Anons who come from a strictly religious family, how did you tell your parents you didn't believe...

Anons who come from a strictly religious family, how did you tell your parents you didn't believe, and did they shun you?

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They had me meet with one of the pastors for what they termed "spiritual counseling" but I grew into such a delinquent that finally they just gave up.

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My mom didn't care, to be fair I don't think she's very religious. My dad called me a retard, however.

How old were you guys when you came clean? Do they hold anything against you? I'm about to turn 20 and move out and I want to tell my dad then but Im terrified he'll cut me from his life

I believed because I heard spiritual voices and had experiences that made me believe.

I think mine lie to themselves and think "deep down, I'm sure he still believes" or "he'll come around to believing again". Kind of depressing to watch desu

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I was 13 when I told them, but my parents were family-centric more than they were church-centric, although both were a big part of their lives.
If you have any reason to believe he'll cut you, don't tell him. I have an older brother that my parents can project and put their hopes in and it still worked out. If you're an only child by any chance, it's less likely they'll cut you out since you're their only kid.

im not an atheist faggot so that didnt happen.

I'm currently 29, and I came out of the Atheistic closet at 28 (been doubting since I was 25). My dad still talks to me, but he's concerned about my 'soul.' My mom treats me all the same.

My advice for coming out of the Atheistic closet.
1.) Don't do it in person if you're worried he'll be violent.
2.) Make sure you're prepared for him to shun you. Become Financially and emotionally self-reliant, I've met people who have been thrown out of their homes because their family figured out what they were.
3.) Don't drop it to them all at once. Spread it out. Tell them you;re having doubts... then a week later tell them you have serious doubts.... then at a later date tell them you no longer believe. Pad the fall for them and yourself.
4.) DO NOT BE ASHAMED. Do not let them shame you for your honest feelings and rational decisions.

My dad's the same way.

I didn't tell them, I don't want to bring attention to myself like that. They saw that I stopped going to church, but I never said anything about it so neither did they.

Ok christcuck keep talking

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I've told him I'm not a creationist which has been a long drawn out battle for the past two years alone. That's honestly the root of why the full blown truth terrifies me.

I am an only child and my mother has passed so we're practically only each other's immediate family besides my grandma

You will be back, OP
Read Rene Girard
We will wait for you

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well, yeah, creationism is retarded. Ex creationists and people hectored by creationists are the primary people leaving the church.

JW parents here. I've conditioned myself to be unspeakable to, so once I quit altogether its hard to bring up the subject.

See my dad admits not believing in creationism isn't a part of salvation so he doesn't care THAT much, but he still 'shuns' me from talking about it with others at church so I don't look stupid as fuck I guess

You guys seem to have it super lenient, in my case we're talking like a super fuckin conservative church setting and household. So goddamn sick of haveting to pretend I believe in dumbass things.

I wonder how many stop "believing" based on emotional reasons, and how many just find themselves unable to believe it due to absurdity. I was raised catholic, I don't necessarily think gods can't exist but there were just too many contradictions and logocal fallacies in the catholic faith for me to believe it. I guess jesus wasn't a bad person, but he was kind of a retard.

Seems like you're almost out. That's good at least.

Never really did the deal of sitting down and telling mom and dad i'm athiest, but I think they just subconsciously know and dont wanna bother having the talk.

I stopped believinh because it didn't make sense, it just didn't fuckin work man. Makes so much more sense for things to just kind of happened naturally. Hell not to mention the constant need for Christians to have to justify bad shit in the world as part of God's plan.

Does an 8 year old need to die to teach a man to not drink and drive, or could we just maybe chock it up to shit happens.

Closer than I was, but still miles away. If I tell him well hey I don't think believing that xyz happened was that important, then he'll flip shit and talk over me till I basically just have to sit and listen to him ramble about I'm right you're wrong k bye

I think religion is a result of our instincts telling us death is bad, and our conciousness desiring reason for things. If death is bad, but it must have reason, then why? Of course, death isn't really "bad", we just don't like it. It's hard for humans to seperate the two though.

Well, definitely don't push it until you're out of his house. Then drop it on his ass from a distance.

>how did you tell your parents you didn't believe, and did they shun you?
When your balls drop and you begin to suspect you're maybe not the smartest person you know, you're going to feel kind stupid about this.

Also, is atheism the incel equivalent of being "woke"?

That's some bad bait there man

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