Reminder that if before you came to Jow Forums you were just autistic and socially inept, but after Jow Forums you become bitter, spiteful, hateful and adopted the worldview of this site you got manipulated by the older members of this site who have an agenda to turn younger people against specific parts of society they do not like because of personal issues with them. Most of these people are not even robots, they are "weird kids" but have usually had sex, friends and gfs, and the only reason they're here is because they're just shitty, nasty people. They don't have the same issues as you, they're not autistic, they're not socially awkward, and they do not have issues with getting women. The only issue they have is having people stick around because after people spend more time with them and learn their true nature, which is that they're basically sociopath lite, they bail. These people are your enemy as much as normans are. Always remember to never trust anything you read on this site and if possible to just leave altogether because you still get influenced even when you consciously try to reject it. The stuff you read on here the other side of the same coin that normie feel good bullshit "everything is ok everything js gonna be alright" belongs to.
These people were also likely to be your school bullies and people who made fun of you along with the normans. They're not your friends
Nah I was always bitter, spiteful, and hateful. What do you think drew me here in the first place?
the orignally original trips of truth
I was autistic and socially inept and then became bitter and resentful. Then I found this place.
> The stuff you read on here the other side of the same coin that normie feel good bullshit "everything is ok everything js gonna be alright" belongs to.
What did you mean by this?
The love baby yeah
Hard to tell. Ive been on this damn website for over 10 years now and spent pretty much all of my teen years posting here so i have no idea if this place molded my worldview or not.
Most people here seem to just be autistic and socially inept at their core, they hate comes after Jow Forums.
Though there always exceptions to the rule. It also depends on how hateful you were and towards who. I personally also used to hate society and normans way before i came here, and so did probably most people here. But the hatefulness i'm talking about is the type which makes people hate everyone and everything and makes them want to hurt people regardless of if they have any reason to such as being harmed by them.
Its the same bullshit story except the other side of the coin. Normans want you to believe the world is all fine and dandy because they're happy with their situation. The people i described want you to think the world is all evil and bad because they're unhappy with it. Both of these are stories sold to you by people who want to manipulate you for their own gain. Normans want you to be content with the status quo because they benefit off it and someone upsetting that status quo can potentially harm their position in life. The other group wants you to think the status quo is decidely evil and bad because they themselves failed in it, and thus they want to manipulate you into sacrificing yourself as revenge (while they sit on their asses). That sacrifice can come in the form of sacrificing the opportunities you may have and dropping out of life altogether to spite society and deprive them off one more member contributing to it, in this way there is also a very strong element of crabs in a bucket to it. They failed so they want you to fail as well by manipulating you into thinking you have no chance even though you might very well have had. The other form of it is manipulating you into hating a specific group of people, a specific custom or aspect of comtemporary culture, or any aspect of reality itself really. In this way they aim to leverage you to take revenge for them. They want you to lash out against something because that something harmed them, so they get their own personal revenge while personally having done nothing, when that thing you're lashing out against may actually have not harmed you at all or it may even be AGAINST your own interest to lash out against it.
Tl;dr One side wants you to be content so you don't disrupt their lives, the other side wants you to disrupt life because they are not content, even though it may be AGAINST your interest to do so.
You are dumb if you disbelieve in the consciousphere that is now.
Quantum question for you- imagine the universe you exist in (as seen by your eyes) is a perfect sphere, if you stack the infinite number of spheres that make up the multiberse as you would stack oranges at a greengrocers, how many universe-spheres are touching yours?
>tfw its only 12
The exact number of superpositioned potential at any given time for any given particle is 12.
>build a device to find the hotspots of good potential
>focus potential by observing it
>manifest in neighbouring multiverse that grows off the chaotic-good stub of the ((whatever it is)) that it is.
>spontaneously manifest a cool black jacket
>see you later virgins
>they hate comes after Jow Forums
Only because Jow Forums, user culture in general, and other stuff intrinsic to this place and the few places like it frees them from the shackles of moral ambiguity and conditioning they were force fed as a small child/teen by unknowing parents and other agents more sinister.
It's another episode of "roastie, nigger or trap?"
I'm going with roastie.
"I spent some of my most formative years here but Gee guys i Dunno!!" Holy fuck
At least have the courage to admit for once. We know your tricks already.
I have always been bitter and cold and lonely. I did get bitter and colder after discovering Jow Forums, yet somehow my loneliness has decreased after knowing do many people have the same struggles as me; because of that I guess I'm a happier person now overall.
Almost fell for the bait though
>Only because Jow Forums,
Let me stop you there. I agree with you, but you are wrong in one thing. It's not only because of that. That is what creates condition for as you said more sinister agents to do their work. While there are sinister agents in norman society, the same sinister agents exist here, but in even larger numbers. They're the counterparts of those who condition people to believe in the ambigous morals of society. The other side of the same coin, if you will. That's the reason. Jow Forums just gives it a platform. See
What you're forgetting is that you cannot have a truly free platform of communication without the possibility of both sides of that showing up. Focusing on one or the other side of shills is foolishness because we all know that those kinds of people play both sides.
>Always remember to never trust anything you read on this site and if possible to just leave altogether because you still get influenced even when you consciously try to reject it
Pretty solid advice OP but that's like telling a heroine addict to quit hitting the needle. Sure he knows it's not good for him but that moment of pure delusion and brainwashing this site lays on people, gives them purpose. What's the alternative user? There is none. I'm just here for my fix. Luckily R9K has become my least visited site thanks to all the sissy/fembot/r9gay/racebait/"Incel" threads and it still has me coming back for some reason. This is the first time I'm visiting this board in about 3-4 months. Only way to break free is to move onto other boards in my opinion.
