If any of us went missing tomorrow most likely only our families and employers would notice

>If any of us went missing tomorrow most likely only our families and employers would notice
>7/10 roast attending uni in a literally where state goes missing and its a national manhunt
ITT: blackpills/suicide fuel

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nonwhite women on SUICIDE watch

>the world tries to protect pretty things and people who are popular are more well liked than others
>more news at 11

They would fire you for no call no show and move on, wagie. Dont kid yourself

>Haha silly robot so naive for believing all human life has equal value like you and everyone else were taught literally from birth

>that guy who believed the teacher when they said that

which is what's so maddening about being raised to believe everyone should be treated equally and then seeing the same people promulgating that bullshit idea acting out their own evolutionarily inscribed biases by celebrating and protecting the pretty while demonizing and shunning the ugly

and that is why all women deserve it

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>Hehe silly sheep I was a free thinker at 5 *tip*

lol yeah it was definitely just rote memorization of something a school teacher said and not something picked up from a billion different interactions with parents/media over many years of development!

just suck my ass dude, just pull my pants down, open up fat, shitcaked asscheeks, pucker your little bitch lips and start sucking shit right out of my asshole you little cunt

I bet None of you could empathize if someone black dies. Youd probably laugh and make jokes too. Being male is like being is like the other side of the coin.

I laugh at most deaths though, but yes especially black deaths they have funnier ones.

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Boys drool girls rule

Welcome to the real world, Champ. Life aint fair, get used to it. Now get out there and shake some hands

all they would do if they found you would be call you a loser and piece of shit

stacie would be thrown a party for being so valuable and irreplaceable, she would consider the men who found her cucks and then go fuck a psycho thug at a club

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>but yes especially black deaths
too soon man

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I love how the same people who love to bring up that "life ain't fair" are the same folks who whinge and cry about mass shootings
if life isn't fair then any level of unfairness is just another part of life to accept, including shooting a bunch of people

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Have there been any cases where a robot goes missing and no one looks?

>if life isn't fair then any level of unfairness is just another part of life to accept, including shooting a bunch of people
Good one user, seriously good one.

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How does it feel that you had 50% chance of being born something that the world will instantly cherish, adore, and take care of forever but came out male?

genuinely based

I hope she is dead origidigi

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most likely, but no one would know if no one looked.

I'm unemployed and only talk to my parents once every few months so more likely the people who own my apartment will break down the door in a month and find my rotting corpse

>I moved away for college so my family wouldn't notice I was missing for 3 weeks.
>I work part time on the weekends.

It would take a week before anyone would notice my absence. Feels bad man.

I only laugh when the black does something retarded and dies for it. Like assaulting a guy with a concealed carry license in the state of fucking Florida, the one state where lethal force is legal in all stages of self defense.

Yeah, retards dying for retarded things is funny.

Well do laugh when it happens to a retardes white person because you may be racist

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Sure mate, post a link to a white guy pulling the same shit. I'll laugh just as hard. I guarantee it.

There is seriously no way to refute this

unironically based and redpilled
if you're one of those normie fucks spouting the "life ain't fair" nonsense don't whine around when some incel or shitskins shoots you to death after raping you