A fucking 1070 TI got me a gf

Let's share some stories about how you got a gf with a 1070 TI. I'll start

>be me
>bought a new gaming pc
>has 1070 TI
>one week later
>friend of mine has 9/10 qt3.14 gf
>brag to her about new pc
>tell her it was expensive
>she leaves her bf for me
>mfw a girl actually left me because of a 1070 TI
>mfw a 1070 TI got me pussy

Attached: lol.png (1280x1280, 188K)

Pics of the 1070 TI or it didn't happen!

I got a mouthful of pussy

This is the 1070 TI. have fun looking at it

Attached: 1070 TI.jpg (508x676, 35K)

You know we need a timestamp, stop wasting our time OP

This is the timestamp you asked for.

Attached: fagsneededproof.jpg (508x676, 24K)

Now timestamp your gf, retard

Not giving you that fap material, m8

Homosexual and fictional

lets be honest this guy is a legend the guy got pussy with a 1070ti

squirt squirt 69 suck my dick and get
a 1070ti

Here I'll translate what OP is trying to say

>be faggot
>bought a new gaming PC
>has 1070 TI
>one week later
>accidently open a link to the chad that bullied me in high school and see his 9/10 qt3.14 gf
>realize all this money I just spent on this PC is ultimately meaningless and material possessions will never fill the spiteful void in my heart like a wholesome healthy relationship could
>denial sets in, need to justify my decision to spend 600 dollars on a single computer part
>make up story on Jow Forums to feel better about myself and continue living in denial

dude the egva is like 450 with import to the uk from us

idk about other country's tho

Why buy a 1070 now of all times? Isn't the new series of cards coming out in a few months?

I mean the 1070 is a great card, but the new cards are prolly gonna be about $400-$500 for the new equivalent...

Also did you get the Ti v1 or v2?

i'm not too up-to-date with that kinda shit. I just wanted a gaming pc to play my minecraft with shaders

dude your a asshole but congrats on da wet dick

Well if you waited a few months you could have gotten a better card for the same price or saved $50 on the eventual price drops on 1070's

he has a point but a gpu is a gpu a better card could have got some better pussy but that's his mistake

her pussy probably looked like this after anyways

Attached: iu.png (1024x1024, 1.2M)

it pretty much did look like that, yes

hittin it with the pepe dick bro

Holy fuck look at those alien fingers

once she finds out you're not mining crypto with it her mouth is going to be slobbering on chad's 1180 behind your back