What do robots think of this normie plan my therapist made for me?

what do robots think of this normie plan my therapist made for me?

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>Negative internet sites
He knows.

Sounds like a good plan to me, brother. I believe your mental health would improve if you stuck to those bullet points, to be completely honest.

>I will stay away from negative internet sites
Not sure how you're gonna achieve this one

>tfw do all the things on the plan already (except for the last one) and still be a complete wreck

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that's a lot of fucking effort. i was almost too lazy to even read it

If you weren't doing those things or similar already (I will shower every second day, lol) you've definitely failed at life and need to start asap.

I only wished I had listened earlier.

But no! nobody could tell me anything, didn't want to hear it. Even if they were right.

I think its a good plan. I follow something close to it and it's improved my quality of life.

It's got exercise, going to bed and waking up at the same time, proper diet, medication, honesty OP if you'd stick to these you could make it

the last one is probably the most important

You're here though so you're not doing all the points

I will try your action plan out brother

>eat eggs
>eat salmon
fucking gross.

what a shithead
you should floss everytime you brush your teeth

truth be told, you don't need to pay money for that. we tell you guys this everyday

I mean I usually go to bed at 12:30 am max, it's not like I stay up until 8 am and get up in the afternoon... I'm a wagecuck after all.

I barely come here these days and I don't really see it as a negative site... it doesn't really have an impact on me.

just take lsd and realise your depression is an illusion
only consciousness exists

Literally meme depression sheet.

I do all those things. Furthermore, I'm a Jow Forumsizen, so I lift 5 days I week, avoid sugar and processed foods, eat a shitload of veggies, wake up at 6-7 am every morning to go to gym while it's empty, and when it's not, I try my best to be friendly to other regulars at the gym.

Guess what? I'm still fucking depressed.

But you know what user? It's a good start. I'm still struggling but I know that I'd be feeling ten times worse if I actually didn't do any of the things written on that list. I know this is a bait thread, but I also know there is a certain lurker reading this post that could really use some support. Keep going user, we're all gonna make it one day. We're gonna get out of this shit.

>Net appointment on xx/xx/2020

Having a regular routine that you stick to will definitely help. I was assigned something similar, felt like shit to start with but it does get easier. Even if you don't want to do it, what have you got to lose by trying?
Although, I did laugh at
>I will stay away from negative internet sites

Do you really need some normie to tell you to treat depression with exercise, regulated sleep, and healthy eating? You could have gotten that by literally typing in "depression treatment" on Google and reading the first few bullet points, not to mention that someone who's so depressed they aren't showering and brushing their teeth every day isn't going to be able to just start exercising 30 minutes a day out of the blue just because Dr. Shekelbergsteinowitzliebermangoldsilverberg said so. Your therapist has unrealistic expectations.

Why aren't you doing something practical like CBT or DBT to slowly change your thought patterns instead of this obvious Reddit shit?

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Where do you think you are?

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