how do I cure/treat my autism/schizoid/avoidant personality disorder in an unprofessional manner that doesn't put me on any permanent records
How do I cure/treat my autism/schizoid/avoidant personality disorder in an unprofessional manner that doesn't put me on...
You cant fren, there is no magic cure, it is who you are. The best you can do is try to fake it.
Methyl B-12
psychedelic drugs are always an option. Humans have consumed entheogens ritualistically for thousands of years. They're safe as long as used responsibly. Breakthrough trip on dmt everyday for a month
You don't want to put in the energy to elaborate any further and I don't want to put in the energy to help any further.
I could help you out by saying it's probably not going to be as esoteric or hard to find answers to as you're probably used to looking for. You want to take advantage of a bit of everything that's around that you.
Don't see a psychiatrist, fuck no. Mental hospital is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Don't do it. Cooking is essential. Just watch Iron Chef and make real recipes for yourself. Really avoid Jow Forums if it's just not pleasing you. Consider going to church, once or twice. It's not really about the religion. You just want to kind of balance out the predictability of your schedule. Throw in some curve balls. Take advantage of what's there, don't put in too much energy (or really any) into things that aren't promising in the short term. You can't help yourself then, well, too bad. Don't settle for doing anything less than you like. Learn to wait. God loves boredom and drama. For the love of god become a vegetarian or eat all meat and no carbs, because it's one or the other in this world. It's so so important you choose and decide this. I'm not going to tell you to take fish salts. Just decide: is it all meat (ketogenic) or no meat? This is a cheat code people who don't need it as desperately aren't going to figure out. Lots do (there are lots of vegetarians duh).
In general just be patient, wait. Better to not do anything. Don't watch anything too dumb. Give up on long-term plans lol but seriously go to school. You need to get to the source of your own mind and stay there. Practice innocence and your brain won't have a reason to punish you any more. Eventually all this channels into the social behavior you want from yourself, but it'll always be a little lonely. You're a bit more complicated than most people. It all has something to do with traditionalism, but without the fight for anything you Americans torture yourselves with.
also, you know, if all this sounds impossible. just do a lot of drugs or find the people who seem smarter than you and talk to them if you don't know what to do
You can't cure it to become a normie but you can learn to live with and even enjoy it a little bit, you may even be able to use it somehow. My turning point was doing LSD once and having a terrifying, world-shattering experience that made me realize that life is a dream and I don't actually need to kill myself because I can't into society, because of all these other beautiful things happening. I hope to use this perspective to maybe make some kind of a possibly anonymous book or something that will help normies and weirdos alike be a bit happier with the state of things and maybe be able to use the information, while I live alone in seclusion.
Also having a somewhat steady supply of cannabis really helps take the edge off of being alone.
Same as this.
I feel like I am a really shitty angel who faps to traps but also is mostly participating in the activate neuronal construction of people's minds and sometimes it even feels like the problems of people before me are on some kind of meta-level a test to help shape their perceptions in order to solve it like sometimes I'm writing reality in a way. It's a feel I don't expect anyone to understand, but I more so state if because just imagine the frustration of trying to relate over something that is by qualification impossible to relate with, because it's very definition is exclusivity? I can talk to "higher forms" of consciousness, but not always so when I'm stuck on that level of being human I get mad and shit-post, or try to do some good deed to "ascend" myself again as quickly as possible.
And ya, no, it's a schizophrenic feel.
sounds like you need some Dao in your life nigga
sigh what are you talking about user?
I'm talking about getting that head of yours empty son.
Well that's kind of what I'm articulating the process of in my very post, user. You don't actually think there's anything going through my head right now do you? lel
You are talking about higher levels of things and being an agent of change. You gotta see that it's all good.
know that you can only know that there is the unknown
>t. SoMe OtHeR user
that's funny because you're speaking about how on a higher level I ought to change what I'm doing whereas I'm the one speaking in the interest that it's all good. unfortunately it's not that funny from my perspective. it's kind of irritating, actually.
hell ya dude
there is no higher level, that is what I'm trying to say, only the illusion of it, and you're certainly not coming off as saying that it's all good
to cure your ailment requires enlightenment... not religious wholly, unless wanted. speak to the gods of void, aether, and self.
