Why are so many white men suddenly taking the asian waifu pill en masse?

Why are so many white men suddenly taking the asian waifu pill en masse?

White woman here.

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what do you mean suddenly?

wmaf have always been the most common pairing

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for the same reason they eat sushi and noodles
dragon ball

>woman here
Tits or BTFO

based portugal taught us back in 1550

Men idolize femininity, women in Western countries don't have this commonly. Begone whore.

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Men want feminine women just like women want masculine men. When an entire race of women, the white ones, decide they no longer want to be feminine their men look elsewhere.

Because autism. And they want to have every other person reassure them that them turning Asian women into this fetish and idea is normal and healthy. When in reality the Asian women they're going to meet in their life time are going to hopefully give them the realization that women are actual living breathing people too. But most of them won't get as far as saying the first word to these "meek" and "submissive" asian women.

I like them because of anime I guess kek

Tits or OUT.

fucking ho.

>tfw have a virgin asian gf

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Let's assume for a second that there are girls on the Internet (hahahahaha) and that OP is, in fact, a lady with an inquiring mind (hahaha).

In addition to what other posters have said:

Asian wifu will age well, not balloon out like white or Latina chicks. Then at around 120 become kawaii babushkas.

Asian wifu is pleasant and feminine, not a competitor like westerners, but a companion.

Asian wifu dresses In a femenine fashion, and embraces what makes her a compliment: her femininity.

Asian wifu will be a doting mother and good wife, because they have seen with their parents how well a good home dynamic can do against the world.

Asian wifu appreciates a man who's a man, that will call her out on her bullshit. As all women crave, but westerners have denied.

Source: I've lived and married with many Asian wifu types. I'm old. Would do it all over again.

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Youre talking about Californian white dudes

Retiring in asia with a local qt or importing them here has been going a thing for men who do not want to be femnazi-cucked for a while now.

the future is Asian

I'm just gonna filter 'asian' now. Had enough shitty racebait.

The types of women they're used to are severely unappealing for being raised by this culture that glorifies cheating and "experimenting" with many men before settling down with someone to divorce anyway because it doesn't feel right like they imagined true love would before they gave in to how things are and fucked and "fell out of love with" several men. These people assume that exotic girls are different, that culture in other countries have to be better than this, where people actually make effort for true love and don't just fuck around hoping everything falls into place. The truth that these people ought to learn to understand is that 3D is always PD, and no pure chaste romantic girl is waiting out there for us.

Don't take it personally. It's only a few disgruntled betas who fetishize then cuz they think they're easy and will out up with the shit white women won't. Kinda like how some black men won't shut up bout how much nicer white women are to them than mean black women. Like I said, at the end of the day it's a buncha bitter people offloading their bitter, bitter relationship baggage onto another race of women/men. They're somebody else's problem, not yours.

Because asian girls are from asia and women aren't being brainwashed to be hypergamous whores in asia.

there are high amounts of wmaf couples in the Bay Area and in Irvine

This is almost meme-tier embarrassing. I could see people thinking you're being sarcastic, telling the lady that she's perfect and that anybody's complaints are because they're bad people, and it's that simple. She came to Jow Forums looking for answers for robots.

because tighter vaginas is all that matters in the end, supply and demand

This is what feminists actually want everyone to believe.