>Jow Forums unironically supports capitalism
please tell me that you are not like this, I beg you.
My fellow robots can't be this stupid.
>Jow Forums unironically supports capitalism
please tell me that you are not like this, I beg you.
My fellow robots can't be this stupid.
Other urls found in this thread:
Capitalism is the best system we have devised so far. It's increased life expectancy, standard of living and wealth tremendously. You can't really dispute this. People who criticise capitalism never offer a better, more functional alternative. So go on OP, give it a try.
The trouble is crony-capitalism, which is what we operate under now, not capitalism as a system itself. For example, we should NOT have bailed the banks out. Market forces dictated most of them should have collapsed and we should have allowed that to happen. But the ruling class didn't.
>we should remove jews so they stop abusing the people, and remove third worlders so that workers become actual assets
>also be patriotic, and never forget your countrymen are your family, so take good care of them
>nah bro, racism and nationalism are bad
>It's increased life expectancy
that's not a good thing normalfaggot
Objectively, it is. You have have an opinion on it one way or another, however.
Honestly. I am 20 yo and don't even know what that capishit is.
People who aren't depressed like to live long, it's not centered around you, dipshit
>capitalism is bad
>"Communism must be the only logical counterpart then!"
>Enforces communism
>Nationwide poverty spreads
>But is good because muh equal distribution of wealth
>Revolts break out, government puts down peaceful marches through police force
>Nationwide famine spreads, but is fine because of muh equal distribution of farming grounds through the government
>High class members get send to gulag for having too much money, the rest flees
>Nation crumbles, only after hundreds of thousands have died
>Capitalist laughter can be heard all around the globe
>Wake up
>Tfw "Oh, good that it was only a dream, because communism actually works, that wasn't real communism, etc."
Tl;dr: Capitalism is flawed, deeply flawed, but Communism just doesn't work.
This. Even when people speak of "socialism" they actually just mean a capitalist system with a few collectivist institutions sprinkled in. Explain to me how a post-capitalist economy would function before rattling on about capitalism's evils.
As long as you leftist cunts can not come up with with anything better then failed commishit and utopian feelgood propaganda I'll gladly watch how capitalism rides into the abyss it digs itself.
Not like I'll give much damn how shitty the world will be after me when nogf and no family.
is not good
Except the poor working class and extremely rich and powerfull top 1% elite are mostly common in communism and extremely socialistic countries.
Let's be honest, the western world is becoming more and more socialistic, not capitalistic. The gap between the poor and rich is becoming bigger,
and the middle class is disappearing. I bet OP is a ameritard faggot who deosn't know shit about how non-capitalistic countries work and that they work like shit and always did.
Get the fuck out of this world, cupcake. You are not some sort of a special gem.
>poor people exist because of capitalism
>people are also poor because some people are rich
Great logical fallacy fag. I guess the 2 billion people who have be lifted out of poverty in just under two centuries thanks to capitalist systems dont count for nothing
What are the other options?
communism, dictatorship,
>faggots still haven't swallowed the Georgism pill
>you post your George, I raise my Gesell
One man, and his great friends had a grand vision for the future, a truly wonderful vision.
Because Communism is a utopian ideology that is therefore vastly more opressive. I don't think capitalism is perfect but it's much better than most of the alternaties.
I went from the left to the right thanks to capitalism, eat shit lazy poorfag zoomer faggot
Feudalism was actually good though.
>Capitalism is the best system we have devised so far.
But unfortunately it's killing the planet and us by extension. The perpetual economic growth model is guaranteed extinction and cannot be uncoupled from capitalism.
What's with the sudden surge of r9k left-posting?
I've always identified as a ML-ist, but I haven't noticed it being very prevalent on r9k until a couple weeks ago? Can someone explain where we're getting all these new comrades? Have any of you actually done the reading yet?
why don't you become an engineer if you want to be rich?
This is litterally what it looks like under Socialism and Communism. No middle just poor and rich.
>Capitalism is the best system we have devised so far.
