How does your day usually looks like?

>wake up
>make coffee
>browse Jow Forums
>make coffee and toasts
>play vidya
>browse Jow Forums again
>cook and have dinner
>watch a movie
>drink tea
>play vidya
>go to sleep

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i have incel eyes as well

soon they will see what I've become, a pale broken soul, they will torment me

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hmm. maybe if you stopped doing that you would be better off?

>wake up
>eat something
>stay in the computer for a while
>go to the gym
>return home
>go back to the computer
>go to sleep

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>Wake up anywhere between late afternoon/early evening time
>Shit shower and shave
>Get a cup of tea and take medication
>Browse Jow Forums and various new sites
>Maybe game a little while browsing Jow Forums, alternating
>Make something to eat
>Eat and watch tv
>Clean up
>Read a book for a little while
>Watch the news
>Play around on some simulator for a little while listen to the radio
>Write out a journal entry
>Either browse this place, game a little more, or watch a couple anime episodes
>Go to bed anywhere between 3-5am - maybe browse laptop in bed before going to sleep

And that's how my day is

i am how i like

>wake up
>read history books for 1-2 hours
>eat breakfast
>browse Jow Forums and play vidya
>repeat throughout day with some eating here and there
>maybe watch a movie in the evening, or go for a run
>go to bed
>read another 1-2 hours before sleeping

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allright then why are you posting sadeyes? if you're sad then obviously you dont like your current life its just that you are too lazy to change it.

>wake up at 8
>turn on tv
>make coffee, eat smth
>eat smth
>ride a bike and listen to podcast for 3 hours

>wake up when sun is going down
>eat junkfood
>browse Jow Forums for 3-4 hours
>vidya 3-4 hours
>browse Jow Forums and dicord until 5 a.m
>go to bed
I feel unreal.

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i don't see sadness in the eyes

>Wake up
>Go for a 5 minute run because I'm a fat fuck that can't do anything
>Spend the rest of the day fluctuating between browsing the same websites, briefly playing the same games, half-heartily reading the same books.
>My bored mind constantly ripping my attention away from whatever is in front of me, reliving the same memories and running through the same fantasies.
>Keep trying to psyche myself up, telling myself I'll begin my transformation the next hour, next day, next monday, next month, next new year. I'll do it when I have this or that. I can't do it without this or that.
>Try to go outside and talk to people, but start to dissociate and panic because I'm inferior and they know it.
>Always trying to avoid the thought that redemption is only for people that actually have redeeming qualities.
>Tear up if I think about how my depersonalization and derealization will remain with me for the rest of my life and I will have to kill myself at some point.
>Eat my one meal because I'm a fat fuck and I shouldn't have more than what I need to live.
>Try to fall asleep.
>Get up and do it all over again.

On repeat for 7 fucking years.

>wake up
>commit suicide
>get resurrected
>make some spaghet
>commit suicide again after eating
>get resurrected again
>give up
>browse Jow Forums
>play vidya
>sleepy time

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Nope. You do.

>wake up
>literally unimaginable schizophrenic torment
>go to sleep

more or less

>wake up
>shitpost/vidya from 8:30 am to 10-11 am
>buy groceries/take out the trash
>work out
>masturbate to some fucked up porn
>rot on Jow Forums and play video games for the remaining 10 hours of the day
>dinner, cook if im feeling brave
>go to sleep at 12 am

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>wake up
>checking the few messages i got
>try to sleep again
>actually wake up
>go to pee
>browse yt or some other shitty things
>pretend to study for a test that i will never pass for the next 2-3 hours
>get tired of books
>play vidya
>play vidya
>pretend to study again or eventually see my gf bu is rare
>play vidya
>eat dinner
>browse something or eventually go out to get bored

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>lol just stop doing that

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>alarm wakes me up
>walk to train station
>train to work (work in capital)
>either go home and play vidya, smoke in the wilderness close to home , or drink alone in capital

Play vidya

Eat drink

Snapchat friends

Browse Reddit or Jow Forums, depending on current autism levels


i just want to test something
let's see

>walk with my mother most of the day smoking weed together grieving about our cat who died some months ago

>wake up
>wageslave for minimal wage
>lunch in 15 minutes
>go to uni
>repeat every single day

>Wake up
>work because wage-slave
>cycle home because no drivers licence
>get home. Enjoy dinner with my 2 hairless cats.
>watch yt

>wake up
>go to work
>get back
>dick around on the internet
>go to sleep

>hairless cats


>Wake up at 11
>Go downstairs
>Coffee, cereal
>Play various vidya on my pc, mostly singleplayer retro or indie
>Listen to music
>Jow Forums
>Play some overwatch, csgo, fortnite pubg
with some internet lads
>play gta singleplayer alone, completing missions or fucking around with mods
>youtube in bed
>listen to warioware music as i fall asleep at 3:40 pm
my life is just this cycle

>wake up
>browse Jow Forums
>browse Jow Forums
>browse Jow Forums
>browse Jow Forums
>goto 1

>wake up
>go to work
>go home

>wake up
>be bored at work
>bored some more at work
>even more bored
>come home for lunch
>go back to be bored at work
>keep bored
>more bored
>bored again
>go home
>play videogames and browse Jow Forums until dinner
>have dinner
>go back to videogames and Jow Forums

>wake up
>browse the chans
>play videogame
>watch movie
>browse the chans
>play videogame
>watch movie
>browse the chans
>play videogame
>watch movie
every day

>Wake up at 7am
"Yeah, fuck that"
>Go back to sleep
>Wake up at 10am
>Try to go to sleep again to shorten the day more but can't
>Lay in bed using computer until 4pm
>In that time consider suicide a few times and make some shitposts
"Maybe I should eat."
>Look at body and realize the worth in self-starvation
>Masturbate roughly 2 dozen times
>Glance at clock
"Wow, it's been productive. Time to properly start the day!"
>binge on junk food/fast food
>Eat dinner later
>Cry that I'll never be skinny
>Play vidya/browse the internet some more
>eventually go to sleep at ~2am

Sometimes I also work but the money is just used to fuel my clear issues so who gives a shit.

