This is somebody's son

this is somebody's son

what went wrong?

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pectus excavatumm



Estrogen in the water supply and soi in the food

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The chemicals in the water are turning the fricking frogs gay, buy the Alexa Pure Water Filter now

autisticsissy is cute please do not bully him :(

Being white went wrong

>those shoulders

why do traps even try, it's so obvious and pathetic rofl

nzb znanz z

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this is so gay
alexa play despacito

sbs snana san

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>ana anma anaan aana
you're a jew went wrong

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zns skam.aakma.anaka

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Uh... This thread doesn't have anything to do with race, you know

this is somebody's son

what went right?

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na anama akama an

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yes it does. it's anti white race bait

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Fagots reproduce like vampires. Fags like to sadomize minors, which will turn a good chunk of the minors fags to repeat the process and the trumatize the rest, aka pedestry.

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black trannies are disgusting.

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>this is somebody's gay son

nz znzn znz znz z znz znznz z

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at least they have butts unlike that abomination
you should be sent to prison you pedophile

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excuse me?

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Poor dude has a rectangle body that's disgustingly skinny. He looks so flat.
And those arms, look where they meet his elbow.

Just sad desu, he could always lift though

ill milk you dry whitey

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ill killbyou nigger

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not before I throw away your key

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kys m8

>mfw no sadist to lock mine in chastity whisper things to me and throw away the key
why even live

we can arrange that
would you like being forced into taking hormones too?

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why does this image give me.. feelings

This is someone's grandson.

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jdnd dndj sus

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shs znzns s zu

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>tfw bois are taking estrogen, doing squats to get bigger butts, putting on chastity cages and bleaching their assholes
>tfw bois are becoming more feminine than girls
i can only get so erect

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Society now tells them its okay to fully embrace their degeneracy and that its normal behavior.
>tfw it wasn't like this before Obama.

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d z znz z z zc x x znz xnx zxn zn

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cause the subtle male features make them hotter

>that literal autist that spends all day posting interracial gay porn in his personal crusade against le j00s

everytime I feel bad about myself I remember he exists and it immediately makes me happy

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In his defense, he would've been a faggot with or without cultural Marxism to make it acceptable.

no but see if he didn't post black trannies getting fucked by the BWC something
he's doing it for you, user.

Stfu trap pusher. You need to be shot on site along with trannies.

>ricky and mort poster
everything seems to be in order here

At this point I don't even thing it's against the j*ws, it's just against anything that implies people other than white men are capable of having heterosexual sex

it's sad really

watcha doing rabbi reiko

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That is a myth


same, i love him for bumping my favorite threads too

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He had genital warts on his testicles btw its more visible in older close up shots.

Ye probably it is for that reason.
>daddy never home
>mom does everything in the house
>she so strong
>i miss daddy
>fuck me daddy

>imagine being a faggot who wants to look at this gay shit

Creepy Astolfo?!

Pussy white race



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Fighting fire with more fire really seems to be the zeitgeist of this century.