Any r9k kiwis?

Kiwi anons, New Zealand anons I need your help.

Is Jow Forums banned in New zealand? what about sad panda? e621? will I be jailed or deported for having a copy of the anarchist cookbook or dragon dildos? What kind of censorship does NZ have?

I get Kiwi-land is not America, but I need my porn. I cant stand living in the US anymore, too much climate denialism absolutely no one cares about the environment here.

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Will post pictures of kea to bump thread

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I fucking love NZ birds, if I could kill cats or stoats on site I would, tempted to get a bunch of stoats kill them and make a coat/lampshade out of their weasel fur.

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haha you think NZL will let (you) in? Better have an actual career already and some money.
They dont want broke neets

Id also fuck the shit out of that kakapo sex robot rover helmet thing they made to try and get kakapo to breed

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currently in Uni studying geography with a minor in geology, from what Ive heard most anons get their job then move to NZ

All of the things you posted should be fine.

t. Kiwianon

>Is Jow Forums banned in New zealand?
What do you think?
>what about sad panda?
No, but you can be prosecuted for drawn sexual images that represent minors here (which is fucking stupid, but if you're not an idiot about it it won't be an issue).
>will I be jailed or deported for having a copy of the anarchist cookbook or dragon dildos?
I doubt airport security is going to care about your dragon dildos. Don't know about the anarchist's cookbook but it's not like you can't just get a new copy of it on the internet anyway.
>What kind of censorship does NZ have?
Well, Manhunt is banned here but unless you don't know how to download a thirteen-year-old video game off the internet that shouldn't be a problem.

Also move to the south island because Maoris ruin everything and stay away from small towns unless you love insulated cliquish stupidity.

Personally I hate it here, everything is expensive, the dollar is worthless, the general culture is rough, harsh and stupid as fuck and we have a much better image internationally than we probably deserve.

I live in NZ, it's a pretty good country.

none of that stuff is banned as far as I know.

>can be prosecuted for drawn sexual images that represent minors
does that just mean dont post or download loli? never was really into that stuff. only appeal its ever had to me is if the girl was literally just about to turn 18 although although Ive heard 16 is the bare minimum age of consent in some places (don't quote me) .

I dont know what to think of the Maori although I'm not happy that they ate the Moa to extinction, I can understand cannibalism because memes, but hunting a species to extinction is Not cool. I like the tattoos though.

kiwi user here
Jow Forums isn't banned you autist
all of the shit you posted is fine as long as you aren't bringing in fruit flies, that shit has the potential to fuck up our entire horticultural industry

>move to the south
I agree with this, it is better than the north in many aspects. I'd move there myself if it weren't for family ties.

>the general culture is rough, harsh and stupid as fuck
not sure what exactly you're referring to.

>I dont know what to think of the Maori
maori are 99% westernised, don't expect anything special.

Wellington bot here.
Gonna try and get a job at PBTech and help people with computers for a living.

why are NZ girls so ugly?

maori have a tendency to make everything about them -- colonisation this, oppression that, treaty of waitangi blah blah blah

the only reason they haven't ruined the country entirely is because one of our based former chief justices declared the treaty of waitangi to be a nullity

>not sure what exactly you're referring to.
I grew up in a small town so maybe that explains it but I also turn on the TV and am reminded of how stupid this country is. I wish I could give you an example.

believe me, whatever level of stupid you have is nothing compared to the level of stupidity we have in the US,

stupid is our specialty.

>maori are 99% westernised, don't expect anything special.
They're dumb, violent, nosy, aggressive and rude. They have a shallow, insular culture and quick to ostracise anyone who doesn't conform to their norms. But if you aren't living in a ghetto or some shithole in the assend of nowhere maybe you won't have to deal with their shit much. I grew up in a small town with 43% Maori and when they're in groups or in the majority you're gonna have a bad time.

That said, the working class whites here aren't much better. Not quite as stupid and more likely to be passive-aggressive than confrontational. They're still rude, insular, closedminded and judgmental.

I guess I'm just describing niggers and hicks.

people in this country are toxic in general

so just to be clear Hentai is legal in NZ?

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I live in a 30% maori suburb, never really seen smalltown maori.
