offended
they never learn
jesus christ this world is perverse
cleanse the filth, i am impure
>eeeeeeh yyyaaaahhh
Bitch is retarded. You use elimination tactics to narrow the pool to something you can manage then you start looking for qualities that you find attractive in a partner. This retard just used elimination tactics from start to finish. No shit there aren't any men left at the end. You never stopped using elimination demands.
how fucking entitled can american women be? she's not even that good looking.
Korean edition
"Well, I am 28 but don't want children before I'm like 40, I want to party and have a 6 feet tall bf, why am I alone?"
>"Shouldn't be into feet"
Literally tinder visualized
>cares about height, age, and fetishes.
She is so fucking selfish if you're "a month younger than her" you're not good enough for her. I dislike her so fucking much and it's a 5 minute video.
Feet is like the 3rd most common "fetish (if you count something everyone has)" there is. Its tits, ass and then feet.
Are women stupid? Shaming men for a normal sexual attraction is a short cut to cathood.
Youd never see this video with the genders reversed because the mans first elimination would be "anyone who has had sex with more than 10 men please leave" and the entire room would disperse.
It would be a 30 second video
What a dumb disgusting fucking roastie whore. Even for a video, this shit pisses me off.
Fucking stupid whore cunt. Entitled faggot slut.
damn shes ugly
men really have some low standards
>how fucking entitled can american women be? she's not even that good looking.
Actually she's even bad looking. Wouldn't date that roastie.
the 1 man vs 20 women
>"leave if you've never been in a relationship longer than 6 month"
>more than half of the group leaves
Feet is the worst fetish in the world. Hands are way more attractive in a girl.
Yes women are stupid. They conflate foot fetishes with ugly men.
You should appreciate every part of a woman.
If I think you're cute then I think all of you is cute.
I think your feet are cute. I think your thighs are cute. I think your wrists are cute. I think the muscles in your neck are cute. I think the small of your back I'd cute.
I don't understand women who exclude me who would enjoy their bodies past their tits and hole.
Amazingly accurate.
the only women that would be left are religious girls (no sex before marriage) and landwhales.
Just LOL. That is so not true. Why would a hot chick date an average guy when she can easily date a hot/above average guy? I know I would rather date a hot chick if I could instead of a whale/unattractive girl. I get lots of messages from below average girls on tinder and IRL, just not from hot girls
99% of men have sex in their lifetime. OP btfo again. Being an incel is a choice, this is a fact that you just have to accept.
sticking your finger in a drunk/passed out girls cooter is not sex user
Ayy fack u OP. NiBBa be blue pilled as fk. As long as you have a cock and any testosterone in your body at all, you can dick down any girl you desire. Even the thiCCest, big titty big booty pornstar tier girls.
The key is:
>Eye contact, eye contact, eye contact, never breaking eye contact except to blink or take a quick glance at your surroundings.
>Relax and keep a Calm, chill vibe. If you think you might get nervous, just constantly remind yourself in your head "I am a bull. My cock is hard as fuck. I'm gonna dick this girl down. She wants/needs the good dicking."
>Let her do like 95% or even approaching 100% of the talking. Just nod or "Yeah" in response for almost any BS she says.
>Ask her "why?" questions instead of what/detail questions that she could respond with simple yes or no answers.
>When you do talk, keep it simple as possible. Talk almost like if you were talking to a small child. You can even just say random nonsense if you want, the words themselves don't matter, it's all about the vibe and your body language.
>Pretend you dont know shit and ask her to show you around. Or, for the ballsy as fuck, pretend you know more about the area than you actually do and tell her to join you to get munchies at this "really good food place down the street". It gives her a good excuse for if she has friends at the club/bar/whatever that would stop her from a straight up "come back to my place" pull.
I shit you not, you can be the most butt ugly, short, bald, fat, disabled niBBa but if you pull up to a girl with fucking BALLS you can outgame even the studliest jacked weighlifting Chad mofos and even steal their gfs/ cuck them.
You can thank me later.
