Aside from Jow Forums and 8ch, are there any imageboards that aren't dead?
Aside from Jow Forums and 8ch, are there any imageboards that aren't dead?
yes, but why would anyone mention them? it'd just attract too much trash
There's 420chan if you're a druggie, wizchan for the virgins, lolcows and crystal cafe for fembots, and kohlchan for europeans
mention them u weeb
Krautch... fug :-DDDD
I was there once, last year I think, that place is a fucking graveyard with one or two ghosts wandering into it every few days.
Where do the virgins go?
Asking for a friend.
Even more cancerous than late krautchan. Don't bother with it, guys.
Wait until I turn 30 and I'll tell you.
There are, sadly I missed them. But you won't hear of them here. Simply because you got too much normalfags, it would be a bad idea to attract attention.
You're not gonna an hero?
Can't really promise anything about that. Shit's been hitting the fan in my life these last months.
Other boards for virgins. Also kiwifarms has a bit of Chan culture in it, I recommend everyone checks it out at some point
Just make sure you have to if you do, my man. It's always the last of the last resorts. While I really don't think you should, I'm hitting the same age this year and it's been in the back of my head too. Hope things come around for the both of us so we don't get to that point.
>I'm hitting the same age this year
I'm not even 20, user, I hope I'm just being a whiny bitch and I'll eventually get over it, but it has all been going downhill since I turned 14.
Good luck, user.
>Muh le edgy witty secret club "chans"
>nobody has mentioned the best altchan of them all
some things are better left hidden
>crystal cafe
what in the fuck? is this real?
fucking lol
I would go on there now and about a year ago. Ironically /dep/ seemed to be the liveliest board.
>tfw a lot of them probably killed themselves
yeah. funny thing is if you try to argue with them (about literally anything) they can tell you're a man by how you attack the argument and completely ruthlessly deconstruct their less logical more emotional minds. you get banned pretty quick for being a dude, even when you never say you are. keep in mind you can literally argue about the nutritional impact of a food or something and they can tell you're a dude because of just how much you can shit on their frail egos. it's like reading a fucking book.
So you're saying that they're basically /fempol/ or something like that?
Good thing about slow chans is that they're a natural repellent for newfags and other cancer.
>I'm not even 20
>I hope I'm just being a whiny bitch
Yeah, you're definitely just being a whiny bitch. Stop wasting your time bemoaning your situation and try and figure out a way to fix it before it's too late.
Any imageboards like 8 chan or endchan that let me make my own board?
kinda, except Jow Forums is mostly dudes so you can expect pretty good argumentative skills.
at crystal cafe they have shit argumentative skills, so if you manage to get in an argument you'll be shitting on them so hard that it's obvious you take criticism and attacks regularly (which most women don't)
it extends past arguing to even just constructing a sentence. women will use a lot more emotional and filler words and don't tend to communicate as straight-forwardly. this, again, causes you to glow in the dark and often nets you a pretty quick ban. you have to literally roleplay as a girl to not get banned, you gotta sit there and bitch about your "ex-bf" and shit.
fempol? maybe. anyone who admits to being male is outright banned, even suspected are banned. its a site rule.
i cant even fucking read the shit its so terrible. its basically facebook
>its basically facebook
exactly that, what an incredibly accurate description
7chan, lainchan, 420chan, and 32chan are the only other english-speaking boards I know of, not sure if they are dead or not though.
Guys, 3chan is going to come back soon just you wait
7ch is semi dead
How is it edgy little clubs mate he's just asking for imageboards to spend his time on
Lolifox is pretty based they have an english and a russian userbase but most of the boards are english
Which one though? The one that changed its name is became pretty trash imo
Where is the new home of 12chan?
I want to look at pictures of fully clothed little girls having fun.
I've just visited that place.
The best part is that you can read every post with a cute little girl voice in your head and it's adorable as fuck. Too bad the posters are probably 200+ pounds whales
But which is the real one?
It's in Russian!
I think I could pass without getting banned.
You don't speak Russian or interslavic? Better learn it then.
Just go to or bodybuilding forums
This site has been completely dilluted
yeah they have a cool site design but the community is dead and trash. appleman is a fucker too though, things could be way better
>hasn't figured out by now that it's all an elaborate cloud storage scam
lainchan, arisuchan, tsuki (systemspace boards) and danger/u/ are pretty comfy
I could just make my own board
English only
Do you think the Admin will allow it?
Do you use lolifox?
Lolifox is cute. Thank you, user
Have you tried 9gg?
Sadly, it's even slower now.
all the good ones are gone
Ylilauta, finnish imageboard.
>Jow Forums
>pretty good argumentative skills
the best arguments i've seen on pol are ~2 dudes shouting nigger back and forth
ylilauta org
finnish image board you can only post on international if not from finland
>Decided to visit Jow Forums one day because why would any black guy not do that
>Get into a argument
>Thought it was going to be actual debate
>Whipped up Wikipedia and sources
>Got told they're controlled by the Jews and then got called nigger
>Got bored so keep on insulting the guy
>He used Wikipedia as a source to say I was wrong
>Fucking Faggot told me it was controlled by the Jews about 30 minutes ago
That place really is amazing
imageboard culture and in general are a thing of the past. All the kids are on various apps and similar. Newfags are unironically aging boomers now. Chans are a dying breed.
to ba fair, arguing with a nigger is like arguing with a child.
You just got into an argument with a retard who was really persistent. Jow Forums isn't one person, like most boards.
>shilling discord
go fucking killyourself already jfc