Do you think he has any regrets?

>Moot thread

Attached: 220px-Christopher_Poole_at_XOXO_Festival_September_2012.jpg (220x284, 10K)

I don't think he does, I hope he lurks still sometimes

Attached: Gay_moot_is_gay_2.jpg (648x1000, 236K)

Doubt it, he hates what Jow Forums has become.

What exactly does he hate? To many normies or what.

yes, he regrets stealing the idea for Jow Forums from the Bog bro's

Attached: zuck vs. cuck.png (1035x713, 616K)

This is a place to discuss anime, video games, technology, television, literature, travel, porn. Not a place where praising kek is appropriate.

>he regrets stealing the idea for Jow Forums from the Bog bro's
I would watch that so hard.

So he really hates Jow Forums. Why didn't he just ban everyone like that.

I think moot is a massive normie himself, he actually disliked how Jow Forums descended into sadsack losers complaining, though I'm sure he resents the Jow Forumsace coup several orders of magnitude more.

Moot's a 30 year old boomer this year. Probably misses the old days.

Because he understood that you can't fight the Chinese army with a toothpick. The toothpick is banning people altogether. The Chinese army is Jow Forums.

Thank you for explaining your analogy.

I'd reckon he has a lot of Jow Forums related regrets, probably couldn't have done anything differently though. If you're listening mootles, we still love you

love ya moot

Fuck, is this pic real?

luggage lad went off to work for google, he's a traitor

Because he created a monster he wasn't sure he could've turned off with a switch. I would've deleted the board if I were in his shoes though, or at the very least kept /new/ dead then a lot annoying shit would've never happened.

He regrets that his mom got posted so many times here.

Attached: mommym00t.jpg (218x322, 28K)

his mom look like him crossdressing as a woman

He did delete Jow Forums (back then it was /news/) the problem was the faggots didn't go away, they just infected other boards, and you couldn't have a single thread without some kind of racial bullshit derailing the whole discussion.

So what happened? He reinstated it as Jow Forums because the thinking was it'd be better to just contain the cancer. Problem is that it started to grow out of proportion to the rest of the board communities and now we're at the situation where we've got a containment board and they're still leaking their contaminated cancerous bullshit. Worst of both worlds.

All of this started because of /b/ raids on stormfront which made a load of them aware of this site and it's convenient anonymous posting anyway. So really, Jow Forums only has itself to blame.

my fucking sides dude that was on point

>stormfront boogieman
Reminder that they're a bunch of literal boomers memeing about "muh white homogeny" andsee Jow Forumsacks as completely batshit wildcards of a completely different generation that threaten their forum hierarchy
There is no foreign influence, it's just the influx of new users keeps snowballing and reached critical mass when it was the staging ground for the election
All the extremism there is homegrown and mostly ingenuine as most faggot kids I talk to from there were born after 9/11, heard about the anonymous boogieman themselves, then became it by just posting as volitile of opinions as they could
Shit has not changed since chanology, but you wouldn't know that you /new/fag

This reads like a newfriend reading off of ED. Also moot was neutral towards Jow Forums the only time he fucked with them was when he was about to leave and he opened the floodgates to shitposting but that was mostly a joke due to the zoe quinn and five guys thing contaminating all other boards

You're wrong about everything.

Excelent retort

people are just getting more right-wing to counter the mainstream leftist bullshit, its not necessarily because of Jow Forums

We're fucking worshipping and getting sentimental about random tripfags now?

Bad bait
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