Now that we've debunked the myth that every woman has an easy life,
Can we all agree that women can be robots?
Now that we've debunked the myth that every woman has an easy life,
Can we all agree that women can be robots?
Life can be difficult for everyone, from a starving kid in Africa to a social retard in America and evidently for a young shy girl too. Shit's tough all around, friend.
Shit bait.
All women always have a man backing them up, relatives, partners or beta orbiters. Men don't have that. You see homeless men, you don't see homeless women.
homeless women exist, you shit eating retard.
are you literally retarded or do you not go outside i cant tell which is worse
>there are homeless women xD
>not refuting my first point
You're stupid, I'd only expect a retarded reply from women. Women don't understand the concept of relativity.
Yes, there are homeless women, but for every homeless women there are more than 10 homeless men.
My point still stands, a woman always has a male relative, partner, beta orbiter or any fuckwitt backing them up financially. Men don't have that, specially past your 20s.
Most psychiatric patients who end up in a psych ward are men. Most succeeded suicide are men. Most drug addicts and alcoholics are men. Most work-related deaths are men. And you dare to say women "don't have an easy life", when society doesn't has any expectation of you.
Your only worth in life is your pussy and your womb, past that you're a waste of space.
>hurr virgin xD
I've fucked countless prostitutes, sex is a transaction. I see women as they are, worthless and dumb compared to men. I've only seen worthy women in a professional environment and they basically behave like men.
>Big booty from squatting
>Thighs stay skinny
Like this? Cuz if so Stacy looks stupid. Thick thighs, wide hips and big, round bum cheeks are the holy trinity of booty. Neither can exist without the other or else you're prolly gonna look like an ant queen.
As a woman you can pay money to become good looking. There is a whole industry that will make you look better. My 5/10 gf just goes to beauty shop to fix her eyebrows, nails and have a decent haircut and she immediately bumps to a 7/10 just by doing that. Fuck you and your Reddit faggotry. I hope you will get aids and die alone.
I may be dumb and worthless but at least im not a shit posting misogynist like you are.
That actually hurts a little bit.:(
>cankles from cardio
Why dont you fuck off back to your faggot site?
So average.
I dont even reach the standard of average attractiveness. I am a hideous fuck. Hideous women like me are doomed to live a life of loneliness with 40 cats.
This post was so frank I almost teared up.
>muh soggy knees xD
6/10 bait because you made me reply. If you're actually female (which I highly doubt) then fuck off this place and go back to rebbit, you're just attentionwhoring and looking for beta orbiters in this place because you're so pathetic that you can't get neither in real life.
>you're just attentionwhoring and looking for beta orbiters in this place because you're so pathetic that you can't get neither in real life.
>Dr.Who and Harry Potter
all the girls I have known who liked that shit were basic bitch alt-girl tumblrinas who thought "I am not like the other girls" while being just like all the other girls I that knew
The only things a woman has to do to be attractive to men:
>reach BMI between 20 and 25
>wear normal female clothes
>apply make-up
Unless said woman is a burn or acid attack victim, she now is at least 5/10.
>apply make-up
I dont like deceiving men though. I want to filter out all the shallow pigs with just my bare face. (Unfortunately id be left with zero)
>daddy's mistake
I like that detail.
Nobody cares, bitch. Have some dignity and stop posting.
hello k. what have you been up to?
im the epitome of a female robot im not going anywhere as unfortunate as it sounds
this is pretty good. I'd go lower with the bmi though. Like 19-22
i respect someone not wanting to deceive men, but it isn't fair to say wanting to be with someone attractive makes you a shallow pig
the absolute originalicious truth
All women do it.
A little lower is indeed better, but under 20 can look too skelly on some people.
>Now that we've debunked the myth that every woman has an easy life,
Citation needed, cunt.
I like this mentality, i can't understand what's the deal with make up and why people think it's important.
Send me a picture of you at [email protected], i'll rate it,
it's a temporary mail box, you have 6:00 minutes.
Why haven't you realized yet that men are much more shallow than women? Women will always be morally above men.
Nietzche consider morality as weakness, because it turn humans into sheeps and they become incapable of thinking for themselves.
