>women don't like Borderline guys
Looks like i gotta get help for it i don't wanna end up dumped again
Women don't like Borderline guys
I was just thinking about when my ex dumped me for my bpd, sorry user :(
No woman fucking likes us thats why im getting its awful atleast borderline females are seen as cute
>tfw a guy grabs your skinny male ass
YIKES. You ask yourself what just happened
We are probably worse than spergs
I'd grab your cute boiass
Source for the picc?
The anime is banana fish
We are originally original
Bpds are cunts fuck yous
Im trying my best ok
No you aren't as soon as you are bored you leave everyone you love
My gf left me this so i didn't leave out of boredom although this is the first time someone broke up with me
pls be bpd bf i'm so lonely i don't care how many flaws you have or to what degree
She'll come back to you.
My ex bpd can always get me back whenever she wants. Just don't be too mean
Most people don't like BPD's and there are solid reasons for it. Hasn't something to do with gender, but rather unsolvable problems 'cause of the pattern-like thinking and the point that people tend to pick up borderline personality traits when they spend much time with a BPD person.
I feel pity for you, because you can't do anything about it anymore. Poor souls. ):
Where do you live originally?
You have been muted for 2 seconds
Its been a week and I've been trying
the US of original A
Originally original
Give it more than week
Kid on that you've moved and are happier. My ex just slept with 4 people in 2 months but she is a grill so
Indy annie
Hang in there user, my best friend has bpd and is in a really happy relationship rn
Are you going to therapy?
Rip im in Florida
Yes but i don't talk to her about anything other than wanting to kill my family and how i obsses