If you are an anime poster, you are a faggot and nobody will take your opinion seriously.
>b-but Jow Forums is an anime website
There are designated boards for anime. Just because the site was created around anime doesn't mean that every single board is about anime.
If you are an anime poster, you are a faggot and nobody will take your opinion seriously
This user tells the truth, heed him for he is correct.
Anyone who denies this is a mindless anime poster, or an AI poster owned by the CIA
What about anime reaction images? Are those allowed?
I don't care, Jow Forums isn't serious business. Anime website, now fuck off.
i Iove saya
sad. SAD. user, when will you learn?
>There are designated boards for anime. Just because the site was created around anime doesn't mean that every single board is about anime.
Found the newfag. Have your you
Here be mai waifu
>thinking I care what some faggot who has been here all summer or a T_D refugee thinks
I don't want you to take my opinion seriously, or even read my posts you disgusting super aids ridden monkey.
I wish it was legal to murder anime fans. Disgusting greasy chubby redditards is what they are. All of them
>doesn't mean that every single board is about anime.
that's how it used to be, unfortunately too many newfags posted before lurking and now it's full of shit
its just a cute picture. no need to get your jimmies justled
user, now that is not a very nice thing to say, you should say sorry!
>that entire post
>tumblr filename
Imagine being this petty and much of a fag. Get over it.
man, look at all these fucking weeaboos. Luckily, i am a patrician who only posts about superior, non-anime media like Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ.
but user gundam is animu
*dabs on OP*
*dabs on anime-hating boomers*
It is NOT anime
orieignagnal weawr
Sure, the original Mobile Suit Gundam is. ZZ is not anime, however. This is a scientifically proven fact.
Why the fuck isnt that an original comment?
Because this board has patricians who know that ZZ is not anime.
In the opening of the show they explain that it's not an anime though.
anime thread? anime thread
anons tell me which anime you're currently watching
really? im more of a skelly than a fatty
This season is pretty subpar in my opinion but I like Happy Sugar Life, Chio-chan, YnS and Harukana. Otherwise I'm watching Ping Pong and it's fucking great.
Sports anime is love, sports anime is life.
I never thought I'd see the day where there were so many newfriends that animeposting was frowned upon on Jow Forums. I wish to go back to 5m get on /b/ over a decade ago. Those were the days.
If you complain about anime, you do not belong on Jow Forums. Simple as that. It's core to the identity of the site. I haven't even watched a single anime since around 2010 and grew out of it, but to deny its place on the site is highly autistic and smells of r*ddit/normalfag.
Facebook might be more your speed, pal. You can lick up our meme detritus when it washes into kikebook 4 years down the road.
Anime is the glue that connects Jow Forums together.
what did you hopeto achieve by posting this, OP?
Baiting people obviously.