Only one way out of it.
Well what that's actually called is a denial of transcendence. It's the idea there's fundamentally no difference between the reality I am experiencing and the reality I would be experiencing if I was on 12 tabs of acid. It's... an impractical way of seeing things, because I am not someone perceptive enough to tell you I am always seeing the objective and formless world, nor are you. As would any Daoist concede things exist on different levels. I feel like any form of criticism I could apply to you is just going to speak "bad vibes", because you are sensing my frustration, but you're not actually seeing the source is your ignorance, which should be anyone's attenuation before someone else's. It's where the idea of picking the plank out of your eye before the speck of dust in someone else's comes from. Of course you're just going to reply that to me back.
I'm not as in commutes with the sky realm as I should be. I have more connection with something like an earth dragon.
I am trying to say that you are getting lost in the details
A lawyer talks in detail because he has to articulate the extent his opponent is misunderstanding the case. Whereas a hermit doesn't need to explain himself, because he doesn't talk to anyone. A daoist can fall along the gradient of either thing.
of course, but when you start dealing in sentences like "writing reality" and "talking to higher forms of consciousness" then it's very easy to get too far ahead and start tripping over yourself, unless you are trying to direct those terms at me rather than yourself and there is something being lost in translation, in which case this whole argument has been an issue of semantics rather than understanding
What more generalized words could I have possibly used to say "it's like I'm writing reality" and "talking to higher forms of consciousness" than those exact words? It's like if I threw in energy as well you'd start saying, "wooo user getting in there with the hippy dippy stuff slow down". I am so confused why you pursued an argument out of that lol
now we have something real to talk about, and that's taking perspective into account, words are messy and it's very easy for people to misunderstand you based of your words, you can't seriously say that it is unbelievable that the terms you used couldn't be perceived as being someone speaking disconnectedly, especially without some warning that such terms shouldn't be taken wholeheartedly, and even more especially with ending the post with "it's a schizophrenic feel"
Don't listen to this asshole, you need salvia and a lot of it.
Communicating with other forms of life that aren't immediately presentable to yourself is arguably one of the most spontaneous and natural things a person can do. It's all that's left when you've really cleared your mind. A composer like Sun Ra simply listened to the music he perceived as coming from Saturn and wrote it into sheet music upon having nothing left of his own to say. That's Dao af. So is having a role in creating the reality you're experiencing. What could be more simplistic, natural and non-dualist than creating itself?
see now if you had put it like that then we're all set, but then I suppose we wouldn't have had this time together then
I'm not your fucking dad.
(I'm only experimenting with this response, because it's what someone I know says to me all the time, and I wanted to know how it felt lol.)
In all seriousness I kkkkkiiiind of agree? My dilemma is just I wish people just understood in the first place.
(Not so much I really want to change the world though. I do, however, meditate on that nobody can, for the sake of itself.)
I was diagnosed with PDD-NOS at a young age. It afflicted me in such a way that I wasn't able to conjure up any friendships until early in the 6th grade. Even then they were facilitated, with me at the blunt end. Middle School was a hassle. I got into trouble many times but made many friends surprisingly. High School was where things started to shift. I was still fucking weird, still am, but as the years went on I became more outgoing and acquired many friends. I don't know if my sexual encounters were because I hide it so well or because my looks compensate for me acting fucking weird. But my girlfriend seems to look beyond my looks. From time to time I'll slip up and reveal my inner sperg but for the most part life is going well. I know my diagnosis is barely on the spectrum but there is a probability you will learn to hide it given that you watch and learn from others.
if people understood in the first place then where would all the fun go, also you can't change change
You don't cure it in any manner, professional or otherwise. At best you can learn coping skills to help you live with it. That's the nature of a personality disorder.