CYOA Thread

These threads are always good, there was one I saw the other day but you faggots let it die, lets have nice comfy one tonight.

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I choose ants

oh fuck, orignoloollliio

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nvm just found old cyoa pics from a month ago in my trash folder

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either the road eternal or escape to basically become lain

ive never watched lain, is it worth it

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yes it is definitely worth a watch, only 12 eps

alright im going to watch it tomorrow. Im doing a water fast and was looking for stuff to occupy myself with

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There's always a CYOA thread up on /tg/ and /trash/ (for the NSFW ones) - the problem with Jow Forums is the tiny file upload limit, so you can't upload any of the best ones

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but r9k is comfy to post it on, thats why i like doing it here

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this is just a comfy thread for anyone who wants to casually larp a little bit, I know some of the real threads on tg get really into it

I wish there were more CYOA threads again. It was always comfy.

Pink pill, touch Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffet, convince them to make me a billionaire by investing in some stupid idea of mine, touch the president and have him listen to all my policy ideas, use the remaining touches for my harem of waifus

how would you get close enough to any of them

Buffet is constantly at some event holding talks or just hanging out. It wouldn't be that hard to meet him. The president is something else though.


where my ersu boys at

Its not that hard to meet the president desu


Attached: cyoa8.jpg (2300x3660, 1.6M)

right here

I'm an anarcho-capitalist, so ersu is fucking awesome.


Character creator
Cash up front, since I have one more

Marked or Ersu. Oof

Marked, probably.
I may regret it. But meh

The strange journey

The Gifted One
The Caller

I quite like this one, user. Saving it
Thanks btw

Timesplitter dagger. Only thing with no real downsides desu. Get the right job and blood is easy to find

Grey pill. Can change into anything, so theres more variety


and this is the last one I've got

Attached: cyoaroll.jpg (1150x1600, 284K)

The Road Eternal obv

ayyy lmaooooooooooo
original roll


Rolling for this
Originallio of course

20-Gourmet Food
1-Toilet Paper
5-Health Clinic
10-good TV
15-good PC
5-Every console
10-Normal room

You are not a robot if you don't choose Fisher King.
Every time this is posted everyone picks Road Eternal, as if wandering through third-world shitholes is going to be more enjoyable than living in a magical fantasy castle the size of a city. With the advent of the future, new technology would allow you to experience everything the Road Eternal offers and more through FIVR.

very original roll yes let me roll come the fuck on

lucky for you OP, i have just the thing you need.

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sing it out
the gifted one
the centre

I just want to be the lead in a life-long musical

Rollerino for the cyoa

Ersu sounds the best if you reincarnate even when slain by Quet. If not then Lux for the superior shitposting power.
Escape sounds very interesting, imagine seeing the imaginations of every person ever, seeing how they saw the world, their thoughts and ideas, but it'd be maddeningly lonely. For me it's dominion. Immortal god king of mankind? yes please.
Cola would probably be the most useful for me.
Timesplitter dagger
option 3 errytime
>what's around the corner
>gifted one
>companion gets this thing is important

rolling, seems like fun

i sure hope i have an original roll

why no 0 point options

...fucking hell, originalilo

Roll you bastard

Let's try this one out

here you go anons, a shower cyoa

Attached: shower cyoa 2.jpg (1200x9372, 1.61M)

34+25 for everyone forgetting me (i would have paid points for this)

shit room -1
shower -3
fastfood -10
top of line pc -15
hd tv -10
unlimited marijuana and top shelf liquor because fuck the rules -20

that actually worked out pretty nicely

just let me roll for fucks sake it's 7 am aaaaa


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Suicide Man

>mfw drinking all the potions

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irugugba / 2

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sleepy well robots

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comfy in all fields

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another cyoa!

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Tye between Ersu and XM, ersu is more practical cuz immortal but it really depends on the specific combat abilities of Xm's tentacles

Black pill ofc
Lottery tickets and growth stocks

>tfw no goblin gf

why even live

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rolling sdfijnbhsdjkinbfsdjonikfdsjnib s

Ur or Amilia my guy

35, 31, 36, 43, 39, 47, 42 this is a pretty awesome build. I'm in perfect shape, don't need to eat, can steal people's skills, master musician, master entertainer, can read minds, and stop time, this is especially great because if used right you can gain every boon, just stop time once a month and search for the immortality boon, steal it, then you can protect yourself from others with your mind reading and time stopping powers, you can live forever with this method and eventually steal every power

fug it lets rolle

Rollio originolio still not originiolio reeeeeeeeee

Skeleton king of course

I have a few of these I can post!

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Here is a common but good one.

Attached: 4.jpg (800x930, 260K)

Its a shame cause due to the filesize limit some of the really good ones I can't post.

Attached: 3.jpg (3032x1888, 1.01M)

Like my fave is the doors one but its just way too big to post and its in multiple parts.

Attached: monsta.jpg (1400x7000, 1.91M)

Have a MTN dew one.

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Orange soda
Grey pill
Gloves of strength
Option 3
A world of myths unbound
The unstoppable
The eternal champion
6. An omniscient voice
Sounds pretty comfy to have a being in my head chattering to me as I go about my day
Cleansing conversion
Lava soap
Time management
To-do list
Lovely dreams
Fresh clothes

I am rolling for numbers, these numbers tell me how many dollars I have. Cheese is kt favorite animal and if anyone eats him I will be very mad but you can fuck him all you want. Just make sure to tuck in the cheese when you are done. Beebs boggers drinkin lagers.

But now I'm running out of things to say to bypass the filter.

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But hey this is my last one anyways so.

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Imma take the long man

hmmm one of these doesnt fit with the rest

lez go babbbbbyyyy

Lucky coin
Eyes of the light
Monk - inner magic
Increased strength/speed /defence
Dark hero/exposure
Enhanced strength/defence
Napalm breath
Ordinary dew

A lion's heart
Wish pill
Painproof pill
Money pill

rolling my good man

Home teleport is a legit superpower so that would be the obvious first choice. Likeable would also be extremely useful.

No brainer
>World of Myths Unbound
>The Fist of God
Unstoppable is too OP, there's no fun if theres no struggle
>The Hunter Grand
Time to go full Berserk and become the worlds greatest hero boys.

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i want the big points