Sticking your penis inside a girl's vagina is sex. And it's so easy to do these days that if you're not doing it it's because you don't want to.
ITT chad mocks us
srsly you can't expect an r9k autist doing that without looking like a retard
are you talking about rape?
Im the furthest thing from "Chad". Im almost the poster definition of the short, butt ugly niBBa but I shit you not, girls are horny as fuck just like guys. As long as you just fucking show up and express a desire or aura for sex and fun times, with a laid back vibe, I promise you will get even the girls with godzilla titties wet in the panties. Stop defining yourself by your looks or money or status or whatever the fuck. Start defining yourself by your testosterone, your need to breed, and your fucking rock hard CAWK you pleb.
Incels lie when they say they can't get sex. What incels actually want is a pure virgin loving waifu who will magically appear in their basement. But since that doesn't exist they just continue to lie and say they can't get sex no matter how hard they try (they even left the basement once to go to the store!)
All fetishes pale in the face of the One True Fetish: that spot behind a woman's ear. Only God-Kings know the pure eroticism of that spot.
This is true, but the fact that wanting a loyal and unspoiled woman as a life partner is an unrealistic expectation is a testament to the broken state of the world.
Meaning what?
Virginal. I used the term unspoiled for comedic value, but I guess it was a little obscure for the average person.
Unspoiled was used to describe sex slaves. The not-raped ones would be sold at a higher price than the raped ones. Unspoiled=not raped. Spoiled=raped.
I know, dark comedy is dark.
Okay, so why would any adult girl have saved her virginity for a failure like you? She's given her virginity to her bf who was better than you in every way. But now they've broken up and she's single again.
That you want a virgin girl shows you are mentally retarded and have the mind of a 14 year old.
eventually she will find chad out of the group
so yeah, survival of the fittest, now amplified by social media applications
Good pep talk, Chad. You should be a motivational speaker; it suits you so well.
>her bf was better than you
"Better" is a subjective statement of perceived, socially constructed value. "Better" has no objective, physical property.
"Your cock", however, has a very objectively real physical property. So does "her vagina".
So stop being a cuck and go dick her down. You have testosterone in your body, don't you?
Darwinism is the ultimate Cuck pill. There are no transitional forms in the fossil record. Physically weak, ugly and or disabled men with confidence can objectively pull more and bomber/hotter girls than even the studliest Chad as long as they truly want it.
No u just can't get a woman because u are a pathetic beta male who jacks off all day in his dark room to anime on Jow Forums, tissues with ur crusty cum laying everywhere and empty doritos bags on ur table next to your only priced possession, your fancy gaming pc, which is your life. From there you low testosterone fuck nigger just type shit like "OnLy StUpId AsShOlEs GeT WoMen, LiFeS UnFaIR". Fuck you go hit the gym and get laid pussy.
Incels are the ultimate cucks who have swallowed the cuck pill.
I guess he didn't say that, probably because he knew what would happen
How to be a Chad who dicks down any girl he wants:
Step 1: Have a cock
Step 2: Have testosterone
Step 3: Use it
That's literally it, you overthinking Cuck.
Pic Very Related
>Comments are against this thot
There's still little hope in humanity lads
>Physically weak, ugly and or disabled men with confidence can objectively pull more and bomber/hotter girls
because she is cheating on them with chads and securing the genes of the attractive chads or single mothers are out hunting for beta beta providers after securing the genes of chad.
>Having standards this high
>One man and 20 women
>Leave if youve had more than 5 sexual partners
*deafening autistic screeching, HuffPost calling for his execution, investigated for hate crime*
Ancient Greece: Alexander the Great conquered and ruled an empire spanning from Greece to India. Was constantly scared/triggered about his subordinates or enemies possibly assassinating him or keking himself with worry about his own mortality and legacy. Diogenes the philosopher literally lived in a fucking barrel near the marketplace of Athens, didn't give a fuck about anyone or anything, did whatever the fuck he wanted, whenever the fuck he wanted, told Alexander the Great to his face to get out of his way because he was blocking his sunlight.