That's false.
implying engineers are rich
I'll stop supporting it once automation and smart AI show up.
redpill me on him
The term "capitalism" encompasses a very broad range of policies, some of which I strongly support and others I strongly oppose.
The same can be said for socialism.
that's literally what we're trending towards now and we live in capitalism. the "middle class" is shrinking rapidly. come automation, all there'll be are disposable "gig" workers with no rights, and the huge corporations that employ them.
Look at the environment in communist/former communist/socialist countries. Or hell, look at places like California.
The left is always searching for vunerable people to use.
Communism has never wor....
Why do you fags always sound like you are saying half thoughts.
Continue! Or is you expecting me to fill in the blank after your vague platitudes with: "and that's why we need to raise your taxes and hire more burocrats and take away your rights to give money to niggers."
Fuck off
He was implying that leftist government's have the worst environment track record.
>marxist president who's entire countries success can be attributed to capitalist labor, capitalist foreign aid, and international loans
>Anything slightly left of complete libertarianism
Take this shit to Jow Forums originally
That is relevant to the topic how? Could as well arguing for monarchies with this, bet those won most in history.
Would you want to live in Burkina fucking Faso, then or now?
>literally refused foreign aid and loans
OKay are you talking to someone else, or projecting or?
So what ARE we allowed to talk about Mr hot pockets?
Because I'm sick of moralists telling me
>Wahhhhh you are privileged
>Wahhhhh pay for my gender studies degree
>Wahhhh focusing on learning the job is evil.
>Wahhhhh have no interests, collections, or vacations. You are evil for buying anything you do. You aren't allowed to enjoy anything because consumerism is immoral.
>President for FOUR fucking years
>But it totally would have worked in the long term guys
>None of the accomplishments listed are Marxist just a bunch of government spending cuts
Gesell's policy of nationalizing all land was a very bad idea, as it's much better when people have a stake in the value of their land. And we've seen in Russia how bad the absence of proper private land ownership is - it's led to a lot of arson attacks committed (or more like commissioned) by those who want the land someone else is occupying. George (and others before him including Ricardo) were right on this issue - taxing unimproved land value is the best solution.
capitalism will let the rich live forever. and once true AI/bots are commonplace, they'll have no need for wageslaves to make their food and toys. that's when the poorfag exterminations will begin
life long lease of land /= nationalizing land
>It's increased life expectancy,
Was this truly capitalism? Or a coincidental and simultaneous leap in medical science? I don't think the economic model for a country has too much to do with life expectancy esp in a first world country where normal people don't starve.
>standard of living
Again, is this to do with capitalism, or with the age of the world? Do other countries without capitalism enjoy a similar quality of life as we do? If so, then you cannot attribute it to capitalism.
>and wealth tremendously.
For some, but not for most. Overall, yes, but the country's overall wealth does nothing for most people.
>the 2 billion people who have be lifted out of poverty in just under two centuries thanks to capitalist systems
Just who do you think these people are?
>I base my political ideals around annoying people who annoyed me first
Classic Murrica
I dunno, what about sweden,norway etc? Even China is starting to remove all the coal and creating good environment. Seems that everyone is moving in the right direction except USA lol USA TRUMP USA MAGA
I would like to live in burkina faso when it was under Marxist rule.
Moralists are trying to kill my fun. It's just as annoying from the left as it used to be from the right. A joyless world sucks.
Capitalism is good because it keep people motivated and the world going. Yeah sure, average joe won't live in a mansion in the Bay Area but out of like 10000 guys there would be at least 1 that contributs to society in a positive way and get it and vast majority will try so in some ways, hopefully they improve society.
You need capitalism otherwise outside a few geniuses everyone would just lay down and rot because why work hard?
>President for FOUR fucking years
>But it totally would have worked in the long term guys
Yes, and look at all the things he accomplished. Imagine if he had twice the time or even 27 years which was the length of time the person who succeeded him in office and reversed all of sankaras policies did turning the country back into a shit hole.
>None of the accomplishments listed are Marxist just a bunch of government spending cuts
He implemented Marxist policies to achieve these goals.
I don't support capitalism but I also don't support the ethnic destruction of my race.