>deletes incel subreddit
>mocks incels on different subreddit and all over the internet
>female incel subreddit is a-ok
I could give a fuck less about a "incel" but this is reason why I dont care for reddit
Didnt that sub get deleted a while back? Kike reddit mods smfh
(same poster here)
so yeah, womens are morally above mens because they follow the rules instead of creating their own and thinking ahead, as expected of the weak beings they are.
>posting that sub on Jow Forums
i wouldn't do that, kind of a faggot thing to do.
thats like CNN doing a full 12 hour special on Jow Forums, it fucks everything up for a while
Since it's a fembot thread. I have a question. Would you consider to be in a polyamorous relationships with a 7/10 couple? No abuse or STDs.
Kill yourseIf pIease
Woman can be robots, but only when they reach their mid-thirties, their looks fade and all the men they like start chasing younger women.
The female version of an incel is a forty year old woman who lives alone with 10 cats.
Anyone got a picture of Sleuth1ngSloth? I want to see how hideous this living being is.
it's the same with men, they almost always have one or more girls they're working on
The girl is actually normal looking, even cute, just chubs.
Get lost you fucking whore
curse this subreddit for giving me hope that there are untainted women out there
Dear fembot and fembot poster/possible board creator of r/trufemcels
Please do not use the term robot to refer to an incel. See definition of robot:
Robot: an individual who has one or more developmental disorders which impact their ability to express themselves
and relate to others using body language, emotional expression, socially appropriate humor, reasoning, and trust.
Incel : an individual who considered themself as unable to obtain a genuine romantic partner despite desiring one,
due to a combination of societal causes, psychological disorders, physical deformities, and inability to find an appropriate
partner/pass as an appropriate partner with regards looks as defined by common standards regarding attractiveness.
I perused a casual selection of the posts on your subreddit and i'm still seeing there
are distinct gender differences which lead me to conclude women cannot be incels.
On your subreddit, the majority of posts complain about standards for attractiveness, but nearly
all of the things women are expected to do to be attractive are things women believe make them attractive.
None of them, in fact, make them attractive to men. And a lot of your posts have to do with other women
perceiving you as un-attractive. This is a dillema males don't face, and it's important because it shows your priorities.
For you, it's nearly 50/50 your desire to be attractive to men/attractive to your competition.
That you believe your competition for male attention is unrealistic is normal. However, that you believe the demands
of other women for you to pass muster among women on qualities women value in women are unrealistic is meaningless,
and what's worse, that you deliberately muddle these two shows that you really don't recognize male interests as important
in deciding whether or not you can be attractive. As a consequence, it is immaterial what you think about incel perspectives on women.
As proof of this, none of the women presented as attractive on the truefemcels subbreddit are actually pretty.
All of them exhibit a kind of photogenic beauty typical of women's magazines but not really what men seem to like.
I wouldn't rank any of them above a five even if the common perspective of a five is much less photogenic.
Second to this criticism of woman's mentality about themselves, I want to bring into perspective the wurstie phenomena.
Here again we have a gendered difference where in translation it is obvious your plight is that chad doesn't want you.
Incels do not want to be desired by stacy. You're only illustrating for us by your own words that women really are like locks
and men really are like keys. You whine about how normie men and about how robot men mistreat you but it's transparent
to us that you're the kind of creature who doesn't want parity in her relationships and doesn't want to invest into her persona
or into the benefits she brings into a relationship, or else you would talk more about what you've done that hasn't been appreciated.
You want to be appreciated just for being a woman far more than we want to be appreciated just for being a man.
And that is why you cannot be incels, you will never be an incel, because you will always have a superiority complex.
>incel wants to express how much he is willing to care for his gf
>femcel instead of appreciating the intention behind it goes on mental gymnastics to prove why what he literally said makes him a bad person
They deserve to be alone.
Good god i just looked around that place. Its just incels gender swapped. So sad to see so many people just so wrong about everything and completely giving up on relationships
Ironically there is such a thing as a femcel, but in my opinion that's a futuristic concept that relates to the inevitable future where
through synthetic genetic editing a new kind of woman is created who is genetically different from h. sapiens females, but still
able to reproduce with males, a woman who will reproduce daughters who carry her modified DNA and sons, who in turn in
gestation and during childhood development have genetic code that results in brain structures more like that of a male, and
therefore more able to function as part of the euosocial hypersociety of the present and future of mankind.
