Jordan Peterson married an ogress

>Jordan Peterson married an ogress
Why haven't you cleaned your room and done the same?

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She's probably "intelligent"

Jesus christ what is that creature

I see Jordan Peterson, I laugh. I don't know why, but I think it's how he's trying so hard to look respectable.

No OP that's Boris Yeltsin.

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she was probably attractive when she was younger

>he's trying so hard to look respectable
he has massive depression going on

Imagine being married to JP :///

>Imagine being married to JP :///
A man that is revered and looked up to by hundreds of thousands of other men? A man who can say a couple of basic sentence and then see it quoted on all sort of forums and social media platforms? Sounds terrible.

And to add to this, OP's pic once again validates the looks theory. You can only get someone on your level and one level below for marriage, no matter your fame and income.

>a man who is hated by all normies and only looked up to by weird virgins on the Internet
No thanks
Also imagine him having an orgasm

Imagine having to listen to his kermit the frog sounding ass voice every day. jesus christ.

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>a motivational speaker who has morbid depression
>who is respected by a couple people on Jow Forums, an anime website for alcoholics and general wastes of space
TOP KEK that was quality bait friend

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My experience is a little different. I've talked to quite a few fans of him and they all shared a common feature. They were raised religious, but they are no longer active in their religious community. Jordan Peterson fills the gap. So I think it's a normie thing.

Shes college educated and beautiful for her age, he is a lucky man.

no way, not a chance in hell

he's just a dad figure for teenage males who don't have a male figure in their life. Which is weird, seeing as everything JP says is just random autism. Also, never trust a man with curly hair.

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This is his real wife moron.
He knew asians were the real deal

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I find that hard to believe. How the hell is he a positive role model? I don't have the best relationship towards my father. So I've often thought of Jerry Orbach.
pic related

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How is it random? It's more like it's common sense put through a thesaurus lol. He's just trying to explain why common sense is/should be common and why it makes sense to follow.

They consider him a role model because he uses authority to say shit like "clean your room". That's it. JP has shitty debate skills, shitty opinions, and is just another political stooge trying to scam people out of money. I don't get why the internet picked some kermit the frog rand paul looking fuckwit to be their dad. Why not Kurt Russell or something? Jesus christ.

t. Metokur drone

>not having deeply intelligent dark web sex with your agreeable consciences chink eyed wife and reaching new theological concepts during orgasm as you shout "TAKE MY SEED, AND TAKE IT BLOODY WELL"

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Who the fuck is JP and why the fuck should I give a shit.
I dont.
I wont.
This is stupid.

That's what I mean. He's not good locking, he's not an empathic person and he's not clever.
But then again there's a whole bunch of youtubers who are like the same. I don't get why people follow them either.

Are you looking for someone whose words, if followed, could make your life better or a boyfriend? "He's not good looking", what a dumbass.

What do you think is the recipe behind boy-bands? Good music? People like good looking leaders. Every robot (painfully) knows that.

Your input is appreciated. As in, no one cares about your opinion on JP

There a lot of singers and musicians that are average or homely and did pretty well. Boy bands are also less musicians and more porn for teenaged girls. Among people who are into bands for the music boy bands often aren't at the top of their lists.

If you want to focus on why Peterson keeps people listening to his lectures, it's because he makes them feel good, kinda like how talking to a smart person can make an average guy feel smarter. That doesn't discredit what he actually has to say though. Taking what he says and focusing more on acting upon it rather than watching him 24/7 for those dopamine hits will probably make a person's life better. Simple, obvious, things like taking opportunities as they show up, not doing what you personally know to be wrong, asking yourself what you're willing to do to better yourself and achieving small things so you can gain momentum, all of that has worth if carried out.

she's not bad, and looks good for her age.

you need to visit and optometrist, my man
if he's a frog this bitch is a toad

I guarantee in a few years his career is going to crash as a result of fucking a kid or something. He has the sex offender look. My mom dated a sex offender, and he has the same vibe going on as he did(I know my mom is a whore).

Jordan Peterson is very appealing to counter-culture normies and moderates at universities. Most politically moderate males you'll meet at your university probably know about him and respect him in at least some way.

She is Hugo

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this pic made me realize the girl i have a crush on looks kinda like jbp's wife and will probably look like that when she ages so im no longer upset about it thanks

He got married many years ago. He has become world famous 2 years ago. Right now he could get laid with hundreds of college cuties around the world but he can't cause he is married. I bet that this is killing him.

prude people usually have ugly ladies
it's like they know hot stuff is promiscuous by default
either find a virgin 5/10 or be a cuck with a 10/10. no way around it

nah JP defenders imagine that shit all the time

Holy fucking shit user


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She's not bad looking.

She's pushing 60, what did you expect?

>He knew asians were the real deal
I can tell by how excited he looks