>wages are stagnant
>jobs are getting shittier
>everything is becoming more expensive
Why is everything becoming so bad?
Wages are stagnant
Because capitalism has run its course.
Throughout history, generations have strived to make the world a better place for their children. But for the first time ever, a generation has actually tried to do the opposite, and make the world a WORSE place for humanity. That generation is the boomers, and the world is living in the shitshow that they forced upon their children.
We need natsoc
This. Just look at China.
dude the wealth will trickle down. just give the wealthy more tax cuts
Who will take out your trash? Also, first they came...
Why not live outside Seattle? You aren't being forced to stay
I'm pro capitalism because I'm in software engineering. I don't vwant higher taxes to pay for your gender studies degree.
Tax cuts benefit software engineers like me. I support them.
The same thing is happening throughout King county (where Seattle is located.) No one likes driving hours just to get in to work every day.
>software engineer
lol enjoy poverty moron. Data Science is the new hotness.
>tfw get paid twice as much just because I can program and do math
We'll eventually get to the point where the rich have something like 99% of the total wealth in the world. What happens after that?
I don't think it will get to that point and I'm making a startup just in case.
The "average American" was unusually and unsustainably rich post WW2. Things are returning to the norm now. Americans will find their society increasingly unequal. The vast majority of people will find they are working longer and harder, owning less (or nothing) and having no control over their lives compared to Americans of the second half of the 20th century. The elite (financial, social, and political, but they will become more and more all the same thing anyway) will become more closed off to people who weren't born in it.
>muh boomers
generation based politics are such a joke. I'm convinced this whole obsession is a pysop.
no really? next you'll be telling me hunters like guns
>still falling for the startup meme
The worst thing about the tech age is that it is going to murder the "entrepreneur" with a rusty dagger. You literally cannot compete with these companies unless you have access to billions.
No you kys. Illegal aliens and meme degrees don't deserve my tax dollars. I'm sick of you moralfags telling me it's wrong to spend my money how I want
we are completely fucked unless you're a turbo normie
that's reality, it's cold and bitter and torture, you can't afford to have depression, anxiety or weakness
women hate us
I at least have the gall to try. Many of these big companies lack a creative element. I'll do well whatever they do wrong.
We will go back to feudalism. Amazon will be the king while walmart and friends will be your feudal lords. You'll be a serf except with no work because everything is done through automation :)
I'm tired of moralfags telling me my spending is wrong. I like my collections and special interests and will use all my money to chase them.
Once the west falls they won't even bother with feudalism. Americans are going to end up living live most of the other non-whites that inhabit in their hemisphere.
>commuting 2+ hrs away, every single day just for some shit ty job that refuses to pay you a livable wage
welcome to seattle, then.
have a seat, buy some coffee, and get snug in your sleeping bag under I-5.
Don't blame me for choosing what was in demand.
>muh first they came
fuck off faggot.
That's pretty much why I got a vasectomy. I can only take care of myself and possibly a wife. I can't imagine taking care of a family and with kids. I get anxiety sometimes that I will get fired and nobody will hire me again. Buying property and stocks are just funnelling money to the boomers.
is getting into a coding bootcamp a legitimate way to break into the programming field and find work in that area or is it a scam
>tfw tired of being a poorfag wage cuck and don't want to spend another 2 years of my life to change that
Ever heard of Jim Crow? It was a pretty based system too. We didn't even need stupid fucking death camps and it was basically a win-win. America needs to go back to its roots and keep all niggers, jews (except those with Israeli citizenship) and spics in separate but equal towns that are within driving/bus distance of their jobs.
it's not if you don't live in a liberal democratic shithole
I got two raises and own a house since trump took office, but I live in ohio not a fucking socialist shit hole.
If you pick a good one yeah, especially if they set you up with internships with local companies. Do your homework to find one of those good ones. They do exist.
It can be. Often they can teach you meme frameworks that are in high demand (high demand means that employers will be much more likely to overlook your lack of CS degree.)
>Doesnt understand that if the blue collar people collapse he will be the first to starve to death.
if any class of people like farmers, fishers, or any manual worker section shits itself, everyone around will fall flat aswell.
It wont matter how much money you have on your bank account if the food sector or anything else is fucked to the buttom, You will even most likely be the first to fall, because farmers or fishers can still have the means to get food for themselves in a survival prespective, while you dont know shit.
