
>tfw no friends to play some shit video games and voice chat with them

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I know that feel. Post your profile, OP.

does anyone here play towers unite? I need fwends for some reason everyone who plays is either turkish or russian I cant talk, feelsbadman

Post games youre interested in playing together, if anyone else is interested, contact each other

play slap city with me

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Post your steam then?!

nobody plays this game so there's no point?!

hey user! im down to play something, my discord is evega#1111

give weeb friends that play siege pls

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Then why even shit post.

because it's a half-truth and otherwise your threads would die with all of 3 posts you autist

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>my threads
It's also your thread!

Just play CS:GO, and play solo on competitive matches, you'll be forced to talk with strangers to win the game. If you do good (If you keep playing/learning this will eventually happen) someone will invite you to their friend to play CS:GO with.

You need a microphone to play properly. (As you need to coordinate your strategy and give information to your team mates)

>just play CS;GO
This game has been dead ever since PUBG/FORTNITE came out

What happened to these threads?
Did everyone just fuck off?

>tfw no one to play vidya with
I really like World of Warships but im willing to learn other games
No weird gay ERP shit pls.


None of you guys actually ever play with each other and be friend after 2 days so what's the point?


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same reason why you posted discord

what is this discord server for

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if you think csgo is dead you've never played a dead game in your life

I've made some cool Steam friends after a comp match. 2 or 3 have really stuck. But uh I can't say we actually talked anytime afterwards. CSGO isn't the best for making long term friends but for short term buds and experiences.

You tried FTL?

Profile: Clail

Might play a game with ya we share or is free.

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What is that flt

How's that backlog going?
>Binding of Issac
>Spark the Electric Jester
>Castle Crashers
>PayDay 2

Tower unite is the shit m8

Where my monster hunter world PC players @?

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the feels are dead

everyone moved to shitscord

conerino xD (retarded im aware) on steam

also KingConor#3852 on disc. ive got probably 8 or so other guys who are gertting the game with me join up

Now that steam has a new chat thing, who would wanna join me in making a steam group (server)

>150000-400000 active concurrent players at any time
yeah, sure....

do you want to pwaay with mee?

Looking for decent aus csgo players pls

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I can play with you but I stuck and never play csgo

If I wanted shitty players Id just solo queue

stop being a fabbot and be my friend

Ok link steam retard

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no u


My nibba. Where in Vic? And how old?

Also Ill add you when I get home from work.

I wanna post in these threads but I'm not very good at the video games I play I just like to do virtual stuff with friends you know?

Like I tried to bond with somebody playing Overwatch but he just got mad because he insisted on playing ranked even though I'm not really good enough for it.

>TFW cant even voice chat with online friends I have known over 5 years.
>cant do it with randoms either

so fucking pathetic I can't talk in a video game unless its through a keyboard.

MeLbOurne, I'm 19, that vicanons group is from a soc thread, I know those anons IRL, we don't meet up anymore though feelsbadman

>dead game
>still gets 30k concurrent players on average after 6 years or so of being released.

I shall defend m-muh knievs in virtual game

Dude FTL is the shit, has a great soundtrack too.

How big is ur boipussi.

Also where in Melbourne.

anyone alive, wanna play a game? post your shit and ill add you

>How big is ur boipussi.
as tight as a baby
Also where in Melbourne
I'd rather not say ITT, we can talk later babe

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Sicc b ttys xd