>aggie has been crying and feeling awful for the past two weeks and I just found out
fug i wish i could be there for her ;_;
Aggie has been crying and feeling awful for the past two weeks and I just found out
Other urls found in this thread:
Orbiters are trash and should be ground into pulp.
Her friend just died, chill.
Orbiters cant even orbit a non butter face
Fuck man Aggie should be happy. Why is she feeling down OP?
She will come to us for comfort.....we are all she has left.
I definitely don't like the sound of that. She should stay far away from us. I am happy just knowing about her and what's she is up to.
She should stay far far away from Jow Forums like she said not too long ago
I miss her so fucking much words cant even describe it
orbiting was ironic you fucking retards, why did you had to fucking not get the joke
You are destroying these girls lives, congratulations
>7 seconds ago
Did Aggy screencap this herself?
her best (and almost only) friend IRL passed away
Why? Agatha shouldn't cry,she only deserves the very best.
Bloxxx blox
The girl in the wheelchair? also how do you know?
The last thing I would want to do is hurt Agatha. She is the only ray of hope I have left. She reminds me that there is still purity and good in this world. She is truly the ideal in every possible shape or form.
Just to further validate my claim. I have never actually interacted with Agatha herself. I've merely only observed her from afar. She is like the stars in the night sky. She brings me peace when there is none
Elle died? Are you serious?
I didn't know her illness was so serious
Holy fuck. Damn... RIP Elle
RIP Elle, she was cool to me in the chats
That's a shame. I hope she gets through this. Losing someone dear to you can be overwhelming. IT hasn't happened to me yet, but I can sympathize. Hopefully someone close reaches out to her, and helps her mourn her friends passing.
R.I.P Aggies friend.
Shit, that lesbo died. I found her kind of irritating, but RIP all the same.
Damn. F
She was way too young to go through any of that, that's really sad.
Are you telling me that Agatha still has a presence online? or are we talking about the past here?
I miss her, too. Her videos brought me peace.
If this is trueThen you probably shouldnt make a thread about it. I doubt she would like that
Where did you get this info
The crying not the deah
She was so full of life.
What do you mean? I'm just assuming she's been crying and feeling awful because Elle was her closest friend. And Agatha herself has said she's very emotionally sensitive so it's probably going to take her a long time to get through this.
The crying in the picture is from one of her old videos. She was crying for a singer she looked up to.
Do you have her archive?
Fuck off with these treads nobody cares
Elle went by Grey. For almost a year Gray identified as "dyke" not male or female, distinctly butch lesbian and often talked about wanting a penis.
Don't disrespect the memory of someone that can't tell you to stop anymore.
I followed Grey on tumblr for years and this is how I found out.
Why should i care?
Thanks for the bump shithead
Nobody is asking you to care. You're a literal who to everyone on this thread
Good, why would I want to be an attention whore?
idk bro u tell me
go to sleep dej
>no u
Seriously, explain to me the value of e-girl attention whores
they make me feel good in my achy breaky heart
You can stop replying now. This is not your personal blog.
Yeah I agree I liked her on Aggie's stream. I just thought her legs were crippled or something. Didn't realize she was actually sick. RIP.
>achy breaky heart
Listen up, billy ray. Wipe the Cheeto dust off of your god damn chest, read the sticky, and proceed to get Jow Forums enough to talk to a real life woman and not some e-thot that doesnt even know your name
cool story bro nobody cares. Stop trying to pat yourself in the ass
It is now
Today was nice
I did things
Im female
Give me money
yikes, I still cant believe people like op and the rest of the people in this thread exist...
hehhhehehehhehehehe lol
i dont like real life women they make me nervous
i want cheetos now
You mean people with feelings, you heartless beast?
Thanks for making the thread OP. It's nice to see that people still remember Agatha. Too bad retards always ruin it. Here's one last Aggie.
She truly is a great person.
So wait, if Elle is 15, how fucking old is Aggie? Supposedly she was 18-19, then why is she hanging around with 15-year-olds?
I really wish she would marry me so I could take care of her.
>so wait a robots are in their 20's and 30's and orbit teenage girls?
Because Agatha is a friendless loser.
she's a pedo
why do you think she likes Grace VanderWaal so much?
God, as red pilled as I am, even I cannot help but wanna marry her and orbit her. Sometimes I think all women are shit but Agatha just makes me think otherwise at times. I wish I could be her husband, but there's no way a jewish goddess like her would marry a black dreg like me. It'll be like a real life version of Khal Drogo marrying Dany.
holy shit, reminds me of this one time she was talking about dieing and wanting to leave a legacy behind, and now she's dead. I need to sit down.
So she was trying to be an ewhore?
Iktf user. But I wouldn't deign to sully her Ashkenazi genes with my subhuman Irish seed.
Wow she is so beautiful in that one. She looks more mature too.I just seen a thread about Elle passing - that is horrible she was so awesome in the videos with Agatha especially the one where they go to the mall together. At least she is out of her pain I guess.
she's like 1/2 Irish lmao
Well, she has a bunch of random people she never met in life talking about her; and how even though she never met them, her passing has made them feel some kinda emotions....so I guess that's something...maybe not the legacy she was talking about, but something none the less.
How d'you know this, user?
user you can't drink all those fucking steel reserves
drank 3 and couldn't feel my legs
I usually drink 2 40's (they come in 42 ounce plastic bottles now, I know!) and then mix it up with 5 milligrams of Diazepam. This usually gets me in a good spot, and not black out yet still be able to function.
>tfw all I want in life is to cum on Agatha's face
nobody cares about your dumb whore
go post this in your fucking discords
Her last name is Sullivan, you dingbat.
jealous roastie getting toastie
This is very upsetting. I thought she was pure.
what video is this pic of her from
the audacity some newfags have
can one of you aggiefags with all the streams archived post the one where she makes the melon cake?
it was comfy as shit and I'd suck your dick for it
You can suck my dick for it
video and dick, desu?
>tfw matzah fever
link the thread
where did you get this rare aggie
Do you remember Aggie's twitch stream mods? They came from Jow Forums and became close friends of hers.
I hope no one steals her like with Muffy.
it was posted in her Discord server and some user managed to get in and save it
guess her mods weren't so good after all
I think the same user shared a bunch of info from the moderator channel in the server
I want to gas jews. Always have. Seeing Aggie cry makes me want to gas jews all the same. Why'd you post this? I still want to gas jews, OP. Thanks for posting.
Who hurt you, my brother? You've got a whole life ahead of you, no need to indulge these vile fantasies. You have an opportunity to take what I'm saying to heart, to stop the hatred in your heart, before it causes you even more pain and misery. Choose life, stop running away. I assure you, things can and will get better.
your're welcome baby