Depersonalization Help

hello robots any of you had DP how u healed that trash pls do you have any tips ? pls :)

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Don't smoke weed, eat healthy, get sleep, and do activities that require a decent amount of brain activity.

That was on the list of things I was diagnosed with. Don't know how to fix or if I'd want to fix it. When I feel innately connected with myself it's because of negative emotions.

what is your definition of depersonalization? I've heard the phrase thrown around alot but never really met anyone with it

Have it cause of a bad weed trip 3 months ago. Going to psychiatrist next week to see what they give me. Its the worst feeling ever, it's genuinely terrifying. Thankfully most people get rid of it.

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You feel like you are watching yourself playing a videogame not from third person but from firstperson also feel like nothing is real personally i have it 24/7 for 5 years u can find videos on youtube that explain how it look/feels like

What caused you to have it? I've heard alot of people get it from weed

Can someone tell me if this is the feeling of seeing yourself in third person or from a bird's-eye view I remember when I smoked weed for the first time and drove home I felt like I was seeing myself from outside of my body but I felt trapped inside of my mind and only lasted a few hours though

Yup that's it. Its really scary

Yeah ever since then I've never smoked since I guess some people just can't handle it

Most of the brother eyes out there try to divolve the main conciousness into the a lower state with the intention of taking it over. Play your cards correctly and you will be able to take a space strong enough where it can no longer be rationalized by the number 1. They say it is impossible to do , it is not. Second planes can take over with the prime on a tendency to zero.

Yup haven't smoked since a bad trip that gave me this. Its just a symptom of extreme anxiety and benzos seem to do the trick in getting rid of it.

Its this "awesome drug" weed

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i don't think it ends. your personality was always a sham anyway, you were never it to begin with.

Yeah I noticed that we'd only makes me extremely introspective or quiet or extremely paranoid or anxious even when I do it by myself I feel paranoid

I started getting it at 14 it terrified me so much I thought I was going insane. I would look at my face and find myself hard to recognize. Now I quite enjoy it however it's like having a holiday and it just feels like I'm floating around. When you learn to relax and take it for what it is it can be quite fun like a free trip.

Oh man this makes me more anxious cause I got it from weed too and I wouldn't imagine living with it for 5 years. I just want to be my old self again

Do you have it chronic like 24/7 if so go to a psycho. for me only pills worked (stopped taking them cuz some drug interaction waiting on others) how long u have it ?

Well it all started with a bad weed trip 3 months ago and ever since then I've felt different. I haven't begun to notice it till around 2 or 3 weeks ago and it's genuinely terrifying. I have an appointment with a psycho next week but for some reason I'm so scared that it's never gonna go away and that I'm gonna have it forever.

Depersonalisation is detachment from and loss of sense of self. Everything becomes dreamlike and you are simply a flimsy, built-on-the-fly, identification process built by your strained, grasping mind.

Derealisation is detachment from and loss of sense of reality (the same thing, but external, although it's very different from psychosis, so don't confuse them). The world becomes to feel unreal and like a dream. You're separated behind a veil from everyone else, gazing into something alien that you are not a part of.

I have pretty intense depersonalisation, from a combination of ego death, drugs, meditation, and maybe other things like trauma and just the way I think. Been living with it for what feels like forever now, but it has gotten a bit better for me.

I think the best thing you can do is try to be healthy and act in spite of it, even if you don't really feel like you are yourself and feel like a void. Use your senses as much as possible and immerse yourself in them. It might sound like meme advice and it's easier said than done, but the more you do it, the better. Connect with your body better, go outside, force yourself to be less idle and more active. In my experience, bad sleep and not looking after yourself will make it much, much worse.

Change the way you think about it if you're the sort that tends to philosophise (advice I've read about depersonalisation to "just stop thinking about theoretical things" is stupid to me since I've never done anything else, although I agree it's good to focus less on the depersonalisation itself since if you think about and obsess over it, it gets worse).

Read into "the pit of the void" in Buddhism. It's DP/DR that can emerge from practising mindfulness (yes, the same meditation western shrinks talk about too), and considered a sort of corrupted enlightenment. In theory, the death of ego can be positive and liberating, but when processed in a negative way it can be difficult to turn into that.

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Don't worry its gonna go away i have it for 5 years and i still know its gonna gtfo sometime when it was extreme i sayed to myself "its gonna go away" and it was bit better don't think its not it will have a good day :)

i don't have it permanently but my episodes started when i smoked way too much weed my first time.

Thanks so much! I'm very hopeful as I've seen many YouTube videos from people that have gotten rid of it and it's given me hope. I hope that you recover aswell and we'll both be the same people we used to be before all of this :)

had it for like a year, this is how you fix it.
I would add exercising too

I have had this exact same thing. Fuck. It was drug-induced by a mixture of fucking drugs because I am an hypochondriac freak who takes drugs to fix things that aren't broken.
Does this leave lasting changes in the brain or hinders neuroplasticity forever?

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it can. it's what your dumb ass gets for treating drugs like toys and using a trip

I've never heard of the term depersonalisation before but I think i can relate.
I get sudden shocks of depersonalisation all the time. i suddenly feel like im watching out of my eyes like a person sitting behind a window.
It's really creepy and makes me forget what im doing all the time.
Other than that I constantly hate myself but feel like im not hating the true me. Just the shell part.
I have no tips. Sorry.

