We never broke up

>we never broke up
>she takes hours to reply to my texts
>sometimes she doesnt reply
>shes not at all like she used to be
>she hasnt looked at my facebook message despite posting things on it today
It's 3am and I'm drinking a bunch of vodka. I have work in a few hours. I think I'll call her when she gets off work. I'm feeling real bad tonight, guys. Way bad.

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i'm sorry user, been there

I'll call her at 10pm but I dont want her to think im desperate or smothering her, but I want to know. At the very least get some closure or maybe she's just been busy with work or something.

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Just. Run. Like. Hell. She is a dumb careless bitch. You might be fucking her in the pussy but lemme tell ya. She is raping your feelings, your thoughts, your future...get the fuck out asap.

Chances are it ain't worth sticking around, and it won't go back to the way it used to be. You need to have a talk and see what's going on with her, and if it's some chad cunt, then cut your losses. No social media. It's easier that way

That sounds really good but what if we're wrong? Maybe it's all mental gymnastics but maybe the honeymoon phase of the relationship is over and she's jsut normalizing things? I sent her a snapchat one morning, just like our usual stupid conversations and she replied with a selfie saying "hey cutie" like she normally does but I can't remmeber if she replied to my response that day.

always ghosting these days. Things started off amazing. she used to text me first everyday and we'd call every other day after work and its just now all of a sudden this past week or so she's not like before.

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It's over. Just stop trying to contact her. Don't give her closure. She won't give a fuck but she already doesn't so who cares.

Surely she would actually be excited to text you and would actually be paying attention to your fb messages then?
If it's a sudden thing, it could be emotional or physical cheating. Has happened to me 3x

Look. Ask her what is going on with her right now why is she not talking to you anymore. Maybe ask if you can see her. DO NOT ASK ABOUT A BOYFRIEND! It will make her defensive or angry at you.

Do not ask explicitly at least

But the point is he does

Fuck user i've been there bro, just tell her IN PERSON how do you feel abut this, whats been happening between you two and how you're uncomfortable about this, you will feel better with yourself if you do this, trust me

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You could ask if it was something you did and need to work on

I fee liek that'd be too desperate sounding. You're practically begging at that point.

Dude, I've been there several times.

cut her out of your life and that's it. I understand you love her and all that shit, but you don't deserve to be put with such torture. You need to have some self respect and understand that she's bringing you harm. Dump her because her behaviour is unnaceptable and you know it.

Make it about her. You're worried that she's having a tough time with something because she's distant lately. You want to help her if you can. Stuff like that

user Im married. The honeymoon phase is long over. Its NOTHING like the shit youre going through. Get the fuck outta there.

I"m trying to figure this shit out, man. Marriage is way the fuck out there. I won't be doing that for a while but II'm trying to figure this out .
I want to make sure because she is pretty great, but fucking roasties man can't be trusted.

Going to try the other things and I like the replies but I'm going to keep drinking and I think I'm going to fall asleep toon. but keep going because I may not sleep soon. I don't want to lose ther.

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just break up with her. i can tell you from experience that your relationship is already shitcanned. do not try to fix anything, because she's already decided she's done with you, so be done with her.

if she hasn't already found someone else, then she's really looking for another at least

and als othis is kind of like old Jow Forums when it was all feels. I miss that. Thanks, guys.

>fucking roasties man can't be trusted.
You can say that again. I was with this girl for 4 years. Gave my life to her. She said she was gonna be there for me and all that shit. Ended up losing my job and she dumped me within 4 months

I don't want obut I know I should but I don't know if I can find someone else to repalce her. I don't know many people and I don't go to many normalfag social events to meet new people.

pic im feel with you all bros

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Hi OP a bit late but you should go to a bar or social and chat with other chicks. Let them know you're in a relationship but still act friendly. See if you can get a few numbers, talk to them occasionally, try to forget about your gf because if she's doing this now she's going to do it later and she's probably not worth a damn. If for some ungodly reason you want her maybe the thought of losing you to other chicks will drag her back. If she messages you then talk to her but do not reply any more than you have to. Don't try to keep the conversation going and space your replies longer than her replies.

I'm on a similar situation, we are not dating but we were really hitting it off.
She just stopped responding. I guess is time to move on

Don't listen to half of the betas here saying "run" because you'll feel like shit (been there, done that). Follow the user that said talk to her instead.

Don't be judgmental neither blame her but talk about the way you feel when she acts that way. Tell her you're worrying about your relationship with her and that you just want to understand why it changed so suddenly.

At least if it need to be ended it will be. But more probably she too doesn't understand what's going on and what's broken.

Have a fucking talk OP. I'm in the same situation as you right now, I had that talk, and my thoughts are a lot less messy right now.

Dude stop taking this shit so seriously. Bitches are fickle, they will come and go, they will go especially if you give them this sort of leverage. Don't call her man. Drink vodka sure. Go out with your mates. Fuck her lad you don't need this shit.

Be the one to bring up the growing distance. Tell her you think shit might not be working. And don't sound like needy bitch about it. If she ends up trying to convince you otherwise then tell her to be more responsive. If not then move on from the cunt. Once again don't be a needy bitch about it.

Break up. She doesnt deserve you