Guess who dicked down more thiCC ancient Bronze Age honies?
Which I why when/if I reproduce I will paternity test each and every one of my children.
Alexander obviously.
Its not that a girl should save her virginity for me specifically, its that no girl should lose it before marriage.
>go hit the gym
While you're hitting the gym with your "cheat bros" for hours and hours every week, my fat, short ugly ass is dicking down your girlfriend, giving her the dicking she needs but you won't give her because you seem to believe "hitting the gym" is a more valuable use of your time.
>"Private DNA paternity is testing is illegal, including through laboratories in other countries, and is punishable by up to a year in prison and a 15,000 fine."
soon the rest of the world will follow.
Germans are cucked by their bitches. If that shit spreads to my home nation then I will go full voluntary celibate or vasectomy. If bitches can cheat, but I can't check then there is no use for them.
Get fucked, Cuck. My dick is rock hard at the thought of stealing your girlfriend, pumping my fat cock deep inside her while you're obliviously pumping away at your bench press
>sterilizing yourself
>not raw dogging every single girl you dick down
>not spreading your seed everywhere at every opportunity
Congratulations user, you're cucking yourself
I know a couple, they started dating when he was still fat even though she herself was and still is skinny, healthy looking, etc. The guy didn't even have a job when they met. It gives me hope that not all females are shallow, just rare. R-right?
Situation in France. Even worse in Switzerland.
i've seen this porn before.
why aren't they gang banging her from the start? why is she still talking?
just impregnate her and one of them will decide to stick around and be betabucks.
>Not wanting to pay child support for 18 years to a kid that you have no way of verifying is yours.
>this is cucking yourself.
Cucking is when you provide for offspring that is not your own. I don't care if Chad has 30 kids with 30 women, just as long as one of those bitches do not have plausible cause to name me as the father of Chad's bastard.
insect faced bitches like this have high standards
it's over
yikes what a fucking whore. i wouldve dropkicked her and rallied the troops to gangrape her on the spot
We should be happy this is happening. One or two generations of this type of hyper-eugenic selection and the incel problem will disappear, the ugly problem will disappear, the manlet problem will disappear. We're all just mad that it couldn't be us but in the long run I'm happy that a new, better race of people is taking shape. I don't want future generations to suffer like I did, otherwise the suffering means nothing. This way, it means something.
You're a fucking idiot. She's 5'6", she'll have manlet elliot rodger sons.
If you truly want eugenics to work you also need to convince men to be picky and not fuck goblinas (good luck with that).
>paying child support at all
>not just "deny any relations with that woman" a la Bill Clinton
>not realizing that "DNA testing" is basically pseudoscience and extremely easy to tamper with, therefore extremely easy to make a legal case against and discount as any sort of "reliable evidence" in a court of law
>not being brainwashed by daytime law and order shows
>not realizing that 95%+ of women woild never bother to go through the huge trouble and hassle of trying to go through the courts/legal system to force you to pay child support and would instead just do what they can to raise the child on their own or seek a new bf to help them raise the child
>20 dudes fighting for a 6/10 bitch
fuck women
>Even worse in Switzerland
Care to elaborate?
does everyone text like a retard regardless of age?
Always why would any of these guys reply honestly?
>I like to dance, therefore you should too
>Yeah sure, I love to dance
>hit it and quit it
Switzerland prohibits paternal testing AND enforces alimony for ex-girlfriends.
my mom is 5ft4 and dad is 5ft6 and my brother turned out to be 5ft11
You realize this girl is a very special kind of retard right? Most girls aren't like that, and you bought into this meme video made by Jews, congratulations.
Can you post a link to the actual law and not an incel meme link?
Also Switzerland has legal prostitution. Which is why incels there have a much harder time there trying to justify belonging to their death cult.
You are clearly an autist. Staring a girl down makes her think you are a creep. You make eye contact for effect, the rest of the time you do shit like glance around the room and don't dote on her.
