Apply for janitor job

>apply for janitor job
>get interview
>take shower, brush teeth, dreas professionally give firm hand shake and make sure not to talk too much
>oresent my resume and tank them for their time
>dont get the job

>apply to Pizzahut
>get interview
>go to interview after literally rolling out of the bed
>no shower, wearing casual gym clothes, act unprofessional entire time
> answer questions with "idk" and "i dont have experience with that"
>get offered a position
I dont understand.

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You were overqualified for janitor and a good candidate for pizza hut. Nobody wants to hire a young person to do janitor jobs.

you're so fucking wrong it hurts

OP you have a higher chance of getting hired somewhere if you're being yourself
which they probably thought you were doing at pizzahut. they probably thought you were being honest even though in reality you just didn't fucking care

How can someone be "overqualified" for janitor work but not for working in a pizza kitchen...?
Im nit making this up btw this litwrally happened just now.
Im laughing at how upside down this job market is.
Theres literally a child sex offender who works as a janitor at my local uni.

Must really REALLY REALLY love his job doesn't he?

it all depends on who is doing the interview desu

Unis have people 17+ though

It's how he approached the two situations. In the first situation he came off as professional and eager to work. Is this the person you want to be your janitor? No, because he's shown motivation to work and will leave extremely quickly once a job better than being a janitor comes along.

Contrast this with the second interview, he goes in smelling and looking like shit. In his gym clothes He probably looked like he fit in with the rest of the niggers working there. He got the job because he showed literally no characteristics that he was motivated to go looking for a job, so the manager knows he's going to be there for awhile

Tl;dr your boss literally hired you because he thinks you're a loser and belong there OP.

t. Former assistant GM to a well known fast food chain, I've interviewed hundreds of people and those are always the characteristics we go for. It's better to hire losers with no worth because they're less likely to leave than motivated hard workers.

Op maybe they didn't want to hire you since ifyoure still young and you seemed overqualifued or whatever then you'd leave soon enough once you find a better job

Don't overdress for a low level job like a weirdo. I wore cargo pants and a tshirt to my interview at a grocery store and got offered a positon right away. Meanwhile some unironic autistic kid before me wore a full suit and a rolex and came out crying because he got turned down.

Being a janitor actually requires some autonomy and a basic knowledge of various cleaning techniques. In contrast, fast food kitchens are designed so that literally any degenerate can show up on day one and be an effective employee with minimal training and oversight.

when ever I here overqualified as an excuse for not getting the job
I think nepotism is at play, as they cant give a real reason.

When we were hiring for an office bitch job, they had me be a part of the interview process.

The #1 factor that they talked about in meetings was how long we could keep them around. We didn't like educated prospects because they would be desirable candidates that could possibly find skilled labor. Maybe your youth made you a flight risk for the janitor job. They probably wanted to hire somebody and never look at the position again for the next 5 years.

Its just low level jobs dont want people who will leave the moment good work turns up

Very true. And I've done both. Although I'm not technically a janitor, I'm an estates maintenance team leader. It's all the same shit.

The fact op thinks washing and brushing his teeth is something worth making a point of doing and mentioning gives some insight into why he wouldn't get anything but shit tier fast food work,

>you're so fucking wrong it hurts
When was the last time you saw a 20 something work a janitor job?

Every day when he looks in the mirror lmao

That's so mean lol

Maybe not janitors specifically, the higher age seems to come from the guys just being in the job a long time. But general maintenance jobs are full of young guys

Pizza hut and places like that are often desperate for jobs, janitorial jobs actually pay alot, in CA, they get paid $20 an hour, so they dont wanna pay someone alot of money who has no experience.

This is what was told to me when I was trying out for maintenance jobs.
Actually told to me.

Cleaning jobs are actually quite stringent and usually require some experience.

Jobs at fast food restaurants tend to be more lenient as they're entry positions for younger people, usually still in education, so experience isn't expected.

Youre janitors not fucking Biochemists, retards.

Being a janitor is actually a bit of a skill and they probably wanted someone with experience. Someone who doesn't know what they're getting into won't be willing to scrape shit off the walls and will make a mess with the mop etc.

mopping floors and taking out trash arent skills.

Except im not actually like this.
I just did it mostly to see what would happen.

Exact same shit happened to me. Except it was for a dishwasher position at some shitty hotel. On the day of the interview all I did was drag myself out of bed, tie my greasy hair into a manbun, didn't shave the neckbeard, didn't cut my nails, I didn't even bother fucking shower. When I got there I awkwardly stood in the middle of the hotel like some autist waiting for someone to approach me. Eventually some cute blonde chick came and asked if she could help. She pointed me to the guy I needed to see but he was on the phone so I sort of just loitered next to him for about 5 minutes. We sat in a booth, he asked me the standard questions, he said that I got the job and should come in on some day. When that day came I realised that I didn't even want the fucking job so I called up and told him I wasn't coming.

I've cleaned my act up considerably since then. But I have never got as lucky as I got with that one...

You dont need to dress professionally for a janitor job dum dum
The only times to dress professionally is when you are getting an office job

But it's true. I was a janitor at two different places, while it's not complicated work most of the time the boss man isn't in the same building as you and so you're expected to
A) not fuck around and actually clean
B) know the different chemicals that are used, how to used, and what PPE is needed. Not including the specific guidelines companies use for cleaning hazardous materials. Nobody said it wa hard, but employers do prefer people who know at least know the chemicals and have proven through their resume they can be trusted to work alone. Idk why you're mad lol.

All this plus maintenance of equipment and buildings. I do this sort of work for a housing group and there's a surprising amount of responsibility and organisational skills involved.

Then there's fast food which is mind numbingly fucking easy to the point they'll take any retard to slave under ego fuelled "team leaders"

Thats the opposite of what allegedly former are saying ITT though.
Seems that employers uphold their custodians to a certain standard.
Although most of these anons probably arent American so being a janitor in sweden for example requires more experience.

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we have janitors that come every morning here, and I mean not be a dick, but theres only a FEW things I expect: if my trash can is full, empty it. if the fucking toilet paper runs out in the bathroom, re stock it. if the hand soap runs out, re fill it. thats all. yet i cant count the number of times ive gone into the mens bathroom in the afternoon, and theres no hand soap, or all the toilet paper is gone. like come on guys, fuck.

if you think thats all janitors do i hope i never pass within 50 feet of your stinky fucking shitpile of a house