Daily reminder that if you don't look exactly like this guy and are ATLEAST 6'5ft tall OR make 7-figure income, you will NEVER get laid without an escort. Prove me wrong, degenerates
>Protip; you literally can't
Daily reminder that if you don't look exactly like this guy and are ATLEAST 6'5ft tall OR make 7-figure income, you will NEVER get laid without an escort. Prove me wrong, degenerates
>Protip; you literally can't
i got laid yesterday with a nurse in my internship at a hospital.
also how do you feel posting this everyday?, are you happy with your current life?
I'm 5'5ft, overweight and have a 4/10 face but I still get laid with hot sorority girls. go outside for a start then work on your hygiene and personality, not hard to get laid if you aren't a completely autist.
Nice LARP faggots now gtfo my board
Damn he's way out of her league.
Nah, that's considered his looksmatch nowadays
if it's just a LARP then why do the have to get off """""""your""""""" board? :^)
Its kinda pathetic if you truly believe this. Its not hard to get sex if you make it your goal. Eventually you hit. It is true however that shitposting on the internet 10 hours a day will keep you from getting laid
Bruh my dad works at Harris teeter and has been for like thirty years. My mom is still with him. He tall tho.
Speak English retard now gtfo my board
My friends dad works at grocery stores and is shorter than me( 6 feet) he got a wife
Stop making this fucking retarded gay thread every day. That guy is ugly and you're gay for him.
I got laid and i dont look like that.
Case closed.
>nurse in my internship
Nurses are the best.
I have no idea what it is but they are nasty in the sheets like a pornstar.
Honest question - are there really people who thinks that way ?
I know thread is troll and bait but im honestly wondering.
Incels do think this way. They make ridiculous excuses for not having to try.
I know they think you need money or looks to get laid.
But im asking about that particular variant - you have to be a legit tall rich 9/10 to even stand a chance etc.
Its fucking amazing how deep in the denial they are...
Incel here too, and I also think kinda the same, what op said
basically, from my experience, getting laid or not depends on luck in the end, nothing more, you can only change the odds in your favour
It's always up to luck. Remember that Chad also gets rejected a lot. He just doesn't give a fuck and moves on. If you want to be a Chad, then your first step is to start trying.
>If you want to be a Chad, then your first step is to start trying.
what is if I tell, that I did that sometimes?
>getting laid or not depends on luck in the end
But not only on luck. You can help your luck in many ways.
well, I said that you can change the odds in your favour, but basically, it's all about luck in the end
There's two parts to it. First, Chad does have a higher chance of success than you. That's something you can improve yourself. Second, Chad has for sure made moves on way more girls than you ever have.
You said you did that "sometimes". It's a good start. But not enough.
guess what, I am gonna try to hit at least one of three girls the next two weeks
wish me luck
> be you
> permanent virgin
> raging mad
doesn't get much better than this.
I don't look like that. I'm fat. I'm 6'2. I don't have a good job and I'm not rich.
I have slept with 5 women this year. Tinder is great. Try harder faggot.
But it still means OP is full of shit.
Good luck.
Step those numbers up tho.
yes, but he isn't totally wrong either
thanks, but what do you mean by stepping those numbers up?
Good luck. The most important thing is to learn from each rejection. Make sure that each rejection makes you stronger and more attractive.
>thanks, but what do you mean by stepping those numbers up?>>
Go for more girls. One girl for two weeks is a sure way to develop oneitis.
Flirt, talk and be around more girls every day.
OP is a pathetic onions boi
Kill yourself faggot and get the fuck off OUR board
true, but it is hard to achieve
>if you aren't a completely autist
but I am :(
Everything worth a shit is hard to get.
also, there are three girls the next two weeks who might be single, and I meet everyday
I try to hit at least one of them the next two weeks, best would be, if I can hit all three in that time
>Prove me wrong
Pic related is like a 5'2 fat manlet with health problems and still has a moderately attractive thin gf. Sage this shit thread and kys OP
Yeah, there are, but OP is a troll though and this thread is posted every few days with the exact same OP. It's like that same retard who spams "Why don't you settle down with a homely 5/10 girl?" while posting a pic of a hot girl with glasses.
