Hey, is this a normal amount of body fat?

Hey, is this a normal amount of body fat?
And is this gyno?

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Stretched pic

Attached: 1532883304636.png (1216x1406, 736K)

for america maybe. but no its not a healthy or normal amount really

i think you should try to cut it a little

you should loose at least 50lbs. stop eating and buy onions or huel. eatings for fags

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is there a lump under your nipples that seems different to the touch than the surrounding tissue? (fat, muscle) if yes you have gyno

Is this the average male robot's body

Doctorfag here

That isn't gyno bro, its just body fat, exercise and it will go away

Attached: 11377818_1684305695123781_451966183_n.jpg (320x320, 13K)

What? He isn't even that fat

>He isn't even that fat
american mindset right here

t. amerifat
my whole family is obese and insists that i am "too skinny" and yet i'm teetering between overweight and healthy weight

looking like a snacc

nope thats gyno my dude
the left nipple is spiked out because of it, if it was fat your chest woudl be flat

You should stimulate your tits until they start producing milk and sell videos. Not even memeing. There's a huge market for that and it's all monopolized by bodybuildermilk, who looks like a turd.

Boy pussy with tits ahaha

Fuck off retard
Original comment

normal? maybe.
healthy? FUCK no.

Dose it feel weird having basically having bobs?

What's so unhealthy about that amount of fat

Go work out OP. It's hard to know for sure until you shave some of that fat away. Right now you definitely have boobs, could just be fat. I'm working out too, making definite improvement. Within six months I think I'll be looking really good. I dropped from 200 lbs (overweight) to 145 now I'm working on building up some muscle on my DYEL body. You can do it too! :)

>tfw I've had this all my life
It's not fair lads

Not OP but it destroyed my confidence during my teen years, it wasn't until i turned 20 that i stopped giving a shit, but that was a little late.

I unironically remember you posting somewhere before.
Idk if it was in a discord or just on r9k but if you excercise you'd be chad.

Why didnt you lose weight and also like 20% dudes have this if not more

thats like 30%+ body fat
enjoy all sorts of cardiovascular problems
bet you cant even run a mile