Two guy friends with me

>Two guy friends with me
>Call beta friend "cute"
>Call Chad friend "hot"
>Beta friend admits he felt hurt by my comment

Ugh. Like, you aren't entitled to sex you ugly fucking virgin!

Any femanons know this feel?

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I'd feel complimented if a girl called me cute, it'd mean i'd have a chance with chad which I don't in reality ):

Yes so this. Like I waited for Chad to stop dating stacey but in the mean time I was dating beta so that Chad didnt think I was worthless. As soon as Chad broke with stacey I told him screw stacey you need a Julie to love you.

Please don't use that fembot wojak for mean posts like this

>Ugh. Like, you aren't entitled to sex you ugly fucking virgin!
you ruined the bait with this, better luck next time bro ;)

not when you're an ugly fucking virgin!

I'm a dude but I can kinda relate
>have boner that can cut diamonds
>pushing jeans out
>fem freind sees it
>fuck her behind gas station

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wow wtf? y r u being so rude, im literally crying rn

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I love that all woman dry up and become old disgusting hags that die realizing all the people they fucked never loved them a single ounce.

>you "men" aren't allowed to have feelings!

iT'S Simple. We RISE UP

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what if I get called both cute and hot by the same girl

but that's speculation.

got called cute by a female co-worker once
it was weird
why did she say that

doesn't happen, something can't be hot and cold

Why are you judging him by his sexual value if hes a friend. God I hate women so much.

>be dude
>be with one fat female friend and stacy
>call fat friend "fat"
>call stacy "hot"
>fat friend feels hurt by what i said to her
>at party
>fat friend gets me drunk and i fuck her
>good head
>stacy is aware of this and cant handle fat friend gets dick before her
>fuck stacy 2 weeks later
>be happy because i got 2 fucks
>guy logics
>girl logics

what would you choose robots?

Yep. Thing is I always try to keep my friends (only one is kinda cute but have told them all at one point they are cute because they keep hinting for me to say something) away from the guy (omg hot) I'm interested in. I don't want hot guy to know anything but what I tell HIM. my friends always find out though since they are always nosy in my business all the time and try to talk anyone I'm interested down or warn me about him.

no way she was a stacy, stacy won't fuck you if you are fucking fat girls

stacy will fuck anything that makes her feel bad about herself robot

Guys this is fucking bait this person keeps posting this shit every week.

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and people fall for it every week.

That's why we should suck our dicks in front of bitches like you.

To show you we men can have a lot of fun without your passive agressive so called compliment.
Yeah I wanna suck that rock hard Chad shaft and feel that burning glans releasing his salty manly juice in my mouth.

You'll look dumb after that anonette.

Bait threads are still a thing? This one isnt even clever