>might be single
Irrelevant. You can learn a lot even from taken chicks.
>Yeah, there are,
Thanks the gods its not me...
yeah, but I want to fuck, and a taken girl is kinda wrong for that
not that I don't talk to taken ones, but they are taken, you know
Nice LARP dumb faggots now gtfo my board
You need to learn how they think and how to know what they feel.
Taken girls are just as good for that as single.
Stay mad salty incel.
Stop replying to these threads
Why are you even here, faggot? Get out
To piss you off incel.
I enjoy that fags like you are frothing and reeeeeeing everytime they see someone happy who doesnt buy their shit.
You mad, faglord ?
Not mad, atleast Im not a cuckold like you, pic related
Nice projection incel.
Stay salty.
Stay cucky faggot
What a LARPing faggot you are
>get regular sex
>hurr durr cuck
Nice projection faggot.
I wouldn't fuck this guy, unironically. He looks like some kind of ogre.
Does this guy know he's become a living meme?
OP is just a sad and salty faggot incel
People like the guy in the pic are what they think Chads look like
Regular sex is like childplay for your "gf", while she enjoys a main course of thunder cock followed by cumshake from Chad and Tryone behind your back
Again with the projection...
Calm down incel, some of us live with actual people, not some r9k caricature you have conjured.
Ikr, these omegas are salty af because of their shitty personality then blame "Chad" & "Stacy" AKA to them, everyone else. They want to treat women like shit and expect free sex regardless of anything, desu they all deserve to die alone
Lol the faggot that keeps posting this thread should originally kill himself
Do it pussy
>implying its not his fault for lacking enough balls
Protip : women dont pull this shit on a guy they want to fuck.
You first
Again with the LARPing
Again with the projection...
Keep seething faggot, its amusing to me.
Most Chads treat women like soulless trash and they are still desired.
Very fucking wrong.
Most """Chads""" treat women like humans and have balls to stand up to them, have a life beside them etc.
You are thinking about Some thug/criminal that isnt Chad.
Welcome to hypergamy in 2012+6, where every 6+ roastie can bag a Chad.
You are delusional, quite possibly a cuck. You certainly have the mentality of a cuck, which would make you an excellent beta provider for any used up whore that wishes to exploit your resources. I'm absolutely certain that you look like a s oyfaggot. Do you browse Reddit, by any chance?
It doesn't work like that. How does one go from a socially crippled, 4/10 manlet, living with his parents in his 30's, unable to escape because of health reasons and aforementioned social crippledness... to being someone that any human female would allow into their lives?
>mentality of a cuck
>treating women like human, not taking shit from them, having life beside their whims and wishes and actually requiring anything from them is a cuck thing
Christ the level of projection on display here is astounding.
Ahhh the old but gold - hurr durr change is hard reasons.
Im 6'5 but look like pic related (because its me) and ive gotten laid
>Ahhh the old but gold - hurr durr change is hard reasons.
It's also pointless at this stage in life. I'm expected to have had my shit together 5-10 years ago. I'm not pissing away the next several years """"improving"""" only to become even more depressed that it was all for nothing.
its my board faggot i have the deeds right here
You missed my point entirely. That is to be expected from a brainwashed, subhuman Redditor like yourself, so I will attempt to make my point clearer. My comment was aimed at the assertion that Chads treat women with respect. I in no way reject the notion that women should be treated with decency, but it is factual that most are so lacking in dignity that they willingly subject themselves to becoming fucktoys to whomever is attractive enough to earn it.
>It's also pointless at this stage in life.
No its not. There is never too late to change and improve.
You are just looking for excuse to justify you sitting on your ass and for other to feel pity for you.
And your evidence is what exaclty ?
Whats the definition of treating women with respect ?
Most guy i know who are successful with chicks treat them simply as human beings - they dont bow down to them and put pussy on the pedestal like you do but also they dont treat them like shit.
