is it unnatractive for men to have cut scars? should i wear a jacket all the time. pic related
Is it unnatractive for men to have cut scars? should i wear a jacket all the time. pic related
in general yea
but i guess you can get some edgy teen if youre not unattractive in other regards
I don't know about guys but when I see a girl with scars like that pic it makes me fall in love
damaged/clingy goth women are the best
My bf has scars. I saw them before we started dating and desu it added so much mystery to him. Made me talk to him. Now i give them kisses and run my fingers through his hair till he sleeps. Hes been through allot.
Typical female, rewarding bad behavior
Those are too much. Less cuts is ok. I have to be sure that I can help him heal and he's not a lost cause.
You should have done it right the first time you pussy fuck
"attractive" or not doesn't really apply to this. it's more about what they show about yourself/personality/life and (most importantly) how the other person reacts to it. might shrink your dating pool a little smaller but then again maybe a fellow emo kid will think its hot
Trips check my friend
The truth hath been expressed
It's pretty disgusting to be fair.
I think cuts are hot on guys
Ever since maybe seventh grade i've been deeply attracted to self harm marks
I think cuts are hot on your throat, slut
Like another has said It may shrink your dating pool, but it may help you find the right one, someone is is open minded and kind. I personally do not notice scars and do not care, others may, but depending on that person it may or may not be a turnoff, and they may not even care, if they do not find you attractive then they do not deserve you.
i have to agree with you user though im not sure i'd enjoy it as much in real life as in fantasies
scar cream works wonders my crazy dudes and also glue them back together don't leave them open after you lose to the self hate
can girls tell the difference between scar from manual work and scar from cutting yourself like fag?
can't everyone? Most accidental scars won't be all gathered in one place and going in one direction like a lot of self harm scars
Post your actual scars faggot, not shit you got off of google.
cant post pics of yourself here
That rule was to elimante the "faces of Jow Forums" bullshit, I don't think the mods would give a shit in this instance.