Grandpa blames everything on millennials

>grandpa blames everything on millennials
>unironically just complained about cargo shorts and said its a useless millennial invention

Why are old people so bitter about everything?

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grandpa is probably an undiagnosed robot
happy old men in my country spend all their money getting drunk and buying lottery tickets

Your grandpa is 100% correct, the current young generations are the most useless I've ever seen

this has happened for centuries.
there are old news articles from the 1900's calling the "Greatest Generation" a bunch of rebellious lazy hooligans.
Millenials' turn is almost over, and soon people will start bitching about Gen Z.

They are close to dieing. I am sure if you knew you could die at any moment you'ld be pissed off all the time. Well if you were normal I mean.

But cargo shorts are gen X's fault
>fucking cargo shorts
>millenials are also gen X's fault
>fucking gen X

Old people are literally the most fucking entitled people on the planet. 9 out of 10 times the people who throw bitch fits in public are over 50

who cares they're all fat and will die of heart disease because they cant stop eating

old news articles? bitch, greek philosophers were already complaining about younger generations LOL

They're almost dead and have alzheimers, let them have their moment.

im pretty sure a lot of why old people are bitter is because they're lives suck, they have no energy, everything hurts, and they're just waiting to die. i feel like anyone over 60 is this way. they're just waiting to die

then my point still stands dummy. no need to call me bitch you meany

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The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.

sorry, I meant bitch as in dude. But I'm willing to have an affair with you

Not to mention a great many of them put in a lot of hard work only to see their grandchildren turn out as a bunch of whiny, effeminate, snowflakes blaming previous generations for all the ills of the world.
>poor old people

The GI Generation and Lost Generation had it hard. None of today's generations faced what those two faced.

t.boomer faggot

They faced things like WW1, rising political tensions like the rise of fascism and communism, the KKK, WW2, and the Great Depression. How did these 2 generations not have it harder than today's whiners?

they had one major advantage: no social internet

True. Imagine growing up during the depression, then fighting in WWII. Then being so burnt out that you don't raise your kids, leading to boomers.
They had a heavy burden to bear, but failed at the end.

Contempt for authority and disrespect for elders is always a good thing

Children decide who they will be so they didn't fail.

Kringe and bluepilled

Pretty soon I'll be able shit on zoomers with my boomer dad. Feels good man.

How? People have access to many books and websites. They can research things themselves and determine their own values. I base this on myself.

>cargo shorts
Your grandpa has the big dumb user

>cross their legs
No wonder with a bunch of horny old cunts around.