>capitalism is bad guise!!!1!
-posted from my iphone
As the national government would become the owner of the land, it is nationalization. And indeed Gesell himself regarded it as nationalisation.
Capitalism works because of its everlasting strive toward greater efficiency and greater production. Automation has been reality for decades, and it's only been accelerating as time goes on.
If this trend continues capitalism will kill itself by inevitably forcing people to automate the majority of jobs to stay competitive.
This can go on for a while, but at some point there will be so many people who are not able to get jobs that capitalism will no longer be able to grow. At that point you either have stagnation or regression, likely collapse.
capitalism isn't popular because it works better than every other system
it's popular because it's the laziest system
we as a society would have to actually dig our heels in to get any other economic ideology to work
the ceiling of capitalism is being reached as we post on this turkemenian faggot trading site but the ceiling of other systems are hitherto unknown because of the difficulty of using said system effectively
it's like how a class in a video game might do the most damage but it's the hardest to play so people just pick the ones that are piss easy to play and do less damage but still a moderate amount
then do your part and impregnate as many same raced women as possible
There is no Marxist that says "government should spend less" that is a libertarian policy. There isn't really any Marxist policy whatsoever. There is no government in marxism. It's like saying someone implemented "anarchist" policies because he is said he was an anarchist and implemented policy to cut defense spending in half.
Even if they were "Marxist" policies all they accomplished were basic small government conservatism, therefore not an achievement of Marxism even slightly.
Also if he was president for 27 years he would killing dissidents, like he did to get there.
>defend capitalism at any point
>Wells Fargo bankrupts you
yeah man, capitalism is so good, straight and narrow and totally doesn't need regulation at all, there totally isn't an ENRON situation every 10 years, nope.
we'll never have to worry about banks because they're so trustworthy and not greedy at all, kek, amirite??
Capitalism is perfect because cold war era American propaganda told me so.
>world governments attempt to tell companies that they shouldn't have done shitty things that led to people losing everything
>companies tell them to fuck off they aren't taking any punishment ever
>governments go "ok just don't do it anymore alright then?"
ah so this is the great and all-mighty capitalism at work my friends very good
Alternatively you could just increase the money supply by an amount sufficient to balance the deflationary effect of automation. It would even be possible to create a comfy government job for everyone who wants one.
You can't expect a world of disorganized idiots to work together to make something hard work
if we can fully automate to the point of no longer needing any labor job ever then there'll be no reason to not have a living wage besides the fact that the rich at the top wouldn't want to share
I'm just here for these digits.
>quints on a post saying people should get a living wage
that means every wagie needs to pay for me to live RIGHT NOW
I'm living a nice lifestyle and there's lots of products and places to go. We also have extremely good healthcare innovations. I like capitalism.
That wouldn't fix the problem of there being more people out of jobs than in jobs.
By making the Government the only viable employer you just force capitalism into a position where the state eventually controls the economy, because the state controls the consumers.
Capitalism can't work without consumers that have sufficient capital to make purchases. If people are automated out of jobs then production then the production is for nothing because only people with jobs will have capital to use to consume.
What you're talking about is moving to state run communism, where the Government controls the economy. Which is what capitalism would be forced into doing with increasing automation.
If we didn't bail out the companies they'd be more prudent with their money. That's not capitalism's fault.
except even surface level digging you see shareholder interest interferring with every pharma corp
Stocks are an easy way to double your money so I like them
feudalism was good for actually 1% of people.
Governments endeavouring to get the best value for money is not the sole preserve of any part of the economic spectrum. Nor indeed does libertarianism equate to being economically right wing, despite the large number of American libertarians who are.
But with the large amount of nation building, it should be totally obvious that what was accomplished was not "small government conservatism" at all.
>inflation going up
>stocks are going up
>wages staying the same
do you not see a problem here?
So my strategy is invest in stocks to keep my money going up. I can live cheap while the money multiplies itself. I also want to retire. Retiring on interest is my plan.
People aren't working as hard as they used to. I don't see the problem here.
