Self Improvement is for Cucks

Think about it. You're changing huge habits and parts of your personality just to conform to other people's standards. Imagine caring that much about what people think and viewing their way as superior to the point you change everything about you to fit in. It's the ultimate form of cuckoldry.
>inb4 I improve for myself, not for others
No you don't, you delusional cuck. If you were doing it for yourself, you wouldn't actually be doing it all and would stay the way you are. You choose to be a certain way, choose to do certain things, because you like being like that. Why would you ever feel the need to "improve" if you chose to be like this and like it like that? We're a social species, our interactions with others dictate almost everything about us. The only reason you even feel the need for "improvement" in the first place is because other people deem that to be superior and a positive thing, so you use their opinions and standards to judge and evaluate yourself. It's all an effort to gain value in the eyes of others. There is no self improvement for oneself, it's all cuckoldry.

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shut up fat ugly virgin incel lazy neet

by that logic everything you do is cuckoldry to a point. you telling us this is cucking yourself, because you care about changing our minds or informing us on your ideas enough for you to type it out. you wouldnt have typed all this out and saved it into notepad and deleted it so nobody would see it would you? your actions were based on us

oh ok. how bout you log off Jow Forums and fuck your friends, non fat ugly virgin incel lazy neet. if you are offended, go join your sad depressing friends on tumblr.

Consider this: my be the majoritys opinion is not just an opinion but the objective true and by not accepting it you are in a denial state, like scientist who despite of the evidence refused to accept the Earth was not flat. Yes, that's literally you Op.

You're right but also it's not like anyone will ever show us anything that even remotely looks like acceptance, let alone love, if we don't conform like good little drones in this shit society we despise. We'd love to just at least experience it only once and then leave society forever but even that's not given to us. No amount of self-improvement ever helps us.

The majority of people also thought that Columbus discovered the Americas. Does that make it true?

Yeah, this is the very lame person's idea of "self improvement", dropping masturbation and anime/vidya, forcing yourself out to socialize and appear normal for the sake of your ego. They're not improving their selves, they're discarding it to be another cog and play along with a game they already know deep down, being here, will not end well for them.

True self improvement is something like defeating the brain fog and nightmares with meditation and meaningful introspection. A cozy friendless neet who enjoys every day is someone I assume has more impressive self-development than a miserable failed normalfag who only complains about work and how difficult socializing is all day.

self because of majority conforming
this post is bluepilled to the point where if anyone took this optomistic neckbeards advice id almost feel sorry for the server that holds Jow Forums. your not getting any pussy by embracing your neet ways. people improve themselves to improve the life around them. its not a want its a nessecity. you cant live off of socialisim forever. It is literally how we as a species survived, we adapted and overcame. people like you are a disgrace to the human race. its not a majority conforming idea, its reality.

Nothing's a necessity you dip. The only reason people are alive is because their programming prevents them from killing themselves because of shitty mind-control ideas like the after life and the human instinct to live.
Everything is optional.

>nothing is a nessecity
food water oxygen?
how long do you think the government is going to keep feeding you? go ahead and be a sack of meat, it doesnt bother me. just dont come along on the ride other people build for you

You can buy a prostitute.

> True self improvement is something like defeating the brain fog and nightmares with meditation and meaningful introspection. A cozy friendless neet who enjoys every day is someone I assume has more impressive self-development than a miserable failed normalfag who only complains about work and how difficult socializing is all day.

That is, until they jump off a bridge. Everyone else who doesn't is just wasting time fooling themselves about why they're still above ground.

Not but it is in this case, faggot.

We do self improvement because we are no happy with our current state, being alone and sonsuming media gets old after while, so maybe you are tight but humans are programmed to want to get a great and friends , and if self improvement, adapating to social standard or however the fuck you want to call it, is necessary So we just do it.

>log off Jow Forums

>Imagine caring that much about what people think and viewing their way as superior to the point you change everything about you to fit in.
Not caring about what others think is the ultimatestest form of cuckoldry. Imagine being so self-absorbed and narrowminded that you actively steer away from the collective pool of knowledge proved by the counless generations. You literally cuck yourself out of experience billions of people worked hard to get for you.

Being alive isn't necessary.

I've studied history. People's opinions change depending on the time and place. One year what you're doing is considered good and another it's considered evil. You could be approved of today but people 20 years from now may see you as scum.

Ok let me give you an analogy. You're a 35 year old owner of a slave plantation in 1850. You obsess over people's opinions of you so you try to breed as many slaves as possible because you want money and status.

People around you think you're aristocratic and high status for being rich from the plantation. Then comes the Civil War. Your slaves flee and your house gets burnt down by Union troops and you become poor. Then people see you as an evil slave owner. You're not the Southern Gentleman in people's eyes anymore. Perceptions and opinions can change fast. So why live for people's opinions?

epic style

If you're self improving for others, you're clearly doing it for the wrong reasons.

Thread shut down in record time

>you choose to be a certain way

Yeah i totally choose to be a double chinned autist with a peanut allergy.

>not self improving because you enjoy it
Why though?

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I only self improve to save money because I like money (less binge eating, less buying stuff I don't need, etc)

>You're changing huge habits and parts of your personality just to conform to other people's standards.
literally wrong, at most you change routine and social interactions not your personality or habits unless they're bad habits
>If you were doing it for yourself, you wouldn't actually be doing it all and would stay the way you are.
>if you do things to make you happier you must be doing it for others otherwise you'd chose to remain depressed
>The only reason you even feel the need for "improvement" in the first place is because other people deem that to be superior and a positive thing, so you use their opinions and standards to judge and evaluate yourself.
wrong, when I first started improving I hadn't spoke to another person in years

stop with the fucking crab mentality, just because you're a failure doesn't mean you should try and make everyone else be one