"user is just a shorter guy like that. Kind of like a girl. Except he doesn't wear skirts."

>"user is just a shorter guy like that. Kind of like a girl. Except he doesn't wear skirts."

Roasties are so hearthless anons. She just shrugged it off that it was a joke and all that. But she was so unaware how much negativity those words bring to me. And even as a joke, it's still what she thinks. That I have a girly height.
Thanks for listening to my story I guess.

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Originally how tall are you, op?

Your welcome user. I know your pain lad. There will be that one girl that loves you for who you are, but for looks or money. Try arab women maybe? They make a mean dish and sometimes they are like the jug of water in a desert for your needs.

I am originally 5'7. Around 2 inches shorter than average in my country.

People view us manlets as inferior beings. Start getting used to it.

Clearly she's trying to say she wishes to dress you up like a girl.

You have to be able to understand a woman's mind, OP.

>that loves you for who you are
>but for looks or money
B-b-but these are conflicting user.

>Try arab women maybe?
My country wasn't invaded yet. Hehe. Also I know of arab women that they normally don't date outside their religion or stuff.

That's an inch taller than me, and I've never got comments about my height.
Maybe you need to gain some muscle or somthing.

I've known this for years. But only within the last couple of months with lots of readings, studies and personal observations. I still can't accept it and I'm afraid I never will. I guess I'll forever have this shoe that will keep biting at my ankle til I die.

But I don't want that.

I've been going to the gym for a good while. I am around the size of your average gym rat, if anything I could stand to lose weight rather than gain.

5 7 isnt bad. Im around that myself leaning towards 5 8 but not quite.

Statistics say otherwise user. And I gave my life up for my height, so to speak. I let it govern every single life decision I make. As in, I no longer try things that I associate taller people are better at.

Why dont you try things that you want to do instead of playing mini golf by yourself.

Pathetic attempt at a joke desu. What that whore said my whole day shit and I laid in bed doing nothing the whole day. Yours didn't do jack lmao.

>approach women
They want taller men.
>get a goob job
Taller men end up earning more.
>start a business
Not smart enough. Also small correlation between tallness and higher IQ.

Well, at least these I can do fine.

>Taller men end up earning more.
>Also small correlation between tallness and higher IQ.
Never heard of this one either
Anything wrong with this? As long as there is enough money coming in to keep you afloat than I see no problem with this.

fuck you ameritard I live in a country where my height would be manlet in the US but here is fine
besides, girls here say manlets fuck better because they're faster LOLOLOLOL we more agile faggot


Nigger I'm 5'2" and my gf is 5'5". Don't blame your height.

How tall is the roastie? She prob likes you desu

Just google them or hit me with the burden of proof cock, I don't care.
It would be. Except I wish I would have someone to put my penis in and maybe share the rest of my life with. That would be pretty cool.

I'm not from the US illiterate zoomer. Also, you may want to wipe your tears, they are making you write more retarded than you would normally.

I guess I never will.

Nigger play the lottery cause I know a guy that won so you might win too!!!!!

Around 2 or 3 inches shorter. No chance tho. She has a very long term boyfriend, that's obviously tall, around 6-6'1. I'm also pretty sure that she was a massive whore when she was younger. She has that vibe. And also some of her stories imply that.

>"girly height"
>the absolute state of the average Stacy IQ.

>don't worry about it OP basic stacies genuinely aren't worth shit

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Yeah, I know, thanks user. But even with that. I still can't help but feel bothered. It just came out of the blue. Like getting a smack in the face at the dinner table or some shit, it catches you completely off guard. That's life I guess.

>Among men, the sharpest jump in earnings the researchers documented was between 5 4 and 5 6.
So it doesnt affect you because you are 5 7
A quick look at Wikipedia says that it is true that taller people tend to have slightly higher iqs. Not due to biological reasons but rather because taller people have had enough to eat at a young age so that their brain properly developed as well. If you are biologically short, then as long as you are enough there is no difference.