>>It's also pointless at this stage in life.
>No its not. There is never too late to change and improve.
Okay bud, tell me I'll be able to find someone, when I'm a literal 40 year old virgin, who isn't a dried up cowmom of 4 trashlets from 6 Chads and I'll go for it.
Oh wait
>you fucking can't
fuck off Chad, no one wants you here
>fuck you too r9k this comment was fucking original
>b-but i cant
>b-but its hard
>do this for me
You whine like a bitch.
>You whine like a bitch.
where do you think you are, cuckold?
Doesnt change the fact that you whine like a bitch incel.
>Whats the definition of treating women with respect ?
To have equal expectations of them and ascribe equal responsibilities to them. Not to stand up for them, by any means, as you've previously stated. It is that remark in particular that forced me to conclude that you are a submissive beta basedfaggot.
>And your evidence is what exaclty ?
I could elaborate further, but I feel that convincing you would be pointless. I will however suggest that you look into the concept of hypergamy, if you wish you delve deeper.
>Most guy i know who are successful with chicks treat them simply as human beings
You'd be surprised to learn that it matters little. I'm not denying that many who enjoy success with women do treat them with respect, but it does not in any way contribute to the success they enjoy.
>they dont bow down to them and put pussy on the pedestal like you do
I'm not sexually attracted to women.
Doesnt change the fact that your a LARPing normie faggot who needs to gtfo MY board
The fact that you're on r9k or Jow Forums in general means you're a failed normie at best. Wtf would you know about women
>Its not hard to get sex if you make it your goal
incel can't get sex from Stacy even it they try, paying for sex with STD ridden trash doesn't count, also not legal in many countries
Doesnt change the fact that you're still a loser virgin whose jealous of us successful alphas and can't handle being rightfully shamed for said being a loser virgin :)
Feels good not failing at life unlike you, stay mad
Lol anyone who calls themselves an alpha should unironically neck. You're not the one who decides if you're alpha
Make me, faggot.
>Muh sikret club
You are late, faglord. By about 5 years.
Nice incel ramblings.
Typical as fuck but nice.
>I'm not sexually attracted to women.>>
Im sure you are.
>Nice incel ramblings.
Hardly a refutation. It becomes increasingly obvious that you hail from Reddit.
>Im sure you are.
I like men, but I can see why you feel the need to insist, as your incel strawman cannot function otherwise.
Incels can even get rejected by escorts or have to pay an absurd amount of money compared to their other customers, true story.
are there any stories about escorts rejecting ugly incels?
>Sub 70 iq dogs spamming this picture thinking it proves that only looks matter when it just shows correlation between judgement on looks and personality. But I guess I can't expect more from a bunch of neet high school dropouts
>Hardly a refutation
There is no refutation to psycho ramblings.
Cool story nonetheless.
>Incels can even get rejected by escorts or have to pay an absurd amount of money compared to their other customers, true story.
True stories like those "whole bus clapped" or "woke 5yo" bullshit sjw's spill everywhere ?
Incels will use everything to excuse being pathetic.
Plus it got no source.
>There is no refutation to psycho ramblings.
You couldn't give off the impression of a more typical infantile, submissive, cucked Redditor if you tried, just letting you know. Your emotionally charged refusal to address anything I've stated corroborates the stereotype.
>m-muh reddit
>b-but cuck
Thats nice honey.
I can smell the s o y from here
check incels.me
Im not even a faggot but that guy is extremely out of her league.
Oh sweet. I'm 6'5" and already got a wife. Huh? Look at that. Sage in all fields guys.
I'm 5'10" and make a solid 5 figures and I've gotten laid. Not in a few years but I've still gotten laid.
>hurr s o y
Cool story faglord.
6'10" lanklet here. What is sex like?
>hurrr durrrr what is the halo effect
>what is a scientifically observed evolutionary function
>Plus it got no source.
Statistics released by OKCupid.
It's a work out sometimes but fun and even better if it's with someone you love.