In that era, all of the women who have natural foid genetics will be unable to find partners because LITERALLY NO MALE
will want to reproduce with them. We will ONE AND ALL want females capable of thinking and acting a little more like sensual
boys with tits who perceive themselves different by design and who will want to reproduce with us. Natural foids will be femcels,
and they will all mope and then they will die off.
Of course, there's also a future where males are considered obsolete and male behavioral patterns are genetically edited to be more
desirable to women, but that would just result in niggers as the only way men can be more desirable to women through genetics is
for them either to act more like men and to think like women, ie emotionally charged violent beasts. Women could then selectively
tame out the masculinity but this would result in dramatic increases of homosexuals , cucks, and pussy feminized wimpy males, who
natural females do not find desirable. The end result of that timeline is the species dying out.
Female standards are much higher, that's all.
Sooner or later, we(the collective voice of humankind, possessing female identity) will replace you(modern females)
with something that will better serve serve us(the living genes of humankind), and our needs.
You, however, will never find something better to replace them(the collective of males, who serve by nature).
The males of the human species are as the females of the bee species. Infinite by number, servile by nature,
they organize into armies and fight on behalf of their queen(the living genes of humankind, represented by females).
The king's palace is served by many men and eunuchs, but female advisers are few in number around the queen.
Admit it: you have the misfortune to be born into an era of female liberation(read, survival and life no longer dependent
on reproduction and service to men, and therefore no longer able to rely on the service of men), and, as liberated(read,
no longer servants, now free to wander as you desire), you no longer have any purpose to the species.
You've been taught that consent is complicated and that you should think twice before you have a baby.
All this has done is ensure the most intelligent, educated women will have the fewest number of children, resulting in
the species stagnating at a barrier intelligence level. You've learned from millions of years of evolution that
genetics are complicated and you should look to a man who possesses diverse and possibly exotic genes in order to have
the most healthy children(translation, homogenize your genes with the genetics least like your own if possible,
ensuring that the chance of any beneficial mutation is least likely to be present in both parents). And liberal systems
have force-fed you the notion that this is natural despite other forces in your instinct telling you otherwise.
So much for female standards being high.
But society used to be more strict. It used to be you could only find a mating partner who fortunately was quite similar
genetically to yourself. Not so much consanguineous, but very much so related. A lack of cheap, convenient long distance transport,
language, political, economic and religious barriers chained woman's reproductive potential to mates that were within a given distance.
And there were not that many of them, and a woman really quite needed a husband for protection and for his labor, which ensured that women
married as soon as they found a reasonably sufficient mate, found their daughters husbands as quickly as culture allowed, unlike today's world
where a woman literally has so many potential candidates on tinder that she simply cannot choose anyone, and can only go for one night stands.
The factors of these antiquated conditions ensured that beneficial mutations had a somewhat higher chance of accumulating within a gene pool,
especially when genetically successful individuals had more children and genetically dysfunctional individuals didn't survive long. Note that there
is an implied eugenics aspect of this which a foid or troll might use to imply incels wouldn't reproduce and would have been bred out. This isn't
necessarily true- inceldom relates most heavily to social performance. Your social skills and social performance wasn't as important in medeival
and prehistoric societies as your ability to work, solve problems, be a good partner, etc.
Face it: woman, you live in an era where, metaphorically woman is a dysfunctional dinosaur with tiny arms.
The collective ramifications of your thought process have created the incel community. Have created the "refugee state". Have created
a world where whites, japanese, and other historically strong gene lines are now dying out only to be replaced by unironically inbred strains
from the middle east and other regions where might is considered more important like empathy.
Woman is by the reasoning I have presented here a terminus. She can't evolve further, her needs and demands prohibit it.
But the species MUST in order to overcome challenges intrinsic to our resource demands. We need 200+ IQ humans.
We MUST go to space. It is an implied law of entropy that when life can and must overcome an obstacle in order to survive,
it will find a way. And the only way to overcome woman is to bypass woman entirely.
Men en-masse will finance the creation of armies of female clones who possess superior judgement skills and are more prone
to reasoning as man does himself. Such a woman is more likely to be loyal and more likely to be able to contribute useful skills
for survival. Such a woman represents an opportunity to custom-select genetics which will result in higher IQ sons and daughters.
You cannot reasonably get a similar outcome from engineering a male lover, because most genes regulating intelligence are
X-linked "mother's curse" genes. Women pass down more DNA in every generation than males do male-to-male, and the bottleneck
of evolution lies in the plethora of genes regulating transcription, expression, and mutation coming from the mother's side.
