Fuck a girl from tinder

>fuck a girl from tinder
>turns out she has suffered from depression
>now she cant stop texting me asking when we'll meet again and basically saying she loves me
>don't really have feelings for her

fuckfuckfuckFUCK FUUUCK. How do I not break her heart? :x

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Fuck off normie you know what I would do to have that? Be grateful you fucking dick

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not a normie since I'm 24 and that was my first fuck.

>scooby doo tv memes

sorry, time to leave this board

Fuck you scoob

She'll get over it.
Ghost her, it should take about 2 weeks. Expect to get texts and phonecalls at random times for years to come.

Been there. An ex still keeps bothering me 7 years after I dumped her.
Another one still asks about me in mutual friend circles incessantly even though she was the one that broke up with me because she didn't want to have kids.


Block her. Dont understand how girls think they can just fire the v cannon at you and think thats going to get guys to commit. Dumb ho

Chad fucking get out of here you don't belong here

It's not a binary scale you know.

No real robot (anxiety, depression, low self esteem, ugly, fat, whatever) turns into a chad just by putting a benis in a vagene.

What heart?

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gtfo normie fag. If you knew just how hard it is to be depressed and suicidal you would feel obligated to take care of her and help her. But no, you obviously have no sympathy because you're a normie fag from where everything in your life has been good all the time. Fuck you

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Epic meme xDD

>Sympathy for a girl
You are beta cuck simp. About as normie as it gets.

hey normie fuck off man.

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Hahaha good one brother! +1 internets to you, good sir!

>this is r9k now

Who would have thought that casual sex is bad?

>except for:
>working out 5 days a week
>eating healthy
>establishing good hygiene
>learning valuable skills
>learning how to talk to people
>getting a good job
>setting realistic standards

You're mistaken roasties and girls with depression you dumb fuck

>tfw 6 month old ghosted roastie starts dming all my social medias

I gave in today lol. She seemed chipper and wanted to be friends. I know her fucking intentions and while I wouldnt mind being friends with her our past is too deep and caustic for me to ever see her any other way.

Shes engaged btw lmao

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Bad news. All women are the same. Even the ones who feign depression.

that's awful, I said I don't wanna upset her. I want to talk it over.

>implying women with normal lives who kill themselves do it to deceive men

Why not just date her? You'll get to fuck, you'll have a nice girl to hang out with, and who knows, maybe you'll actually come to like her more. I don't see the downside.

Because I just lost my virginity and I wanna fuck as much as possible to make up for lost time. And she lives in a different city. And I don't want to hang out with her friends.

>I wanna fuck as much as possible to make up for lost time.
That's pretty disgusting of you user. You really shouldn't become a manwhore like that.

Men can't be whores. If a man fucks a lot he's crushing it.

>haven't had sex in almost half a year
Nobody understands us incels.

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Been there.. Had sex with 2 girls last Wednesday and both of them keep texting me 24/7 since. "Good morning user, goodnight user, how was your day user, hear out about my day and complaints user, when are we going to meet next user?". I have a good heart and reply to them and give both emotional support.. Met one on Tinder and the other at a bar, but can't just ghost them as I would feel awful doing so. How do I escape this by not showing my true intentions that night? (ONS)

Why are you complaining? You've lost your virginity and now have someone who wants more, you've got sex on tap if you push her button the right way.

All it takes is a little bit of effort to put her in a mood to reward you with sex.

learn to greentext, new and normal fag

C'mon is not your fault that she is depressed

Most of female suicides are just failed "failed suicide attempt", they always pick least lethal methods of suicide and then when they obviously survive they want attention beacuse they nearly died.
Sometimes however they fuck up and actually die.

Tell her you're a gay who was curious but felt nothing

Learn from this and set the expectations correctly before doing anything sexual with someone.

the man gives you good advice and you rag on him

baka thats why you are a khhlv