Roommates and best friends with a nigger

>Roommates and best friends with a nigger
>Nigger quits Taco Bell with no call no show
>Can't go to Taco Bell for my yum yums because they recognize me and will ask about my nigger roommate

What do bros?

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you shouldn't call your friends mean names
also who cares just go to taco bell
if they ask just say he quit

Just go to taco bell.
If they ask about it just say you ain't his momma.

>Eating fast food
negroid please

just say with a sad face that "he thinks he's too good for us"
they'll chuckle

The absolute state of white bois

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It's funny I've had a couple of white best friends through my life time and I wondered if this was how they referred to me when I wasn't around.. if course they inevitably slipped up and called me it to my face thus answering the question. The look of horror on their faces as soon they realized the jig was up.

hard R and everything?

lol grow a pair faggot, they probably don't say it around you cause they know you'll cry about it

>1. nigger please
>2. Thought I was sleep, walked in on him leading some chant that I can only assume was a Klan chant, some shit about washing hands in nigger blood and burning babies, they thought the song was funny I assume

>grow a pair
>t. basement dweller scared to go outside

They knew what it was, dozens of conversations were had over multiple years. They were well aware that I'm not a token that's going to laugh off disrespectful cacness

the funny thing is I've fucked more girls than you, you larping nigger haha

Imagine your friends calling you racial slurs behind your back it hurts no matter your race

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yeah not your friends
sucks too if yall be hanging out for awhile

ye yall b tripin knameen ?

no one types like that even if they talk like that

Why do white people do this? Now I have to be more parnoid and introverted than I am

Fucking hell user, stop being such a little bitch. I used to have nog friends, they would call me honky and cracker all the time, and in turn I would call them niggers and coloured. And guess what? Nobody got butthurt. We just laughed and went about our day. It's your own fault for being so easily offended.

not everyone is like that but I mean you always got to watch out for people

Cracker means nothing. If anything just means you had power. Its can't be used as anything degrading

good to know a simple word makes you niggers crumble

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niggers gona nig

I love when white people compare cracker to nigger
like black don't call someone a cracker when legit mad but white call a black nigger when legit mad

>I've fucked more girls

LMAO sure bud
Who gives a fuck about body count lol I stopped counting before 19, fucking girls isn't an accomplishment. How many 9/10s with the personality to match love/d you and would do anything at the drop of a dime for you? Lmao you're a virgin

So you niggers admit that you're the only race that is this pathetically fragile then?

No you fucking pigskin I didn't admit shit now suck a cock faggot

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No That's what you think cracker

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I don't speak for a whole race but I feel like the word has loss meaning I was just pointing out how angry whites use the word

lmao you're a larping virgin, fucking laquisha doesn't count my dude hahaha

shut up nigger


>fucking laquisha doesn't count my dude hahaha
I'm confused does Becky count does Isabel count does ling count what counts? Also not user

Neck yourself cracker

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>Also not user

yea you're a nobody, no one cares who you are or what you're input is, stop posting

White people in America are taught from birth to be racist and oblivious to their conditioning, specifically to blacks. they unironically think their evil dehumanizing ways are normal and everyone else engages in it.

>poltard cac logic

I would need to go through several layers of conversation to get you to conceptualize why you are stupid and I have no interest in that so just know you are stupid

lol you think that word hurts us?



kek at this buttfrustrated nigger who can't admit he played himself

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>SEETHING virgin larper

what anime you on now weeb nigger?

That is true, but whites only use this word because it impacts many blacks so greatly.

I'm Native American and I say nigger all the time. I call black people nigga to their face. Can't say shit because their race wasn't literally genocided to near extinction.

>black friend is driving me around in his new sports car blasting rap
>rapping along dropping every "nigga"
I don't think he gave a shit considering the context, and I said it around him before

also kendrick it faggot for doing what he did to that fat white girl

What is this, Schrodinger's Argument? Fuck off shill, you don't have a convincing argument and you know it. Enjoy the .03 cents that was deposited into your account, maybe you can by some more anime figurines.

Almost all of my white friends were like this with the exception of a few. Almost always bad experience and yet I don't whine about it everyday on Jow Forums like these guys do.

Honky and cracker are powerless words, literally nobody cares about them.

The word doesn't affect me. If I hear a good friend call me a nigger behind my back that will show me what they think of me and I'll realize I don't want to bother talking to them. Imagine thinking you're superior when you're too dumb to see anything other than in 2 dimensions.

Nice file name, how's 2006 going for you?

>The word doesn't affect me.

It clearly does man, work on your issues

Implying anyone cares about your feelings on it, birdshit skin.

its not the fact they use the word its they claim to not be racist then use the word when angered
no one is surprised when a KKK member says nigger

>birdshit skin.

pffttHAHAHAHAHA go ahead I'll give you one more try

I've been on the internet for half of my life being called nigger and such. I went to an all white school and the only friends I made would call me a nigger. I'd ride my bike through town and get called a nigger.
I'm desensitized to the word. If you don't understand the implication of people you enjoy being around calling you a nigger you're genuinely autistic. In that case you belong on this board.

Only needed that once birdpoop man.

Well better than being a virgin nigger I suppose, just go bang a white chick man you'll lose it one day

god damn shut the fuck up you annoying nigger, just stop posting

Write coherently you tard.

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are you retarded? his grammar was fine

>nigger proves he can't read


Nah I'm good. No need to be this booty-blasted.