But these topics are mudane when we consider that even women hate women. Women themselves are better off being replaced by
this hybrid intelligence, this engineered female with an improved euosocial nature and more servile, masculine nature. Such a woman
would be much more opinionated but also much more logical about women's rights, gender identity, and female roles in society.
She's the right thing for feminism. She fulfills the genuine aims of feminism in a way women of today can only hinder it.
So sorry ladies, but you're obsolete. We're replacing you. Signed - humankind
Holy fuck user, this post.
Addendum :
This diatribe would not be complete without a hacky attempt to integrate survival of the individual.
In prehistoric and historic times, few people lived past 40. You reproduced, and that was it. You died not long after.
Reproducing is a strenuous activity that taxes all of the systems of the mother, and without access to antibiotics,
modern surgical assistance, and postreproductive senior care services like osteoperosis medication, uterus removal,
and other misc. not gender specific care like heart surgery and medicine, women died, and they tended to die early.
They also tended to reproduce early. Anthropologists like to edit history and say most women wern't married off
until 18 or 19 or so. They say this in the same breath they say women are at their most sexually active in their 30s.
These are obvious attempts at social engineering. Women readily admit that having a child after 30, especially your
first child, is a risky procedure with the possibility of genetic disorders such as down syndrome and autism. It doesn't
make reproductive sense for a species to healthily evolve or even maintain genetic integrity if all of the females started
having genetically damaged offspring. The average age of female reproduction in historic times over 400 years ago isn't
well known, especially since age of marriage and age of offspring in times before Christianity was rarely documented,
but it makes sense to believe it would have been earlier rather than later.
Assuming ancient civilizations had reasonable intelligence, and didn't have access to condoms, and liked sex as much
as we do today, it makes sense they would have sought to obtain sexual partners who were younger, even those who hadn't
even entered menarche, in order to enjoy the pleasure of sex without the consequences of it. Human female fertility tends to
reach it's peak around 8 years after menarche, but menarche also comes sooner when females have a diet consisting largely of meat.
As we know prehistoric civilizations couldn't farm, and didn't always have nuts and berries, it makes sense that an early menarche
around 8 or 9 was the average for millions of years of our evolution(it's way, way sooner than that in other species like apes and cattle).
Females on average probably reproduced at around 14, and reproduced from 1-6 times, and on average died in their 30-40s.
Which makes sense. A woman starts to look seriously old around 24 and a half, on average, that's where the hill is- past that she
loses her youthful appearance and must begin to mask her age consciously with foundation and blush.
Males on the other hand... As there are often wars, and the most powerful males maintain harems, males often had to wait their turn.
Over the course of evolution, males, going right up to being human males, must maintain the qualities that allow them to reproduce
(strength, male fertility, and some attractiveness signalling their fertility and strength) for as long as they had to wait for a female.
I would imagine some had to wait 1 and some even 2 generations to find a reproductive partner. Over the eons, this results in males
whose looks are preserved well into their 50s and who can reproduce well into their 70s.
Eggy explains it pretty well
All of the modern taboos and social constructs have been designed to maintain a society around women for women's needs.
It is by nature gynecentric- the prisons can be filled with men and men can kill themselves en droves, but this isn't important.
As long as the things men think women need, women get, and as long as the things women think women need, women get,
society maintains itself in stasis perpetuating a mythology satisfactory to a woman's ego and insecurities.
And by modern, I mean the past thousand years, not the past hundred.
In the past hundred, and more specifically past 50 years we have run into such exotic reproductive conditions and social economics
as illustrated early on in my posts that it has become apparent that society is dysfunctional and that women are a burden even to themselves.
These conditions are growing increasingly unbearable. It is getting to the point now where incels are on the 50/50 line, where they are no longer
sure that they are without the things they need like sex and female validation and help paying the rent and help dealing with crippling depression,
and are beginning to believe that women are the ones hungry for cocks who are going to go increasingly without as males cease to care about them.
Indeed, while I would like another girlfriend, in my present status i am almost to the point of believing that if a woman, attractive or not, came to me
and begged me to reproduce with her, I would turn her away, not out of a desire to be celibate, but out of disgust at what i've come to understand
the human beast- and more specifically the human female- is. I look forward to having a partner who, while they may be human, while they may have
flaws, even serious ones of personality and biology, is nevertheless genetically disposed towards thought patterns that I can find less repulsive.