Im telling you this, but im also in the same field as you, but atleast i respect these people and learn a thing or two from being near them. These people can live very well without you, but you wouldnt fall without them. Have more compassion.
Only use bootcamps that get you an intership with a company and face to face interviews. Don't actually use a bootcamp for learning. Learn some of the material beforehand.There are some shit scam ones. There are some good ones that only charge you if you find a job.
Not to mention we'll be giving our money to crooks and just trusting they will fairly allocate it to those in need
corruption in the government? completely unheard of! in gov we trust!
You do have to understand how evil it sounds to everyone else when it's like
Person 1:
> Grew up in shitty neighborhood
> Couldn't get a college degree, had to work
> To support sick parent that couldn't get insured
or the countless other variations that make every dollar and every bill a huge deal
vs your problem:
> Having to listen to people crying about their problems
That being said I'm basically getting a free pass on life as well; i program games and make good money off them. But I've experienced every stage of class between middle class and literally homeless.
The "I worked for my success" meme doesn't cut if for the people working 10-12 hour shifts minimum 5 days a week to get by with their family.
Central banning and government intervention.
Any other answer is wrong.
Also immigration.
Central banking***
>being one of these brainwashed idiots
Tax cuts aren't the reason the economy is shit though, you fucking idiot.
Seattle is a tiny city in terms of land mass and they are cramming more and more indian people in there every year. Its getting out of control. More cities need to be like jacksonville or anchorage and be the size of a small state
>That's it we're getting our money back from the 1%, $15 minimum wage now
>Woah woah woah why is everything getting more expensive REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
We need government intervention to break up this massive corporations like amazon, google, and microsoft. Its getting out of hand the amount of power they have.
Holy shit you fucking idiots that's not how it works.
Rich people have money, not actual physical resources.
The working class consumes 99% of all resources produced.
These few capitalists are the top consume an incredible tiny amount of resources compared with everyone else.
The rich are not the problem.
Wut, that's comparable to what software engineers make. U dumb?
Eventually? We're there now.
Except that's an entry level position and doesn't require autistic programming knowledge.
T. Makes 80k a year
They only have power because of government intervention in the first place.
They get trillions of dollars from the central bank which pumps endless supplies of money into wall street.
Smaller competitors don't get this and thus get outcompeted.
>Rich people have money, not actual physical resources.
>being this ignorant of how basic capitalist economics works
Suburban teen confirmed.
We need a violent free market revolution to end central banking for good and to abolish government intervention in the market.
This is the only way to solve our problems.
>muh $15/hour
Only true for Seattle. The rest of the state still has the ~$10/hour minimum wage.
>they get trillions of dollars from the central bank
What are you talking about?
Lmao holy shit you're an idiot.
Tell me exactly what I said is wrong.
You can not.
Even if one man owned 99% of all the money in the world, our living standards would be the exact same as they are now. Prices would simply adjust to this new reality.
>I don't know what the federal reserve is
This is why leftists are brainwashed tools.
This. The programming aspect is downright trivial and even the rest of the work is a joke really. The math is super-barebone 2nd year undergrad-tier. Plus as mentioned a software engineer makes that much at the end of their career, data scientists make that much straight out of the door.
That's literally not what the federal reserve does. The control the "price" of money (i.e. interest rates.) That is all.
National Socialism is inevitable.
They create new money, such people and bankers get this money first and it gets pumped into the stock market.
Wow you sure are a brainlet.
Good joke m8. You had me going there for a second.
National (((socialism)))
Nobody cares about your meme German ideology
Also Hitler never abolished usury.
Im not even a "leftist". I just dont know much about the way the world works. They dont teach that in school
No poorshit min wagers have run their course. Capitalism is on a roll
>fellow /ancap/
no step on snek
Things are getting worse because the energy abundance created by oil is coming to an end and the planet is dying because of it.
Trump needs at least 6 more years to even BEGIN to turn around the shit that Obama did. He is our God Emperor but congress is slow af.
>corruption, collusion, price-fixing, monopolies, lies in advertising and market destruction at an all time high
>capitalism is on a roll
Then I don't want capitalism and no honest person wants it either.
These things aren't capitalism, you brainlet.