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oh, and basically the way it works is that you have so much anxiety that your brain creates some sort of chemical that puts you in that "floating" state so that you dont get panic attacks 24/7. the problem with depersonilization is that you notice it and become afraid of it since its such an odd feeling, which makes your brain keep producing that chemical because you're basically telling it that you're anxious about your own state, if that makes sense.
so the only way to fix is to stop being scared of the feeling and stop thinking about it.
once you make peace with yourself and stop being scared of it and just go on with your life and get better, it will slowly fade away

Did you completely get rid of it? How does it feel to be cured and normal? I've genuinely losing my will to live with this shitty thing.

>Do you feeI real?

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I have had that shit. It was awful.
I went to a fucking Shopping Mall while having that. Time sped up extremely fast. I wasn't really having many verbal thoughts, but kept asking myself whether I was more or less in reality. I had no fucking idea where the fuck I was in terms of spatial navigation. At times I started thinking I was in another World spectating this one right here.
I discovered that the fucking drugs the psychs had been giving me basically were depleting my dopamine (I took olanzapine, and then an attack dose of Piracetam) and then when I started taking Ritalin again the dopamine went way up and now the thought of another World or not being who I am or things like that completely left my mind. Probably because now my PFC is actually fucking working, but at the same fucking time I'm still extremely worried because I still fucking feel the fallout from all of this. Basically I kinda have a big blur in what has been this past month and I also started questioning who really am I and how my thought processes worked, and how I thought etc. I hope everything will go back to normal now. It will, I have a fucking conviction everything will go back to normal and I'll be fucking happy and well and smart just like I was before.

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You'll get rid of it user don't worry :) once you're back to normal you'll be glad that you didn't give up in these shitty moments

it feels fucking amazing. i was suicidal for the first 3 months after i started, then i did loads of research to understand how it works and then i understood how i would need to heal, (which i just explained it in a reply to this message).
everything feels so real and you start to see the colors in life again. i felt i was healing when i started going out and just noticing how beautiful the world really is. just driving and seeing the landscapes i felt like i had never seen them before

i do feel real.but i guess i do feel that things that happen to me dont matter.
i have a protected and constructed view of myself and its very different from who i am on the outside.
the depresonalisation gets much worse at night. probably because im tired.

and i know it sounds really far away when you're inside that hell, but trust me you do heal and get better. just be patient and do as i said in previous posts

not him, but youll be fine, eventually one day youll wake up from it. It will suck all the way but it disappears jut like that


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you too heal well

It seems like a separation of the conscious and the subconscious. A separation of your sentience and your ego, your bodily processes. A separation of your soul and your body.

It's a profound example of a sickness of sentience, not necessarily of the material. I believe that since so little is known about it, it is a type of phenomena that the material sciences can't explain. A metaphysical sickness perhaps

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My fucking theory is that the PFC stops working or works less. You stop having conscious thoughts about the "self" like a normal brain would. You still have conscience from all other brain areas etc, but since your PFC is deactivated, you don't have thoughts about the self, where you are etc, but everything else and the other parts of the brain are all active creating consciousness without the thoughts of the person, hence there is consciousness, but no self. That ends up leading to depersonalization. Think of it like this, your brain processes consciousness, but your PFC malfunctions and doesn't process thoughts belonging to the self, then you get a consciousness that doesn't seem to belong to "you" because there are no thoughts being generated by the PFC. That's why people report being on "auto-pilot", because they're not making conscious decisions and just acting with the consciousness from the rest of the brain but not the PFC.

Thanks a lot user!

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how about when you're outside on a sunny day?

the shadows that the rocks cast look strange, no? martian almost

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Thanks so much user. You've genuinely given me so much hope rn. I'm going to make an appointment with a cbt therapist cause I've read that that's also am effective method to get out of this.

cheers mate.
thanks for the help

you're welcome bro; real happy to know i've helped you. again, the main point is to stop being scared of the feeling and to stop thinking about it. i know it's hard because its a really awkward feeling, but just focus on activities (sports or brain reliant) that will make you forget about it while you do it.

It probably has to do with more dopamine in your brain. Dopamine, at least for me, makes things seem so real and colorful. The times I took antipyschotics that hinder dopamine release, then suddenly everything was grey, boring and not really the same, but after I stopped them things go back to normal. It's dopamine that's at play here.

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Thanks bro and yeah when I don't concentrate on things I feel good, really goes to show that it's just anxiety being a bitch. Can't wait to see life like I saw it 3 months ago and hopefully maybe come out as a better person after all.

I've been on seroquel for sleep and since then it's been getting worse. Could the medication be making it worse??

yeah thats depression bro, but DP is caused by intense anxiety

>yeah thats depression bro
Depression is caused by low serotonin, not particularly just low dopamine.
Also, I had EXTREME anxiety (I had catatonic shock and I have gotten flashbacks of the incident since then) and I fucking KNOW that anxiety worsens dp. Xanax seems to help, but it doesn't address the real fucking problem.

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You dont.
Its just life as a trans person.