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>Wake up
>Grab a brush and put a little (makeup)
>Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup)
I wanted to.

what do you write about in your journal user? just your thoughts and revelations through out the day ?

6-6:30 am. - dogs wake me up so they can go outside. Back to bed
7- get up, do the usual shit, go to work
3-4- finish work
5- let dogs out, feed them, browse Internet.
6- take dogs a walk.
Dinner( usually some microwave thing)
Then just Internet. Maybe post nudes and cry for a bit.

Sleep, repeat.

If I didn't have dogs life would be even worse

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>i just want to test something

>wake up at 2-4pm
>do fun stuff
>get in the car to go to work at 10pm
>do fun stuff all night at security guard post
>go home at 7am and sleep

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>>i just want to test something

>wake up
>get dressed
>get my bag ready
>eat yogurt
>go wageslaving
>some 10 hours later be finished
>lurk Jow Forums till it's too late

wat lol desu bbq

>wake up
>shit post
>go for a run
>feel good from running
>good feels fade away
>back to being a sad cunt
>shit post more
>go to my shit job
>come back late at night
>watch jewtube vids
>jerk off to milf porn

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>wake up
>lie in bed for few hours
>go to computer
what a pathetic existence

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Pretty much yeah. I write what I've been doing during the day, what I have to do the next day along with my thoughts and feelings.

>2pm get up
>make coffee, start reading
>eat at 6 pm
>drink tea (mainly chinese teas)
>fap at about 9 pm for 45 minutes
>spend the rest of the day on computer, drinking soft drink and beer
>eat dinner at midnight and go to bed at 3 am

>wake up
>go back to sleep
>wake up
>go pee
>go back to sleep
>wake up
>make instant ramen
>watch anime for 20-60min
>lay in bed
>drink some sips
>play vidya to kill time
>make food
>lay in bed
>drink + Jow Forums

>Wake up 2pm.
>Smoke joint (continue doing this once every 3 hours or so).
>Take piss.
>Sit and watch wrestling/films/TV series or play Fallout 4.
>Possibly buy loads of alcohol.
>Have dinner around 6 if my stomach condition isn't being shit.
>Continue watching shit or playing shit whilst getting absolutely hammered, or if not drinking (rare) just getting high.
>Masturbate to traps on Chaturbate at 6am.
>Possibly go to sleep.

>wake up 0700
>start making coffee
>shit shower shave
>drink coffee and eat breakfast
>walk dog
>wake gf up
>go to work
>come home at 1730
>prepare dinner, do laundry if needed, grocery shopping if needed
>walk dog again
>watch movies or reruns of the X Files whilst eating dinner
>drink myself into a stupor whilst watching movies or the X files
>in bed by 2300, browse 4chins until 0100

Rinse and repeat, sometimes throw in some vidya.

It's not bad but I miss living at home and being a NEET sometimes.

>wake up
>smoke a bowl
>quickly shower and dress for wagecuck hours
>stand behind a desk till my feet turn blue
>like it tho, helped me be less robot, lots of people
>lunch time, i go to the thrift store and window shop every single day
>works over
>drive home 10 over the speed limit sucking a ciggarette so hard it should give me money
>smoke multiple bowls and a blunt with bf
>take bfs pee bottles out
>watch hey its kevin on youtube for the rest of the night and cuddle
>somtimes hours and hours of fallout 4
>sometimes fateshit anime binge
>most nights i have a slow cooker meal going, rice in the rice cooker.somtimes i make actual dinner.
>comfy as fuck, full as fuck

It depends on the time of year. I don't work in the summer.
>get up at about 7
>take a shower
>pick up a coffee and muffin on the way to work
>eat in my little office
>turn on everything that needs to be on
>read a book most of the day while I pretend to work
>get home
>make dinner
>sit on Jow Forums until it's late enough to sleep

But the summer is pretty different.
>up at 3-4 pm
>play an old video game while I listen to music
>shower at about 6:30
>cook after shower
>sit in my room on the internet until 8 in the morning
>go to bed
>pretend to do my job

Literally me. Except instead of a fat fuck I'm a skelly fuck.

I'm confused. The line about pretending to do my job was supposed to be in the first part. Oh well.

>wake up 6
>go downtown to study 8
>study until 12/13
>have lunch
>go back to studying 13:30/14:30
>study until 21
>go home
>eat, take a shower
>sleep 23/00
>wake up 6

>wake up at midday
>eat breakfast while checking new posts on some smaller subreddits
>watch new youtube videos
>take an hour+ long bath
>some vidya
>read or watch something
>maybe do something creative after the sun sets
>Jow Forums before sleep
add masturbation whenever I'm alone at home

Wake up
Inject heroin
Go to city to re up on heroin
Clean up house
Netflix/Hulu or whatever
Browse inter web
Chain smoke all day
Search for benzodiazepines (impossible)
Take heroin and high dose of antihistamines to sleep

>wake up at the sunset
>get out of bed
>play vidya and shitpost
>leave my cave for food
>return to my cave
>more vidya
>go to bed at a reasonable time for normies
>keep lurking in laptop
>try to fall asleep
>fap again if I'm not asleep yet
>finally fall asleep at the sunrise.

Sometimes I replace my night-time lurking and look for a job instead, but then I'm reminded Wagecuck life would be probably as horrible as the one I'm currently living.