You are right but i interpreted it another way. I think he meant that he wants to live a short life that is good, rather than a long life that is dull.
it's not like you can just buy STOCK that increases in price
companies drop like flies and cap off all the time so even if you do save up some nest egg money you can lose it all at the drop of a hat
pure boomer
Imagine being such a brainwashed bootlicker that you actually support a system that is meant to exploit the people and environment it depends on as much as it can. You bootlickers are the reason this system stays in tact, you come from a long line of being told what to do and not asking questions.
The one thing I've noticed about internet communists like you is the fact that you guys always imagine yourself as the party managers, the commissars, the higher-ups who dictate party policy and manage the poor bastards getting a taste of communist """"""""""""""""""""""""""equality""""""""""""""""""""", working and slaving away endlessly in whatever factories are there, and living on a diet of cheap soup and with cheap clothes. I laugh and pity communist brainlets, and I'm willing to bet that OP is really just some kind of richfag who lives off d a d d y s m o n e y and barely knows about communism anyways.
Holy macarony
The quints have spoken
May you be blessed with goodsleep and health. Come to 22chan.org
If we had communism we wouldn't have the choice of products or niches we do.
The problem with Capitalism isn't the system itself, it's that the rich are constantly getting richer and snuffing out or reconciling competition through buyouts and shady dealings with companies that they're supposedly "competing" with. Ideally, Capitalism is supposed to give anyone a chance to earn what they're worth but that just isn't the case anymore when people can't compete with megacorporations like Wal-Mart, Amazon, etc.
...The other problems are nepotism/cronyism in the workplace and the fact that the rich fucking hoard their money like dragons and don't actually invest it back into their workers. Someone who starts at the bottom at a shit wage isn't likely to ever rise above that nowadays, no matter how knowledgeable and good at the job they are, while someone who happens to be a friend of a higher-up can land a position far above that guy at the bottom just by the sheer luck of having met the higher-up. That guy at the bottom will probably keep making a shit wage too because the rich fatcats at the top don't bother actually trying to compensate their employees fairly because they need more coins for their Scrooge McDuck money bin even though it'll never run out anyway.
Look into Costco. That's how capitalism SHOULD be done, heavy investing back into the company and employees with the CEO only making a couple million a year. Not this shit like where Jeff Bezos makes millions a DAY and pays/treats all his employees like total dog shit.
That's the delusion of capitalism that you have any choice. You don't, the freemarket has no power.
That's why you sell when they're high you monumental faggot.
That's why you diversify your stocks. You also buy after catastrophes happen because stocks drop I price even if it has nothing to do with the company.
Ive heard a saying that goes "two people who make a soup will make it salty" meaning that having too many people administer something turns it into a clusterfuck. Now im not a politicsfag but i think that a dictator with legitimate good visions and love for his country could get the country somewhere. The people sometimes dont know what they want and just like screaming. The same way kids need to be lead and diciplined by their parents cause they dont know what they want/need.
I also have a feeling that modern media also likes to shit on every single dictator and blow shit out of proportion.
Just my uneducated view on things.
I'm not saying small niches automatically make lots of money. I'm saying they're available. I go to small mom and pop shops. You're basically denying my own reality. Also with the internet you're not strictly limited to places like Walmart.
Where can you get a gender studies degree. It's a class but none of the colleges I've seen offer a degree in it.
> you need to be ruling class to have a small house and pool with a lawn.
Did the person that drew this not realize most Americans can live like ruling class?
There'd still be a need to pay taxes, which would be necessary to give the value to the currency. Therefore there would need to be the need to earn money, therefore jobs would be needed.
A sufficient increase in the money supply would also mean a sufficient increase in the availability of jobs.
These need not all be government jobs - as long as interest rates are kept low and there are opportunities to make money, there will be jobs in the private sector.
If you want to label the resultant system communism, I'm not going to stop you. But please be aware that the usual criticisms of communism would not apply.
Where I live mom and pop shops sprout up and always close after a few months because they can't compete with chain business's. Having the opportunity to fight an uphill battle against massive established business's isn't exactly enough to make me support this shitty system.
one of the better posts in this thread. fix these problems and capitalism is perfect