>mfw the BLACK BULLS won
They make the best bait threads get all the wh*Tes mad and are just generally having fun and not taking it seriously
>Then comes the wh*Tes
You have that tranny poster that ruins threads and nobody likes. The one where he thinks he's winning but get btfo'd by a BLACK BVLL.
Mfw the BLACK BULLS won
Those black porn threads just make me hate Americans.
The tranny poster??
The only people that post racebait porn are Americans wtf is wrong with them.
Tranny poster isn't even white he says shit like
>why are white men all cucks
>thank god for my jew genes
Stfu little wh*Tey. Nah because it's so fucking fun, you make the Jow Forumsfags so mad.
Blacks automatically lose by being black.
Stop being a racist caricature Pepe, you fucking nigger.
Hello wh*Te bois!
hdnd dbsns dnnd d sbzb zisa ajaka aja nsns s sssn
nsna ana anna sna sna sa
snsn s snsns sns snsns s snsnsnanns
nensnns s ananan ana a anan a ana a a an
mene e wnmwnwnwnw wn wwn emwmw..m
holy fuck
I dunno what's worse
racebait threads or actually saving pics of trannies in your pc to answer to racebait lol
and I thought my weekend was trash
nans an2 photo by the I by the I
t. lets his race get consistently humiliated and dows nothing about it
why do you work for
herb the sissy is nearly as
he keeps responding because he to
Why would you care about a billion other people?
I don't understand why trolls fetishize us but I wish it would stop. If we all fucked white girls the way shitposters claim we do then there wouldn't be any black people left, just mulattos and quadroons.
why don't you care about your genetic relatives and yourself by proxy being humiliated and having their reputation downgraded?
922 i i i i i i nxnxnx d d d
>implying it isn't blacks who make the threads cause they're insecure
You take shitposting that seriously? Are you retarded?
This is what actual autism looks like
The only people who do that are retards and liberals. Then again they are pretty much the same thing.
you need to be over 17 to post here
white people are literally dying off because white men are all cucks. this shit is not just on Jow Forums. its all over google. white people are being genocided by jews. all European countries are on course to become nonwhite
we all know it's that white dude, nick or Asian Masculinity
soon you will be killed for being white like they do in South Africa. whatever ethnicity you descend from.in Europe the country is already full of nonwhites. white people are beimg bred out of existence
are you an evolution denier?
>/b/tard posts a blacked thread
>this is white genocide they're taking all of our women!
no its a black guy. nick would not post this thread because he hates black people. i should know
Statistically white people are literally dying off. America used to be 90% white. today it's 56% white. It's not just on Jow Forums. shit humiliating and emasculating white men is all over the internet and it's put their by design for propaganda purposes and you are simply in denial if you can't see that. its been hoing on for years. and why are white people constantly harrassed on this websit
why is it okay to constantly harrass white men? how is that acceptable? because spineless whites dont care if blacks bash them because they are sissies
>why is it okay to constantly harrass white men? how is that acceptable?
Everybody gets harrassed on Jow Forums and whites don't even get the harshest treatment here. You're just a bitch who can't handle banter from shitposting.
yes. whites get the harshest treatment by far. nonwhites call for death to all white people and no one will ever even criticize them meanwhile if a white person says the same thing about minorities 10 cuck white people will complain about them pr call them edgy because 90% of white people are self hating cuckolds.
why don't you understand? minorities LITERALLY want you to die because you are white. they hate you because you exist and are white. they don't want peace. they want to conquer you and kill you. Wake the fuck up to reality.
>whites get the harshest treatment by far. nonwhites call for death to all white people and no one will ever even criticize them
So you're just going to sit there and pretend Jow Forums and other sites like it aren't a thing? Fuck off.
And half of pol is people who hate white people
Why do you care if there are whites who hate nonwhites? Why do you protect other races from white people? You should want to kill off everyone who isn't white. Every other race wants you to die for being white. You should return the favot
>Every other race wants you to die for being white
How do you know that?
>I do not use Jow Forums the post
Because they do. Why can't you accept reality? They hate you for being white. They want you to die. They are immigrating to America and Europe by the millions and replacing you. They call for death to all white people in South Africa and have murdered nearly a hundred thousand whites in the last 20 years. It is common sense that blacks would love to kill all white people and the only thing that stops them from doing so is the fact that whites have the guns and defenses to stop it from happening.
I wish you white larpers would stop making these race bait threads. Just making it harder on black bros we cant even be comfy on the inter webz with all this shit
Half of the posts on pol are anti white. A ton of them are "why are white men so weak?, why are white men trannies, why do white women fuck black men, liporn of black men fucking whitewomen, white people are dying off, Europe is becoming nonwhite" It's full of people who hate whites.
libtards are fucking stupid
>tfw you have to cope with your loneliness by posting blacked memes on Jow Forums in a fit of impotent rage