I said write coherently. That means your grammar wasn't bad, but your sentence structure and placement made absolutely no sense, especially considering it has nothing to do with my post.
k, wiglet

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I don't care who you are or who he is I constantly worry that people are just putting up with me and don't actually like me and the fact you call him names behind his back is shitty

The word only has "power" because niggers get so offended by it. It's YOUR OWN FAULT that the word has any power!

>I said write coherently. That means your grammar wasn't bad, but your sentence structure and placement made absolutely no sense, especially considering it has nothing to do with my post.

Not your sentence structure but when looking at the context you wouldn't tell if you were replying to me.

>nigger gets shown he's a retarded nigger

Hahaha keep posting man

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>I was called nigger by everybody
'wel bedr than beig a virginigger XDD'

Imagine being so blinded by racism that you don't see the retardedness that is the reply to his post.



That's why I said not sentence structure in the post replying to that you dumb faggot.

Honestly, posts like these are why I'm an anti-white black nationalist.

I can't wait until we take back what's ours.

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This thread is proof that redditfags, niggerfags and PCfags reside on this board now

what the fuck are you talking about dumb fuck? And are you a virgin? Because there's a 95 percent chance you are so pls stop interjecting because nobody cares about you just like irl haha

Calling someone a nigger doesn't make you a racist. Often people will try to think of the most offensive hurtful thing they can think of when genuinely angered, nigger is the obvious choice when dealing with a black. Just because the insult is highly specific, doesn't mean they hate all blacks. I might call a fat person that pisses me off "fatass", that doesn't mean I hate every single fat person. It simply means it's the easiest target, and would likely get to them unlike "idiot" or "dumbass".

the nigger tranny threads didn't clue you in?

Not his fault you're a retard my man

Then why did you originally say it? Is it because you're retarded? lmao

Go back to Africa then, you stupid nigger. Let me guess, you also believe DA EBIL WITE MANE is why your sub-species has never thrived, even when left to your own devices.

I'm saying the reply to his post was fucking retarded. It had nothing to do with what he wrote and could be filled in as a reply to any one of these posts. Someone writes something and you just reply 'XDD BRO ITS BETTER THAN BEING A VIRGIN NIGGER' with nothing in the post foreshadowing as reply like that because you're an incoherent retard literally whining about someone wondering what the fuck you're talking about.

We'll make new africa in the south. Our time has come.

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I think its like manlet in that one can't really change their skin/height which is why you see that getting so much reaction too
when blacks say all you whites are the same is racist too btw
we just need to go back and watch Lethal Weapons and Rush Hours
i'm done with yall

shut the fuck up, go empty your piss bottles you friendless loser

>haha ur bad broooo

Is black pepe canonically a toad?

Congrats on having autism, have you always had trouble following basic conversations?

calm down, redditor
Anyway, what are you doing wasting your time here?
Haven't you got your fiancee kids to look after?
I'm sure she deserve another girlz nite.
>hopefully she doesn't accidentally forget to put on underwear this time.

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haha virgin is angry

>Official Language: English

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>We'll make new africa in the south.
Gee, I wonder why you don't want to go back to actual Africa? Perhaps because it's full of un-domesticated niggers that would stick you in a tire, cover you in gasoline and then set your bitch ass on fire?

Probably. I was actually trying to find a way to phrase it and I realized that it wasn't exactly what I was trying to get across. Hence why I made a reply to that before he even 'corrected' me. Stupid fuck.

Ugly insecure loser. Can bet 100 bucks you're an ugly virgin loser larping as someone who has sex to put others down in an attempt to make yourself feel better as if project will win you the argument. Grow up.

I wrote an anecdote about how and why I was desensitized to the word and the reply I get is 'it's better than being a virgin nigger, go get a white bitch.'

There's no fucking way people here are stupid enough to consider that string of replies as making sense.

It would only make sense.

>lol grow a pair faggot

I love how the faggot who thinks he should just take shit from his friends is telling someone else to grow a pair. You are a fucking cuck and you've probably always been the bitch boy of every social group you've ever been a part of lmao

ugh I'm not reading all this shit you buttblasted nigger

It's mostly white Americans/Canadians and 2nd+ generation immigrants. Make friends with 1st generation white immigrants.

This. Faggot probably gets insulted so much that he thinks it's normal to take shit from people you consider friends. Probably a yes-man. So lonely so he has to deal with it.

Congrats. Couldn't give less of a shit, you special snowflake.

Gay porn spammer is in here a SEETHING


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LOL it's funny cause I can just make fun of you for being a virgin and the odds are good I'm right, how's it feel man?

t. bootyblasted cheese and onion flavored cracker

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Good to know, tho not exactly a shock

Man, I'm a 30 year old network engineer that started dating at 14. I've even banged a couple girls from r9k in my early 20s (got into a relationshit with one of them).

The fact that you keep projecting this virgin shaming shit just shows how much of an insecure cuck you are with your own sexuality. Almost guaranteed a permavirgin lol

salt and vinegar is the white flavor

Imagine being so insecure that you take pride in having sex. Do you have any other accomplishments, loser?

I fuck all of the time and would never think to use it as a chip in an argument. Shows how much of an insecure snowflake loser you are. So fucking cringy, jesus christ.

Hah... Good one, bud.

Lol na just funny to rip on you losers for what you're most insecure about. I cut deep to remind you guys how little room you have to talk shit

Like I said; projecting. Someone's got a shrimp dick lmao

>I fuck all of the time
