Why can't you appreciate real food?
White robots:
Fuck off I eat every kind of food nigger.
Apparently you don't according to pic related
oh look you're trying to push this meme, I've lived with niggers and they absolutely smother their food in spices, sauces and a shitload of butter. They have no concept of moderation, they consume, consume and consume everything like they're going to starve. See I liked to get some of those spices, normally I like to buy a different one every week so I can build up a variety as they tend to last me a few weeks but I made the mistake of combining our shopping and they would absolutely demolish it in less than a week. Nothing tastes better, it was over powering and put me off. Herbs and spices are meant to be sprinkled on, not would you like a sprinkle of chicken with your huge portion of spices.
But of course nobody actually has any real reason to hate White people other than jealousy so they make up some random bullshit and try make it stick.
Huh white don't like spicy huh
>be wh*teoid
>live in India
>restaurant staff still asks me twenty times whether I want "no spicy"
Kek! Is the meme that popular
Yeah. It's kind of frustrating. Sometimes servers and street food vendors will assume I don't like spicy food and water it down without asking. Half the time I go for pani puri, I have to ask the golgappa-wala to put in "more hot."
Lmao non whites really fucked over white people that like spicy food huh
Going home is always awful. "Spicy" food in America isn't really spicy, unless you go to a decent Thai restaurant and ask for "very hot."
Everything else just tastes bland in comparison to the stuff I get in India or Mexico.
Are the french and the Italians not white anymore? Because their cuisines are still considered the best ever.
Come on now user
This pretty much, all nigger memes about white people have no real basis in reality and stem from a deeply entrenched inferiority complex woven into their genes
>people say they like salty food
>pour an entire salt shaker onto the food
>wtf I thought you liked salty food
When there's a visible crust of Cajun on something it doesn't taste good. If you want it to be spicier add spicier things, not more of that one thing.
Normally I couldn't give a shit about crappy stereotypes like seasoning and crap but
>But of course nobody actually has any real reason to hate White people other than jealousy
This just did it seriously how are you pissed off about something that's clearly a joke no one ever means it's like a black person getting pissed about someone saying you all like fried chicken and watermelon it's fucking retarded
my parents are russian and i was born in israel, so i know for sure how at least russian and middle eastern cuisines are supposed to taste
since we moved to canada i couldnt find a single place that could replicate a single good meal from any cuisine which i know
its all either shitty hummus, burned crispy chicken, bad pitas, etc etc etc
i have a strong feeling that its also like this with all other cuisines from around the world
people come to eat international food, get served shit, lose interest in any other kind of international food altogether
not to mention this fucking place is littered with tim hortons, starbucks, pizza pizza, and other shitty food chains
the coffee they serve is atrocious which is why they ask if you want to add sugar and milk to it, to distract you from the awful flavor
the pizza here is squishy and fat, and has a pound of fat processed cheese on it
its not white people that have shit taste in food, its the market that allows to make fatty and sugary foods at the cost of pennies while selling it for ten times as much
in the end while you can appreciate really good food, that takes effort to make
but smearing a shitty bun with sugary cream takes 0 effort to make and lets you sell like 50 of them for the price of one good meal
why can't non-white people stop being so picky and just eat some food?
works other way around retard
It's a funny pic because I don't know a single white person who uses ketchup. Tomato sauce yes, but ketchup? Only niggers and spic use that.
Whitey mad again!
It wasn't even supposed to say white people it was supposed to say WASP or some shit but the translators always make it white people instead
He asked white people, so that excludes you kike.
what did you say about tendies?
Your tendies are gross and gay