Don't have friends irl bc autist

>don't have friends irl bc autist
>don't have friends online bc really autist

help me

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>don't have a single (01) friend either but my experience with adding discord and steam people from here has been proved torturous and a waste of my time
thus my journey goes on...

It says you have 3 friends

Autistic people can have friends. Stop this. I have no friends on steam except 1 user I met that gave me a bunch of strategy games on a thread from 43 days ago. If you have Hearts of Iron 4, I'll be your friend on steam. Then you will be an autist with friend on your computer.

I'll be your friend if we play Civ V

No they cannot. Nearly half of autistic people have no friends at all

There are support groups. That how I meet people coping with autism. They say people bond with common grounds. Do you have Hearts of Iron 4?

im bad at it but ye lets play.

That's news to me. No one gives a fuck about autistic people. Isolation affects so many of them and no one cares. No I don't, sorry.

Isolation from what? Interacting with others is what cause all arguments in the world. I'm not sure what you mean by "No one gives a fuck about autistic people". There are support groups. Mine has 12. Thats 12 more people than I used to talk to from before I joined the group. You should try Hearts of Iron 4.

Isolation from other people. Humans are social animals and whether we like it or not we need human interaction to stay healthy. Isolation does a lot of damage to people. I'm not aware of any support group here, but I wouldn't have any access to them any way. I'm too dumb to play games like Hearts of Iron 4 and I don't know if my computer would run it.

dont have many strategy games, only civ 5 iirc

Hears of Iron 4 is not hard. Its like Risk, and the system requirements are pretty low by today's computing power. Unless you are running a MacBook Air, a Pentium 4 at 2.26ghz or lower with 4gb of ram, you can run it. This game and Endless Space are better than talking to people. People are only social because they want to be, not because they have to be. People cause the majority of the worlds problems, and none of them really matter. You should play Endless Space 2. Its free right now. I have a large fleet. You could join mine.

Endless Space 2 is free right now. Play this. Its a great game. It will allow you to with your social anxiety because there is little interaction with people. The best way to deal with social anxiety is to not be social.

replace allow with help.

Everyone who isn't schizoid wants to to be social because without it they start to suffer damage to their mental health. I have been isolated for many years now and I hate it. In my experience most people who claim they are satisfied with escapism and don't want to socialize have never actually isolated themselves and are just romanticizing the mental torture autistics are forced into because of mistreatment by a cruel neurotypical society.

I'm 28. I've never talked to a single person out side my monthly support group. Thats 1 day a month, or 12 times a year. I wasn't allowed to socialize with others in high school. You only have attachment to others because you tell yourself you need it. Escapism isn't what I'd call it though. Consider this: the more you socialize, the more you're dealing with the problems of others. Why would you want to torture yourself with that? As long as there are 2 people, an argument exist. The only arguments that should exist are variables in an equation.

Me again, as a proof of this concept, you and I are currently in a light hearted argument about socializing. If I didn't socialize with you, this argument would not exist.

>haven't used steam's social functions in so long I forgot how to do anything
I'll send the invite in a second hold on mate.

Dealing with the problems of others is an acceptable trade off for getting socialization that you need. There are some people who take abuse from others because they fear being alone. Maybe you are just one of the few who is okay with not socializing, but most people aren't like that.

I'm supposedly happier alone than with people. I was told this is normal for people with Autism by my doctor. I'm not sure why people need to interact, for all it does is cause arguments. I found this to be true because most conversations are just arguments in differential scales ranging on the dependence
of a topic that is usually not important beyond those conversing. Thats why I typed earlier, that as long as there are two people, there will be an argument. The word 'discussions' is apparently a nicer terminology for a social argument. People don't need to socialize to be happy. You've convinced yourself that you are lonely, unless you're emotionally attached to someone, which I don't understand. There are monks that live in isolation and minimalism in Eastern and South Eastern Asia. They are supposedly the happiest people on the planet. I'm not sure what makes people happy, but being alone is better than being with people that cause problems.

You should play "The Sims". Its a game about simulating life. It has social interactions and allows you to do things that normal people do.

thank you 4c

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I didn't enjoy talking to people either, but going without it makes me feel even worse. I don't feel any attachment to people for the time that I'm actively interacting with them. Attachment is what comes after, in the isolation stage. I start to miss attachment that didn't exist before. This is what convinces me that isolation is damaging to human beings, we cannot live without social interaction. Even those who are introverted, except possibly schizoids. Do those monks in Asia actually live in isolation? My understanding was that that kind of life is very communal.

I used to play that game many years ago and while it was fun, it never felt like anything more than a simulation game to me. I think you're better off with multiplayer online games if you're aiming for social interaction.

Anyone here getting MHW for PC? Only couple days left till release.

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I wanna play vidya with someone. Add me up if we have any games in common and we can play tomorrow. I'm too high to be any good at anything tonight

Thinking about picking it up when i get paid next friday, looks fuckin dope though, user.

It's going to be the best co-op steam game for a long time.

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You should install and play uncanny valley, it's a neat one.

Do you see? We're interacting, and most of this interaction is differing views. This is as social as socializing gets. I'd imagine doing this with more than 2 people for an entire lifetime, would be the definition of hell. And its not that I'm not enjoying the discussion of views on isolation, but I'd like to think that managing more than 2 people would be harder than theoretical abstract mathematics in a language you don't understand, like Egyptian. If you need to socialize, try using the app called "meet up". It allows one to meet people with a unifying interest. I'm in a group for Bash programming with UNIX. All we do is compare Bash scripts, and argue. I think all socializing is just that: arguing. I don't know if I'm making any sense :(.

Have you played Dungeons and Dragons on Its a great way to interact with people while playing a virtual fantasy game such as DnD or Pathfinder. Its better than steam for social gaming.

I'd play some Dark Souls with u