>tfw reading wiki article and see "by age 16 half of female eggs gone"
no duh females reproduce best when young
do you ladies want to make a femrobot discord?
I still think men have it harder, but I do think that women can be robots.
Women can be robots but robot != incel
>I dont like deceiving men though
Who cares? As long as it's convincing I wouldn't care.
If this image is legit
The only "femcels" that can exist, are the one who are severely ugly, and I'm not talking about the ones who have a slightly exaggerated facial feature, I'm talking about the ones who are full on deformed.
Not only do they have to be extremely ugly, but they also have to be obese.
I have looked into this and I have found that even extremely ugly and deformed women
have no trouble finding a male to breed with them and be by their side.
However, the same is not true of obese women. Especially black obese women.
And a lot of this truefemcel subreddit is basically black women and obese women whining
because men expect them to live up to the standards to which they would subject a man.
Nobody wants to fuck a big black nigger, period. Just stop being a big black nigger.
But fat people aren't incels, I've seen many fat women marry guys, and not all of the guys are fat.
But a fat guy being married only happens when they get fat after marriage.
That's a male poster, not a femcel
wow, that, doesn't make any sense
Hahahahahah who said the left cant meme
>Now that we've debunked the myth that every woman has an easy life,
>Can we all agree that women can be robots?
Lol no. Stop trying so hard to attain a title you dont deserve.
Fucking got em. Lets go hit up Starbucks after that one and get us some onions mochas
The absolute shit their replies to this post is hilarious.
Yes but 99 percent are druggies that will squander every opportunity given to them
Whereas men will be completely sane and stay homeless. There's a difference.
Why the heck would any woman want to be a robot or a femcel? These are negative titles for horrible people who contribute nothing positive to the world.
>Says lol obnoxiously twice
Stop larping as a girl you fucking rotten potato
>this idiot thinks i'm larping as a girl
Not sure what level of cope you're on but i'm a fucking guy lmao.
My fucking sides
I'm confuss if I should save this pasta
I don't doubt women's issues at all. I just don't think they meet the requirements of a robot in my view. That bitter roastie hating thing. Blaming everyone but yourself etc. That utter darkness
This might be the saddest reply I've seen in years
>woman says you need to demonstrate value
I'm not even gonna bother clicking that link, but I can guarantee you 99 percent most of the girls there have either
>had bfs
>not virgins
>under 20
>hi I'm a redditor can you agree that I'm a robot?
Not an ounce of self awareness, annoying cunts.
Then all that horseshit about not wearing makeup because you're such an honest person was a cope, you just don't want to make yourself more attractive and improve your odds because you're so wrapped up in how you're such a robot and you're so tragic and alone.
Self-indulgent cunt.
They're all
>men only want me for sex
Which is appropriate because what else do you bring that I can't get from my friends?
So I did go through some post. And surprise surprise, they're not even incels. What a fucking joke. This is why you never take "Fembots" serious.
fucking based m8s above /\
How new are you in this place?
>. A woman starts to look seriously old around 24 and a half, o
This is literally only true for white women. Fuck off
I wonder if I asked out those women on that sub-Reddit, how many of them would reject me. I bet most, if not all of them.
Shit bait.
original okay
>we're not a dating service tee hee fuck off incels
>abloo bloo im so sad i cant get someone to love me
Every time. Every single fucking time.
Women cannot robots.
>claim to be involuntarily celibate
>need to enforce a NO MALE ATTENTION rule because otherwise they'd be flooded with offers of sex
>7 Replies
>UNIRONICALLY getting baited by that post
lurk for 2 more years before posting again.
I'm into that femcel.
I've already refuted this subreddit.
>I keep stressing that the moids that come here are visitors only. For this reason, certain debates that they insist on having are simply not allowed.
This pisses me off, because I have questions. First, I want to know what the fuck the definition of a "noid" is, even though I can tell from context clues. Second, I want to ask them, in sincerity, if they have tried getting laid on Tinder or OkCupid. There are some women who can't form meaningful relationships with people, and those people do deserve pity, but I simply can't believe there are women who are incapable of having casual sex, and I want to know why they believe they can't.
They believe they can get casual sex though. They call themselves celibate because they can't get married.
Can men do that too?