
does anyone else hate Ninja as much as I do I mean like he's raising the generation to be nothing but degenerates

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hes like the knock off sodapopping, but more popular

I also hate him hes fking faggot like Jake Paul of Twitch

>cartoon free to play game
>the 2 easiest ways to get kids to play
>the face of the game acts like a sperg
>anybody being surprised this shit and he himself got huge

I have never heard about him because I dont use social media I suppose.
But why is he famous?

that's pretty funny. I expected it to be some based nigger bullshit but it was actually just some cross promotion with a funny twist. I've watched the guy's stream once to figure out what kids like about fortnite. he seems really obsessed with himself and making money. it's weird that he amassed a big audience acting like that but whatever, could be worse. in a way he's more honest than most e-celebs.

>he's raising the generation to be nothing but degenerates
How does he do that?

it's like those boomer parents who blamed the tv stations for bad parenting

We need good influences like Zezima

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Millenials behave like Boomers now kek. I think I get the 30 year old Boomer meme now.

Kids will forget about him after the next big memer plays whatever becomes the next fotm game like how kids already forgot about pewdiepie and the fnaf guy so you don't have to worry about that

10 year olds have short attention spans

I know who he is but I'm not a streamer-watching faggot so I don't know anything about him.

how the fuck are people so popular for just playing video games and talking over it

i dont get it

omg zezima i love you

I don't hate him. What I hate are you fucking retards that PAY people to PLAY VIDEO GAMES.
Why would I hate people (titty streamers included) who can easily make a living off of retards so desperate for human interaction that they'll donate them.

Trips of fucking truth. Enablers need to be killed.

Fucking faggot never responded to my pm back in like 2007

based holy trips of truth

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>actually giving a shit about normalfag bullshit like fortnite streamers
are you in contact with people who like this shit or something? why bother racking your brain over this retarded stuff it's not worth it

agreed, on top of that I see hundred dollar donations just to ask him a question that he barely reads out. Fuck these stupid zoomers

Paying people is one thing but there's nothing wrong with watching Twitch streamers so you can feel like you have at least one friend who talks with you.

Streamers have been getting paid long before zoomers could even own a credit card