>calls it an incel meme
>is too stupid to google it
NiBBa eye contact demonstrates confidence, dominance and high Testosterone. You want to do as much of it as you can. Feel free to disregard my advice, from a former beta cuck who leveled up Bigly with girls recently. But if you keep having shit luck with the ladies, that's not on me dude.
>incel comes to date
>thinks he's making good eye contact
>doesn't say much at all
>does all this and feels good about himself
>"yeah, just got back from the date"
>"well he was a creep lol"
>"he wouldn't stop staring at me and he didn't talk much, he just said yeah a lot"
>"IKR what a weirdo :P he asked me why I worked at my job like who even does that(stupid emojis)"
>"he asked me to go with him to some other place. I didn't know where so I said no."
>"oh well, chad's still awake i should text him instead (more stupid emojis)"
>Imagine being on Jow Forums and too afraid to say nigger
fuck off zoomer
>that opening text
>apple (see: crippleware)
Holy shit this is fucking horrific. I pray for the zoomers that will have to undergo unimaginable trials in dating, if it's even a thing in their lifetime.
>not spelling it with the double B like the post-ironic edgy gangweed memes on Facebook with the red glowing eyes
Fuck you
>muh facebook meeeemes
you underage fucks have to leave
>he cares THIS MUCH
>he creates IMAGINARY scenarios in his head of what he ASSUMES girls might talk to other girls about him on a date
This is exactly what's holding you back from fucking as many girls as you want.
You need to STOP giving a fuck.
This is either shit bait, or you need to fuck off
I have a feeling that, while she feels she shouldn't have to lower her standards, she'd be pretty pissed if some guy she was super into randomly rejected her for one of those arbitrary reasons.
Bro, I've known plenty of land whales that would blow that number out of the water. Dudes be desperate.
Nobody says that. Which is why your comment was original.
Stay assmad, cuck. Let the Rage and Salt flow while I dick down your gf
I'll agree with you that meaningless fucking is easy to find for the most part. The problem I'm having is that I've reached an age where that doesn't appeal to me at all and I just want to find a decent woman to love. There in lies the rub though because it's like no matter what age, no woman wants to settle down anymore. All they want to do is continue to slut it up until they're too used up for any guy to want them anymore. So I guess I'll never have a family or children. Thanks sexual liberation, you've fucked us all.
>You're gonna be single for a while
Top fucking kek, based chad.
>all these men clamoring to land this 4 to 6/10 vietnamese or thai SEA monkey
oh lord
It's nice how you can back that up on this board.
I'm not saying Diogenes never got his dick wet, but i find it hard to believe that Alexander the Great wasnt fucking bitches left, right, and center.
That's because modern nutrition/growth hormones in food.
She seems like she was raised in the west so nutrition/hormones brought her to 5'6'' MAX. That's meh-tall for a woman, only an inch above average. Doubtful if she had sons with a 6' guy, they'd every be taller than dad
This. That thotty bitch got BTFO by a guy she would have otherwise dated if not for some number that was more or less physiologically arbitrary at that point.
They're probably all employees or friends of employees at whatever faggy buzzfeed studio made this video
My standards are:
1. She has to like me.
2. "don't be fat"
3. Age within five years of my own.
I had a body fat percentage of 3 the last time I measured, so it's not like I'm expecting something I don't expect of myself, either.
No woman has ever been interested in me. Ever. I'm too short. I've had female friends. Some that I've been really close to. 90% of the people in my class at university are women, so it's not like I don't interact with them. I'm just too fucking short for anyone to find me attractive.
So don't come here and tell me I'm lying when I say that I'm involuntarily celibate. There's nothing I can do. And I'm trying to accept it, but you're making it harder with your accusations.
What other reason could there possibly be for this other than "women should be legally protected from suffering consequences for cheating"? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
How dare you want to confirm that your wife isn't a cheating whore!
Why don't you tell us how tall you are and we will show you millions of shorter men who get lots of women. Go ahead. Or are you a 130cm midget?
>I had a body fat percentage of 3 the last time I measured
You're an idiot.
165 cm midget
I'm not. It was measured with a fancy machine at the hospital. As part of some physiology course.