Capitalism doesn't give a shit what you want. That's the beauty of capitalism. This beast is going to the stars with or without your consent.
america sounds LATIN now
>No poorshit min wagers have run their course
This. We need more dead white people. Whether they die of opioid overdoses or in the middle east (defending Israel) I don't really care.
Were dipping below the norm. Things are worse than ever. At least people in the past could afford to have children. We can't even do that anymore.
This. The only people that defend it are rich people.
Actually those things are formally the backbone of effective capitalism. Capitalism says money is power and nothing else Meritocracy says the worthy have power, and maybe that's what you're thinking about. Capitalism in an ideal state is supposed to emulate this in practice, but it's easy to show that the epsilon-nash equilibrium points of the social welfare function of company success lie nowhere near this.
You can thank central banking for that.
This. I need to get out of this shit hole country before things get really bad. Im thinking australia will be a nice place to settle down
Fun Fact: Most Millennials will never own a home.
Welcome to the new Serfdom.
Capitalism is a free market.
Nothing more and nothing less.
The things you mentioned are the result of government intervention in the market and not the market itself.
Boomers love central banks because the houses they own will go up in value while younger generations will never afford them.
Most millennials are soi boys anyways. Based Gen Z will be given homes by Barron Trump. R-right guys?
Trump is going to Make America Great Again so that Gen Z can buy their own fucking homes
Literally the opposite of the truth. These things are a natural result of free market capitalism, because by its design, the government must become an actor in this system and cannot elect to be an independent party (since all incentives are money, if the government cannot give money, it cannot receive services). Not only that but it's the lack of government interventions that enable these effect to take place. Without regulations, lies in advertising, to give the easiest example, are downright mandatory to compete in any way. Only regulations can protect costumers from that.
Yeah great way to sell shit to people. Fucking lie to them and hope that works forever
You're an absolute retard and know nothing about business
>dude ur dumb
Great argument.
So far it's worked since the late 80's so yes it seems to be working forever. Go be underageb& somewhere else like on redd!t or Jow Forums.
I have Asperger's. It's a group with an 85 percent unemployment rate. I beat the odds so I should be proud. I get they struggle and I'm sorry but everyone has their crosses to bear.
The same people who ostracized me are the same people whining about my privilege. Know how it sounds to me? They are killjoys for trying to make my enjoyment of life into some evil. No don't collect this or get this piece of tech. Don't go to vacation to the place of your special interest. It's evil and bad.
The argument is pretty fucking obvious dumb dumb. People were selling shit for thousands of years before advertising regulation because it turns out personal trust is pretty fucking important for surviving as a business
Do you think gravity wouldn't exist if the government didn't say it does?
Provide one single example Mr Chomsky
How can I get a job as a data scientist?
Easy mode: Learn python/some other shitty scripting language and then get a degree in math or stats
Hard mode: Learn programming and then learn math at a community college while working as a programmer
Get a master's degree in ML, data science, data analysis, statistics, or other similar domains,
Get an undergrad degree in CS or stats, and
Get a software engineering job and move on to data science, or
Get a data engineer/data analysis job and upgrade to data science
Get work experience comparable to stats or software development, and see if you can work at a startup in that field.
Thank you. I screwed up; I got an MS in Structural Engineering with a minor in math and 7 years later I'm sitting here making 1/4 what you're saying those kids make out of school. I guess I'll just keep working until I'm 80 or dead.
Get rid of most of the zoning laws and some of the housing regulations. Then we'll have lots of cheap homes.
Cities/states would never do that. They benefit too much from the property taxes. Doesn't matter what party controls the government. It's an administration thing.
i like what you guys are saying, but can you name some programs etc?
your comments, while helpful are just too vague
Liberalism and socialism
In my experience so long as you have any master's degree at all you're good to go so long as you learn the "domain" (i.e. script in python, bonus point for knowing c++ and java because companies are dumb, and learn that it's dumb to try to present a time series with pie charts, and you're good to go pretty much).
>I got an MS in Structural Engineering with a minor in math
Dude honestly you probably know enough math (though you might want to look into taking Linear Algebra somewhere if you haven't done so already.) Just take some computer science classes and you could probably get some interviews.
Cities are fucking thieves man.
Thank you for the hope. I'll look into python and possibly c++ and java; programming has always interested me but I've never had access to developer tools.
I did save all my math books though, including my linear algebra book. Hopefully I'll be able to make my autism pay off so I can retire early.