If you're a white man, it is your holy duty to get an asian gf and produce superior hapas who shall protect the civilization from the horde of mutts. White women are an evolutionary dead end and must be discarded.
If you're a white man...
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OP is mentally retarded
It took Australians 3 gens of selective breeding to bleach some Abbos
Asians should be fine in two
OP is a mental dead end
Which are you? SEETHING mutt or a toasted roastie?
Hard to argue against that when you consider the absolute state of white women.
Way ahead of you, friendo. Already got myself a sweet Chinese gf that I spill my seed into on a daily basis. I've finally made it, lads.
Hapas are mutts. Keep the races pure. Fuck off with your jewry.
The only jewry there is was the 60s sexual revolution. White women fell for it hook, line and sinker, and did thr rest themselves. Blame (((them))) and white women.
as in brown skinned mutts with a terrible victim complex. Who are you even kidding.
At best you will get some child bride that speaks Tagalog or a former Taiwanese real estate agent in her mid 30s.
>At best you will get some child bride that speaks Tagalog or a former Taiwanese real estate agent in her mid 30s.
Not seeing a problem here
Mutts are a result of mixing white people with lesser races. Asians are honorary whites and are actually better in some regards (like raw intelligence)
None of these fags can even get a gf let alone an asian gf
>falling for the yellow fever meme
Yeah no thanks
>rets have chirdren right nao
Oh my penis
>they're mutts unless I make them with my dick with a race that I find attractive
>then they're not mutts
This is some olympic mental gymnastics. Call yourself a race traitor too or drop the belief entirely, but don't bastardize the definition
Sadly my penis can't get hard for asian girls. Even if I know they are attractive I am not attracted to them.
how can i get one ?? the ones here are westernized and would never have kids with me and i dont speak any asian languages.
same here, are you also nonwhite?
neither faggotini, I am just some guy who thinks that glorifying asian girls is retarded. Asian-American are just as bad as White girl, and White people are garbage, same goes for black people tho. Glad you wont reproduce anyway.
>got myself a sweet Chinese gf that I spill my seed into on a daily basis
literally the only thing i want in life
I am white actually, I just dont find them attractive. Glad to know someone feels the same as me on this site.
I'm seriously the happiest I've ever been. She says lots of cute things using sound effects when she can't think of the word, shows me silly Chinese videos, and cooks me amazing Chinese food. She's adorable, and has a really high sex drive.
dating chinese or vietnameses
should have known better
Stay away from my women you white vermin.
i'm italian but there was a cute asian girl in middle school who liked me
Well, what is he waiting for? Looks like a kike. Movie is a fake, btw.
She's too small in the right places. Got myself a shortstack and my penis is happy.
Hand over the qts, gookboi, and nobody gets hurt
>mutts are mutts unless the nonwhite I make them with makes my peepee feel funny
On Rope Day, traitors like you will suffer the most.
Asian women, the answer to sub 8 white male inceldom
I will make sure to tell my hapa son about these weird, self-destructive beings, the Jow Forumsacks
>but, papa, why were they so obsessed with the white race?
>because none of them was white, son. LARPing niggers, every single one.
tfw all the asian guys already got gfs
tfw no bf to protect me
>race mixes because he cant get a white girl to give him the time of day
Make it subtle next time kike.
Make sure to raise your future hapa son in a diverse, multicultural environment. Or else he will develop some identity issues in an entirely white community
i can protect you, can I have your contact info?
i feel like your saying this because u peen too small to get a white girl to bother
>LARPing niggers, every single one.
Don't stick the blame on us cracker we're not trying to get shot by your hapa kids
tfw people still act like race means anything
Grow up and stop acting like epidermal melanin content means anything you children. Acting like "race" means dip-diddly is asking for genocide.
>implying niggers dont shoot each other in the thousands everyday
>implying whites and spics arent the leading races of mass shooters
i'd rather get a bf not from r9k, all of the asian guys i added from this site have really bad personalities
>all of the asian guys i added from this site have really bad personalities
Give me a chance *desu*
.t. I'm white
I would never have children with someone outside my race because the kid would not look like me. What'd be the point? It'd look like some totally different person.
>Yes, little Suzuki Johnson has his mom's nose, and his mom's eyes, and his mom's skin tone...
get a load of this fag! he literally thinks race is about skin color!
Well white men should date someone of their own race. Don't you want white kids? :x
>Don't you want white kids?
I don't care all that much, as long they are not black I'm fine with it
i think my chinese gf has the 'tism. bright when need be, but weird. likes to whisper talk and make dumb faces a lot
This. I have a Chinese gf and I'm fine as long as my kids aren't black.
I crave asian pussy. I need a asian waifu. Everyday that goes by without my asian waifu is a day filled with utter pain and misery. Please God have mercy. Why are you so cruel?
Asian women are goddesses, their beauty is unmatched. Every woman is a roastie compared to the elegance, chastity and beauty of the asian goddess. Oh world why are you so cruel?
If I do not get my asian waifu I will end my life, for a life without a asian waifu is a life not worth living.
>I'm fine as long as my kids aren't black.
based & redpilled
get a load of this faggotini
I'm > If you change your mind
My contact is
[email protected]
The white race is a dead end.
meh latinas are way hotter, hot black girls are better too.
nice thinly veiled dahyun thread you have here OP
If you're white, wtf is stopping you bro?
If you're not, then good luck.
Thin lips, ugly nose, upside down eyes. You simply like her because she is Asian. Imagine her as any other race with those sub par features.
i'm out tho, @ me if you need me
I literally feel nothing when I look at other races of women. As a white man I can only love asian women. What's wrong with me?
>produce superior hapas
>protect the civilization from the horde of mutts
Weak. ass. bait.
Stop making these threads.
ur mentally ill bro. there are attractive women in every race
hes not wrong though. hapas are superior to both whites and asians.
But hapas are mutts you cretin
hapas look like your standard plastic faced asian. would never have guessed girl in pic related was hapa.
Last time some one said that a specific race was better than another they lost the war
Pic related
Hapas are statistically the most mentally ill, mixed racial group. They neither identify as Asian, nor white, and are miserable.
I agree they're very attractive and successful people on average, but fetishizing them is gross and is probably why so many of them are unhappy and make shitty subreddits.
Most r/hapa users are well-off normalniggers with stable jobs and relationships. Their issues are menial compared to the average robot.
Elliot Rodger and EurasianTiger would have to disagree. A lot of r/hapas losers are gfless and complain they can't date because they look so heavily Asian, or are awkward from growing up in an unbalanced family due to having a supremacist white father and a self loathing Asian mother.
>citing tenda
opinion discarded
Hell, half black kids are more miserable and have a harder time living as they were born out of wedlock and are more suspectible to going on welfare than fucking upper middle class hapas with muh identity issues. Its crazy how much they want to victimize themselves when their issues sound exactly like the issues of spoiled rich white kids who didnt get a Lamborghini on his 18th birthday.
elliot Rodger wanted nothing less than a 10/10 blonde bimbo sorority slut. He was a shallow narcasstic entitled fakecel who thought he deserved a Stacy to land on his feet without approaching one. Glad that he died a virgin.
Why do you think I'm disagreeing with you all? I'm not.