It was the opposite for me. I use to be a bitter spiteful edgy liberal commy. Coming here made me become empathetic and caring towards my fellow man(male).
I agree, we cannot sacrifice free communication to try to stop this from happening. Not only because free communication is too valuable to sacrifice, but also because these people exist everywhere. Trying to stop them may lower their numbers, but they will still be there. The ones who have been driven away will then just look for another outlet. The only way to combat them is to make people aware that they exist and what they do. Some will always be in denial because they don't want to accept that they can be influenced to that degree by people with truly malevolent intentions, like for example, but the majority of people once aware makes a serious attempt to reject it.
If you retards didn't already realize, this is one of the people OP describes basically telling you he's here and there is nothing you can do about it. Kind of spooky to see them admitting openly like this desu.
t. Schlomo Bagelberg-Blattstein
Where can you even go to that's not dead?
>Schlomo Bagelberg
Don't talk like you know anything about this board, people know what they're getting into when they use this site, the only people that don't are moralfags like you who think that people actually give a shit about what you think. Next time try to take the site at face value, because I guarantee you that the overwhelming majority of this site is not some "boogeyman manipulating younger generations" that you speak of.
Yeah, it's important to be an individual and always be wary of having your world view changed by some people online.
I can't hold on to friends or anyone in my life, but I always try to be polite and friendly, and have no ulterior motives other than thinking it'd be nice for anyone to know and appreciate me, since it's kind of hard to tell myself that everything is fine when everyone's so eager to put me down and hate me. I don't think I'm sociopathic or anything like that, just too anxious and bothered by life to be fun and play along the right way.
No, i was bitter, hateful, and angry before i came here.
I just found people like me.
How can one NOT become bitter after learning the truth of the world? This world is a flaming shit bag and i'd rather be bitter and know than be happy and be ignorant.
>Don't talk like you know anything about this board,
I have been here longer than you
> people know what they're getting into when they use this site,
Why do you speak for others? Plenty of young kids and teenagers start using this site and they have no real idea what they're getting into?
>the only people that don't are moralfags like you who think that people actually give a shit about what you think.
Where did i say you have to give a shit about what i think? How am i a moralfag for telling you to think for yourself? Again, why do you speak for others?
>Next time try to take the site at face value, because I guarantee you that the overwhelming majority of this site is not some "boogeyman manipulating younger generations" that you speak of
Where did i say it's the overwhelming majority? You don't need many people to manipulate a much larger group.
You can lash out at me if you want but the truth is the reason why you do this is because you don't want to accept reality. You are not immune to influence, and manipulative people with an agenda do really exist. You don't need to look far to see both of these facts. You're just shooting the messenger when you lash out at me for telling this.
Ive always been this way
This site is fucking filled with whiny bitch faggots now.
It used to be made of gangshit and fun.
Now its just the politically incorrect anonymous facebook.
fuck you gay homos
>It used to be made of gangshit and fun.
>Now its just the politically incorrect anonymous facebook.
I assume you're referring to the era when Jow Forums used to raids and fuck peoples shit up. Unironically with Jow Forums becoming "politically correct anonymous facebook" the amount of people with an agenda went up massively. During the time you're referring no one would take you seriously if you tried to push your bullshit agenda here, now all you have to do is sound verbose and pretend like you're hot shit and your garbage will be propagated by a couple of easily fooled retards.
>Mr Kidd
what did he mean by this
Even if there's obvious agendas and propaganda going on, there still is kernels of truth within the shitposting here. Maybe it's being interpreted and used for devious purposes, but it's still the truth nonetheless.
>you got manipulated by the older members of this site who have an agenda to turn younger people against specific parts of society they do not like because of personal issues with them.
Whew... this may be the realest shit I ever read on Jow Forums. It becomes painfully obvious when you see the "advice" these freaks give which almost always is degenerate lunacy purely intended to make someone more miserable than them
Also I suspect you are subtly describing yourself in that last part, it described me till I realized the higher path. I think only someone who lived it could have that much insight.
Based and redpilled trips of truth
before Jow Forums i was an unaware beta in every way but orbiting, now i'm just a loner. Jow Forums didn't make me hateful and distrustful it showed me how normal people and women think of me and that made me hateful and distrustful.
>Also I suspect you are subtly describing yourself in that last part, it described me till I realized the higher path. I think only someone who lived it could have that much insight.
What exactly do you mean? What part are you talking about?
>outlook entirely decided by others
oh shit, my ego, now i have to like people again.
no i just finally got some self awareness but it was too late to change by that point.
I didnt say anything about liking people, but I can see you will not be receptive to any discussion tonight. good day sir
will not be receptive of what discussion? did you make a point? my outlook wasn't decided by others it was helped formed by their information. also why reject this conditioning as opposed to other conditionings, was i not normally conditioned before i was hateful? unless you had another idea for us to move onto from Jow Forums to that you're not revealing yet?
>my outlook wasnt decided by others, it was decided by others
i admit nothing but the truth, thank you user
Can you be more specific about who those people are?
>very shifty eyes
what is your alternative, my outlook being decided by normies or you is the same thing. provide reasoning like they did if you want to convince me. but i can see you're not very receptive to discussion.
As much as I would have disagreed a few years ago I think you are right honestly. The problem is these people on this site were the only people who really understood me. My parents just believed I will magically become normie someday and my classmates just ignored me so I came here because this place didn't ignore me but after spending 7 years here I'm starting to realize it really has been poisoning my mind. Not really sure what to do now since I have no friends at all but I really probably just need to leave here, not sure how easy that will be.
Dude, I fantasized about enslaving humanity and all non-outcasts when I was 12 years old. I hated everyone ever since I could remember being treated differently.
say d@ 2 mai fase. pusyfac!!!1111!!!onehundredeleven!!11