Would you date a girl who smokes?

Would you date a girl who smokes?

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It depends on how much she smokes

Smoking is fucking disgusting.

Gotta be Chesterfields.

bad breath, yellow fingers, yellow teeth, bad smell, wrinkly mouth from sucking cancer sticks
can't see why not

I can't stand the smell of smoke it make's me want to throw up.
It is also expensive and stupid.

I'd honestly rather she used heroin

Only if she shares

Maybe weed, and even then only if it's very infrequent. Cigarettes would make her mouth too gross for kissing

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Occasional isn't bad. Like a cig on Ocassion when offered, maybe a pack when out for a few drinks. In that case it's barely a noticeable thing. But serious habits nah. Best avoided.

Fuck no, I hate smokers. The only thing worse than smokers are fat people.

You never saw a smoking person? Nobody has yellow fingers

depends on how much she smokes.
if it's 1-3 cigars a day then it's fine. if it's a fucking pack a day or even more then no

i only fw grunge women u niggers complaining about cigarettes are pussy and probably judgemental due to having bitch lungs.

Yeah this. It takes a serious habit of absolutely years for any of that.youll age worse for sure but you aren't going to shrivel up and turn yellow in your fucking twenties or 30s for enjoying a smoke.
I've smoked every other day for years now, nothing. Same with the heavy smokers I work with

no high body count or tattoos

smoking is fine with me

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No, I'd rather be with someone who isn't a dumbass.

I smoke, so yeah even preferred.

if i liked the girl enough, yea probably. i quit smoking and it smells like shit now, but it doesn't bother me too much

Marlboro is good taste, so maybe
Preferably a qt guy, though
They look better smoking anyway

90% of posters here are depressed yet you cling so much to that shitty life that you wouldn't even smoke a cigarette.

No, but not because she smokes.

No. Have you ever kissed a girl who smokes? is fucking disgusting

Probably but I would make her quit and she would do what I tell her.